Chapter 26: War at Home

Ji-Ah had lived alone for years. She liked her space, her routines, and most importantly—her peace. But ever since Evelyn moved in, peace was a thing of the past.

From the moment they started cohabiting, Evelyn had made herself way too comfortable.

Ji-Ah woke up one morning to the sound of loud music blasting from the living room. Half-asleep, she stormed out of her bedroom to find Evelyn, casually sipping coffee on the couch, her phone playing some upbeat song at full volume.

Ji-Ah snatched the phone and paused the music. "Do you have to be this annoying?"

Evelyn yawned and stretched, looking completely unfazed. "Good morning to you too, roomie."

Ji-Ah scowled. "Lower the volume. Some of us actually sleep at normal hours."

Evelyn smirked. "Not my fault you're such a light sleeper."

Ji-Ah gritted her teeth. This woman was impossible.

The Bathroom War

One week into living together, Ji-Ah realized Evelyn had no sense of personal space.

One morning, Ji-Ah rushed to the bathroom, desperate for a shower before work, only to find the door locked. She knocked impatiently.

"Hurry up!"

"Patience, Ji-Ah," Evelyn's amused voice called from inside. "I just got in."

Ji-Ah groaned. "You've been in there for twenty minutes!"

"I need my skincare time," Evelyn replied.

Ji-Ah was about to snap back when the door suddenly opened, and Evelyn stepped out, wrapped in a towel, steam rolling out behind her.

Ji-Ah froze.

Evelyn tilted her head. "Cat got your tongue?"

Ji-Ah quickly looked away. "Put some clothes on, damn it."

Evelyn laughed as she walked past her, completely unfazed.

Ji-Ah slammed the door shut behind her, her heart pounding. Damn it.

May be Growing Feelings

At first, Ji-Ah had convinced herself that her irritation toward Evelyn was just that—irritation. But the more time they spent together, the more her feelings became… complicated.

She noticed the small things. The way Evelyn absentmindedly tucked her hair behind her ear when she was focused. The way she chewed on her lip when reading something serious. The way she sometimes looked lost in thought, as if carrying a weight no one else could see.

It annoyed Ji-Ah.

Because she shouldn't care.

One evening, they sat on opposite sides of the couch. Evelyn was reading a book, seemingly lost in the words, and Ji-Ah was scrolling through her phone, pretending not to sneak glances.

She had spent years disliking Evelyn. That was supposed to be simple.

But now?

Now, her heart beat too fast when Evelyn was near.

And it was getting harder to hide.