My own house felt haunted, I didn't know what awaited me behind each door and in every room.
I rushed straight to my bedroom, for that was the only place that held something of importance and was so dear to me.
In my heart, I prayed and hoped that my enemies had not laid their hands on my secret safebox.
Everything in the house had been stashed everywhere, I jumped here and there over the broken pieces of brown wooden planks.
The brown wooden planks were pulled out of the wall because the entire house had the same outer coat of brown planks.
Before I realized my action, I pushed the door of my bedroom, still maintaining my overly sensitive self.
I couldn't be reckless, I had to be vigilant and on guard. To my disappointment, there wasn't anything harmful in my bedroom.
I could not say the same for my bed, which hung upside down, looking more trashed than the hallway or the living room, or the other rooms I checked before the bedroom.
Brown wooden plunks of course everywhere, now mixed with clothes.
My closet was completely destroyed beyond measure, I couldn't try to imagine what my enemies used.
"This had to be the doing of my greedy family!"
I mumbled angrily to myself.
My heart had a haemorrhage at the thought of them.
I glitter my teeth, my fists folded, my knuckles and bones cracked.
I had found a simple lowly life of peace most people just dream of.
Now it seemed it had come to an end.
I lived alone for I feared this day would eventually come.
Thank God I didn't bring anyone close, I would put an innocent soul at great risk of danger.
"Why do you hunt me? Have I not given up everything? I cut ties with you a long time ago and now you want even the scroll? You are so greedy!"
I shouted in anguish on the top of my voice.
My inside felt so suppressed by the temper which rose so incredibly. The pain of living in the shadows all came rushing out at once.
My heart beat was too extraordinary and improbable to be believed, so did my breathing also transcend to greater heights. The pain within became greater than I could hold.
"I will exert revenge, I am coming for you and anyone that stands on my path I won't hesitate to bury too!"
I swore to myself.
"This is a promise I intend to keep."
After those words, my breathing improved. Though my heart did beat fast, I knew that it would soon stabilise.
I cross-examined the earlier queries, I knew the answers well.
My siblings, half brothers and sisters, I had left everything to them, I inherited nothing of my foolish father who abused my mother terribly.
Foolish father cared not for her but his filthy bloody money and his seven women.
I began to clear the bedroom, one stuff after another until it empted. After I completed my cleaning, I stood at the entrance door.
Looked up at the door frame corner. There hung a small tiny red button, practically undetectable by the human eye.
I stretched my hand to reach it. Pressed it on, and bang!
I loved this security measure to the core.
The entire floor of my bedroom house started descending downwards. I quickly stepped onto it.
I bide my time patiently on my ride down to my underground world.
My heart smiled at the thought of discovering that my safebox had not been tampered with. The reflex shown on my face.
"The secret of a happy life is to find your purpose, then follow your heart and make it heaven."
I sang on my way down joyfully, having had the knowledge that my stupid family failed amazingly to find what I held so dear and close to my heart outside my possessions.
For the house I cared less because I had the most important thing with me.
My floor elevator landed at the ground level as I had expected, I stepped off and reached for the similar red switch on the pillar nearby.
I pressed it on, my beautiful floor elevator returned to fix up its original space of the house.
Next my right hand pushed the switch and my underground world lit up like a bright daylight.
I quickly strode to my Beautiful Cadillic Escalade, my thumb touched the fingerprint scanner on the door handle.
She automatically recognised me, she had the most advanced artificial intelligence. She opened the door for me.
I tread on board into the driver's seat, "Welcome back Mr Contratino."
She received me warmly. I took a long deep breath in, for one or two seconds I held it before exhaling.
"It seems you have had a rough day."
She continued when I didn't react.
"You are damn right."
I managed to give her a piece of me.
I browsed on my Sublime touch screen pad, that's what I called her. It brought me the biometric fingerprint scanner.
My palm and finger rested on the biometric fingerprint scanner. A click sound came out, and immediately a crackle sounded as a shelf came out.
Inside it lay in my small safebox containing one of the most treasured items.
My excitement escalated to the extreme, I dared not open it for unknown reasons. It turned out to be the only gift I inherited from my beautiful compassionate loving mother.
The most resourceful person I ever knew, up to date.
I have to say she inspired me, transcripted her simple manner of life to me, which gave me a broad perspective of life in general.
Had it not been for her, I am certain I would have been a glove puppet or I would have died a long time ago if not for her saving me.
Anyway I will not concentrate on her, for I am very jealous that you may fall in love with her even if she is no more.
She is mine and mine alone, I would kill whoever would cast their bulge eyes on her.
"There is a little time to stay and time is running fast, it's true I am going away, I am going far from here."
I sang loudly as my thoughts wandered. I went for the second verse.
"I am going, going, I am going away, I am going far away. I am going, going, I am going away, I am going far from here!"
A farewell song I learnt in my youth.
"There is a little time to stay and time is running fast, it's true I am going away I am going far away."
I had to sing it in the view of the fact that I will not have the peace I enjoyed the last ten years. And so I bid farewell to my beautiful house, a wonderful companion indeed.
I called out loud from the mixed emotions of detachment. The beautiful house and my Sublime were my only family.
"Yes Mr Contratino?"
The AI voice narrator poses just like a normal companion. She paused, "What would you have me do for you?"