Chapter 7:Strength doesn't hurt the brain

长庆城的许多美女都沦为赵静的猎物,遭受了他的残忍之手.那些刻骨铭心的回忆,就像无法愈合的伤疤,在女人和丈夫的心中留下了难以驱散的巨大心理阴影.赵静反复提到方原,明眼人都能看出他那扭曲的恋物癖又开始骚动起来.韩婉心中充满了无奈,因为她即将成为他的妻子,但他仍然在为这些琐碎的事情思考.想到这里,韩婉下意识地揉了揉自己的额头.这是她即将托付一辈子的男人...未来似乎远非她所希望的那么美好.冷静下来仔细想想,方原也不是没用.他面貌不错,面容俊美,年纪轻轻,身材散发着青春的纯真.他有一些独特之处,但不幸的是...想到这里,韩婉突然摇了摇头,试图摆脱所有这些混乱的思绪."人都已经死了,我想要这些东西干什么?"她很快在心里又做了一个平衡:"我们不能只看好处.方原是个傻子,出身卑微,真的配不上我的地位.再说了,他已经是我治病的导药员了,从一开始,他就注定用了就要被丢弃了."但赵静完全不同.他是县县监督员的儿子.他的武功造诣达到了七层,是真正的武林天才!这样想着,韩婉的心情莫名的轻松和喜悦.赵静完全没有意识到韩婉心中复杂的情绪变化.他用右手深情抚摸着她的腰,说道:"婉儿,一个月后,我就去广汉宫深造听到这句话,韩婉的心顿时一动,她问道:"你是认真的吗?长庆县位于燕国境内,却只是一个不起眼的小县城.在它之上,还有更多广阔的国家.长庆县隶属于广汉府,广汉府下辖 25 个县城.广汉宫是州长的官邸.当然是真的..."赵靖带着得意的语气笑了笑,"广寒宫老爷子注意到了我的武功天赋,想收我为弟子韩婉忍不住笑了起来,拍手赞美道:"真是太棒了!的确,韩家的决定是正确的.能够与广寒宫建立关系,眼前这个青年...前途光明!看到韩婉脸上幸福的表情,赵静继续道:"广寒宫必须有严格的规章制度.我去了那里,恐怕没有多少闲暇时间了.所以这个月,我需要好好放松.婉儿,恐怕你一个人满足不了我.我希望你能理解我,同情我.韩婉脸上的笑容瞬间凝固了.她还能说什么呢...对方前途无量,是韩家浓厚依恋的对象.她只能艰难地点点头以表示理解.如此一来,在接下来的一个月里,长庆城的那些美女很可能会再次遭受重大犯罪.


发生了什么事?"韩婉连忙问道.那个傻瓜,那个傻瓜还活着!"女仆推开门,焦急地说.在汉服里,只有一个人被称为傻子.方原?"韩婉皱起眉头.这家伙还没死呢?沈毛不是已经该照顾这个傻小弟了吗?什么都没做就收钱...然而,在得知赵拜已经进入广寒宫后,她完全不理会方原,随口说道:"如果你还活着,就找别人杀了你.这有什么难的"等!"赵静眼中闪过奇异的光芒,言语中流露出兴奋."先别杀他.如果你能把那个傻瓜带过来,你就可以玩得很开心韩婉的脸上露出不悦的神色,因为她已经猜到了赵静的想法.正要说话时,丫鬟带着紧张的表情焦急地打断了她,说道:"叔叔和小姐,不妙.是方原...他来敲门了...十分钟前,一个身穿蓝色衬衫的青年轻快地穿过熙熙攘攘的人群.随着他们越来越接近韩府,越来越多的人认出了方原的身份,想起了昨天他像死狗一样被带走的尴尬模样.所有人看着方原,眼中神中带着复杂的表情,包括惊讶,嘲讽和怜悯...In a certain shop, several women sat together, staring closely at the blue shirt on the street and whispering:"Oh, is that kid a son-in-law of the Han family""That's right, it's him. That face is too recognizable. Didn't he get beaten up by the Han government and kicked out""Well, I don't know if it's true or false that it's because I had an affair with a maid and stole things""Can there be any falsehood in what the Han family said? Such shameless scoundrels still have the face to come back! "A beautiful woman let out a contemptuous sneer."...With a 'click', Fang Yuan's footsteps suddenly stopped in the crowd, then turned around and walked towards these women who were discussing. A person who has nothing left cannot tolerate any resentment in their heart, and naturally cannot hear any slanderous words in their ears. You guys just need to watch, why do you have to be so vulgar?Oh, hey... "Seeing this, one of the women inexplicably panicked and said," He's walking towards us"What are you afraid of? He's just a foolish son-in-law who was kicked out of the house. Does he think the Han family will support him? "The beautiful woman snorted coldly and coquettishly shouted," My lord, there's a fool trying to bully me"As soon as the words fell, her father-in-law, a burly bald man, strode out of the shop behind him with a fierce expression on his face and shouted, "Who! Who is so bold?"A hint of mockery appeared on the face of the beautiful woman. Her man was a warrior and a core member of the Black Tiger Martial Arts School, with strength reaching level five.If this silly kid really dares to come and find fault, his own man will definitely beat him up and make him scream like a dog! The more the beautiful woman thought about it, the more proud she became. With a smile on her lips, she looked at Fang Yuan, hoping to see the fearful and withdrawn expression on his face.But what disappointed her was that Fang Yuan's expression remained unchanged, and his steps forward did not hesitate at all."Kid, are you looking for trouble? "The bald warrior shouted at Fang Yuan, who was quickly approaching. Fang Yuan did not respond and placed his right hand on the shoulder of the bald warrior like lightning..Before the bald warrior could react, he heard Fang Yuan calmly say, "Excuse me for a moment." As soon as he finished speaking, with a gentle push, the bald warrior with a tiger's back and a bear's waist was pushed out several meters away by Fang Yuan, stumbling and falling to the ground in embarrassment."How is that possible? "Exclaimed the bald warrior. With such a robust physique, he was easily knocked down by this young man's gentle push?Before he could recover, his beautiful wife... had already been completely exposed in front of Fang Yuan. Immediately, under the stunning gaze of the beautiful woman, Fang Yuan raised his right hand and slapped her in the face!With a crisp 'pop' sound, just a casual slap, the beautiful woman felt like she had been electrocuted and fell to the ground instantly, her face visibly swollen.Ah ah! "The women around screamed in fear and scattered in all directions.Fang Yuan ignored the others, picked up the swollen head of the beautiful woman, leaned in close to her ear, and whispered, "Do you know why I only hit you? If you want to speak ill of someone, just hide behind their back and say it honestly. If someone hears you, don't blame them for scolding you. Do you understand?"At this moment, the beautiful woman, also known as the 'pig headed woman', was sobbing. She only felt dizzy and disoriented, but she didn't completely pass out, so she heard Fang Yuan's words very clearly.Fang Yuan's slap... the force was just right, making people confused but not damaging their brains.