Chapter 22: Temporary Alliance

The days following their silent agreement were strangely… tolerable.

Ji-Ah and Evelyn had an unspoken understanding now—play along, avoid unnecessary fights, and keep their respective families satisfied while they figured out their exit strategy.

Of course, that didn't mean things were easy.

If anything, the media attention grew worse. Every time they appeared together, reporters bombarded them with questions about their "perfect love story."

Evelyn handled it effortlessly, answering with just the right amount of charm and mystery. Ji-Ah, on the other hand, barely hid her irritation.

It didn't help that Min-Hye and Seo-Jun loved reminding her about her new wife-to-be.

"So, have you two picked out wedding colors yet?" Min-Hye teased over lunch.

Ji-Ah shot her a glare. "Shut up."

Seo-Jun smirked. "Ooh, that's a great idea. Maybe a classic white and gold? Or maybe something bold—red and black, to match Ji-Ah's murderous glare."

Ji-Ah groaned, dropping her head onto the table. "I hate both of you."

Min-Hye laughed. "No, you hate Evelyn. Or so you keep saying. But tell me, why are you still texting her?"

Ji-Ah immediately sat up. "I am not texting her."

Seo-Jun leaned over and grabbed her phone before she could react. His eyes widened. "Oh my god. You are texting her."

Min-Hye gasped dramatically. "What does it say? 'Good morning, my dearest fiancée'?"

Ji-Ah snatched the phone back, face burning. "It's nothing. Just… logistics. We have to act like we get along, remember?"

Seo-Jun and Min-Hye exchanged knowing looks but didn't push further.

Ji-Ah hated that they had a point.

Evelyn's Own Battles

Meanwhile, Evelyn had her own issues to deal with.

Her father was growing impatient.

"You're doing well so far," he remarked over dinner one evening. "But I expect more."

Evelyn resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "More of what, exactly?"

Her father set his glass down, eyes sharp. "You and Ji-Ah are both powerful in your own right. Together, you'll be unstoppable. But I need you to make sure she falls in line. Ji-Ah is… stubborn. We can't afford for her to be reckless."

Evelyn's grip on her fork tightened. "I'm not going to manipulate her."

Her father sighed. "I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to be smart."

Evelyn said nothing.

She had no intention of following her father's plan.

If anything, she was looking for a way to undo everything he had orchestrated.

But for now, she nodded and played along.

Because, just like Ji-Ah, she knew she had to wait for the right moment to break free.

A Growing Complication

Despite everything, something strange was happening.

The more time Ji-Ah and Evelyn spent together—the more they pretended to get along—the more Ji-Ah noticed things she really didn't want to.

Like how Evelyn's sarcasm wasn't always insufferable.

Or how her confidence made every room fall silent.

Or how—on the rare occasion Evelyn laughed—Ji-Ah felt an odd, unwelcome warmth in her chest.

It was ridiculous. Impossible.

And yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that maybe—just maybe—this arrangement wasn't as simple as she thought.