Chapter 9 : The groans of pain

Shaking off his paranoia for only a moment, Riser Phenex walked off to another section of the Underworld, hopeful in gathering some pleasant thoughts.

Kuoh Academy (Next Day)

"Excuse me, Issei Hyoudou?"

At the call of his name, Issei stopped in his pace and turned to see a handsome young man with short blonde hair and light-grey eyes walking towards him. The blonde-haired boy smiled at Issei, and held out his hand.

"How are you? My name's Yuuto Kiba."

Issei reached to shake Yuuto's hand in respect.

"It's nice to meet you too, Kiba-san."

Nodding in respect, Yuuto looked around the hallways, and looked back at Issei.

"The word around school says you're a new student here. Am I right?"

"Mhm." Issei nodded in reply.

"Well then, I should tell you that I really think you'll like this school."

Issei rose an eyebrow at Yuuto's statement.

"I will?"

"Hey look! It's Yuuto Kiba! Our Prince Charming!"

"Is that the new guy?! He's so cute!"

"Hey, maybe he's another Prince Charming!"

"No way! We can't have more than one Prince Charming!"

"Why not?!"

Issei adopted a puzzled look from the strange comments he was hearing from the girls in the hallways. Yuuto just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess that means we're rivals, huh, Ise-san?"

The brown-haired young man was genuinely confused right now. He had no idea what the girls were talking about.

"Hey, Issei-kun!"

Both Issei and Yuuto turned to see Yuuma Amano running towards them. Behind Issei, Yuuto's eyes narrowed just a bit, but he quickly softened his expression and smiled. Yuuma noticed the demonic aura within Yuuto, but she composed herself as she smiled at Issei.

"How are you doing? You worried me a little bit after school yesterday."

Issei rose an eyebrow at her words, but then he remembered what Yuuma was talking about.

"Yeah, I was tired, so I wanted to get home as quickly as possible. Sorry I made you worry."

"No, no, it's fine." Yuuma smiled warmly, "Just as long as you're okay."

Issei took notice of Yuuma's tone.

Why was Yuuma so worried about him? He sure was interacting with a lot more people than he had anticipated. Looking cautiously at Yuuto for a bit, Yuuma returned her sight to Issei.


"Hey, Ise-san." Yuuto cheerfully interrupted her.

Yuuma sent him a subtle but irritated glare to Yuuto.

'How dare he interrupt me?! And with a smile no less!'

Issei took a step back as he noticed Yuuma's eyes taking a more darker and sinister look. Yuuto smiled as he continued his sentence.

"After school is over, I would appreciate it if you would come with me. At Kuoh Academy, we have an organization called the Occult Research Club, and the President has been eager for you to see the club for yourself."

The mention of the Devil's club prompted a look of surprise from Yuuma.

'What does the daughter of the Gremory Clan want with him?! Are the Devils watching him as well?'

Issei blinked at Yuuto's offer, and he lifted a finger up to speak, until he started to hear a series of painful shouts from outside.

"Hey look! Someone's fighting the Perverted Duo outside."

'Perverted Duo?' Issei thought to himself.

Issei, Yuuto, and Yuuma made their way outside to see a crowd of students. Pushing past the crowd, the trio looked in surprise to see two males groaning in agony on the ground. One male was a jock, and the other male wore glasses.

"Why, why?! All I wanted to do was touch some of your oppai!"

"Why is she so cruel?!"

Issei rubbed his head in confusion. Yuuma scoffed and crossed her arms, clearly not amused at the scene in front of her.


Issei blinked and looked over at Yuuma in puzzlement.

"You know them, Yuuma-san?"

"Unfortunately. Matsuda and Motohama. They're the infamous perverted students here at Kuoh Academy. They've caused a lot of trouble here, and it looks like someone actually did something about it."

"Tch. Such idiotic perverts."

Lifting his head up at the familiar voice, Issei stared in awe at the sight of a familiar -silver haired girl glaring coldly at both Matsuda and Motohama.


Leiko Hyoudou looked up at the call of her name, and her harsh glare morphed into a warm and soft gaze as she smiled at Issei.

"Ah, Ise-itoko."

"What happened over here? And why are you at Kuoh Academy?"

Planting her foot on top of Motohama, Leiko smiled as she explained the situation to her cousin.

"On a whim, I wanted to see what my baby cousin's school looked like. But as soon as I entered the school-gates, I caught these two idiots following me."

She kicked both of the perverts for good measure and crossed her arms.

"You're not planning to attend here, are youl?" Issei asked.

If his cousin was attending Kuoh Academy, it was definitely going to be a strange year for Issei, knowing Leiko's personality.

Leiko closed her eyes and shook her head in response to Issei's question.

"Not a chance, cousin. I just wanted to see what your school looked like, that's all. Hmm. Not a bad appearance at all."

Both Yuuma and Yuuto shared reluctant glances as they watched the verbal exchange between Issei and Leiko.

'Cousins?! From what I can tell, her aura is completely human! Issei's on the other hand...'

'Huh. That's weird. Her energy isn't the same at all as Ise-san's. Are they even related?'

Smiling in amusement, Leiko stepped back and waved to Issei as she made her departure.

Chuckling at the look on her cousin's face, Leiko left the school-gates, wondering other ways on how she could get Issei out of his shell.

"Take care, cousin. I'll see you at home." She called out to Issei.

The crowd of students had already scattered back inside the school, leaving Issei, Yuuma, Yuuto, and the Perverted Duo outside.

Ignoring the groans of pain from Matsuda and Motohama, Yuuma narrowed her eyes as she looked over to Issei.


"Haha. Well, I'll see you later, Ise-san. I've got to get back to class."

Both Issei and Yuuma turned to see Yuuto waving goodbye at the former as he entered into the school. Looking back at Issei, Yuuma dissolved her serious look into a cheerful smile, and she connected her arms with Issei's own.

Issei flinched from the unexpected contact, and he looked over at Yuuma in surprise. Yuuma giggled at the look on Issei's face.