I visited daniel again and found out that Siju had an argument with Jason for trying to kiss me. Since then, Jason had been trying to play it safe. During our break hours, I decided to go by the garden where I could get some fresh air and think, the flowers smelt nice and seated there just enjoying the cool breeze, I didn't know when Siju walked in. He sat on the other side of the flower vase that was in between, he watched me closely and said "Hi, Sonia", immediately my heart dropped and I said "Hey, Siju". He asked me why I'd come here often? And I responded with a question, how do you know I come here often? His response, " it's not like I care or whatever, but I guess you like the roses". Yeah I do, and he back fired with, "Do you randomly just kiss strangers?
What did you say? I asked, shocked that he could say something like that to me.
I mean, only cheap girls would do that, he continued. And then I asked myself, why didn't I feel upset by the words coming out of his mouth. He continued, there's just something about you that makes me feel irritated, but at the same time, it makes me want you more!
And then I asked, why don't you just have me ? He continued " You're....
Just then a group of kids walking towards the garden interrupted and just as he saw them, his entire attitude changed. And they asked him why both of us were alone and he said, he only came by to pick a flower for tasha, some girl I had never heard of and he walked off.
This got me thinking that something was definitely wrong somewhere. I ran over to fetch daniel who was my middleman. He laughed after I told him everything and then he asked me, Do you really know the person you're in love with? I mean I know him, but do I know him? I responded. He then told me that so many other girls were onto him and he played with them like toys and that I'm possibly a candidate as well. But then I asked, if he usually would send someone on the lookout before he gets the girl. Daniel said, this was the only difference he made this time and then I wondered, definitely there must be something special about me. But I continued with my questions, what would make him switch up from being a cool and nice guy when we were alone to being rude and annoying when he saw people. Daniel said, he probably was scared others might think he had something going on with me. At that I scoffed, is there anything wrong with me ? Or better still, is he ashamed of being with me? If he was, why would he talk to me secretly then?
I don't know, Daniel responded.
I left daniel, feeling somewhat confused and really upset at the same time. What if I made the wrong choice, what if I was living a lie?
The evening came and we all watched a movie, the lights were switched off and the hall was dark, I and jason were seated and just as he got up to get a drink, I heard a voice behind saying, "I'm sorry about earlier, I freaked out". Siju? Why would you do this if later you're gonna be weird and stupid again? I immediately responded.
I'm really sorry, I promise, he responded. Just then Jason walks in and asks me to take a walk with him, In the field. We left and then he sat me on a rock and told me
"Hey, I know this is gonna sound stupid, but I promise I only accepted because I thought you'd be quirky and silly". My friend whom we saw earlier, asked me to try you out to see if he could be compatible with you and I agreed, but spending time with you, has made me realize how amazing you are and no guy in his right mind would want to waste time getting you".
I.. I really like you Sonia and I don't care what my friend thinks and... please say you feel the same for me"
I took in a deep breath and said, what if, one day you get in a massive fight with your friend and it causes you to cut ties with me, would you do that? Would you stand by me, or would agree with your friends to make peace?
I really don't know how to answer this, but one thing I'm sure about is that, I'll never leave you, no matter what happens to us, Jason responded and then he kissed me.
After locking lips with the guy I never planned to fall in love with, the stars, the moon, the whole earth exploded right before my eyes!!!! I felt like I was floating in the air and at the same time, I was really dizzy. But one thing I couldn't see, was how Siju hid behind the bushes and watched us. He immediately left, obviously disappointed and he began to spread the rumour to every kid in camp. And you know kids, information blows up like wild fire in their midst. From one kid to the other, the camp filled with almost three thousand kids, got to know about my little adventure in the field. The counsellors got to know, for one, that I sneaked out of movie night, and that I kissed a guy and not just any guy, but a counselor's kid. It felt like hell. All the guys laughed at me, although the girls found me brave enough to do it, even though it was unplanned. We were called to defend ourselves, I didn't wanna tell a lie, but at the same time, I didn't wanna lose Jason. On the other hand, I wondered what Jason would have told them since we were called in separately.