"I haven't seen it, Mrs Weasley," Harry piped up. "But I can help you look, if you like?" He went for wide-eyed innocence, and Mrs Weasley softened her smile.
"Oh, that's alright, Harry dear. You finish packing and go to bed, you've got a long day tomorrow! Fred, George, you as well. The Ministry is sending cars, so we can't be late!"
"Be out in a minute, Mum," George promised, and the Weasley matriarch left them be. George smirked. "Nice one, Harry." "Seriously though, mate, if you ever need anything, just ask," Fred insisted, squeezing Harry's shoulder. "We're good at keeping quiet. When we need to," he added, no doubt thinking of the many explosions they regularly made.
"Thanks, guys. You too. Always happy to be an alibi." Harry winked, making the twins grin widely as they stood.
"Knew we could count on you, little brother!"
The twins bid their goodnights and left Harry by himself, a warmth brewing in his chest. It was nice to know he had at least two people on his side. .-.-.-.
Harry was surprised the next morning when Mr Weasley pulled him aside in all the chaos at the platform to tell him about Sirius Black. He pretended it was new information, appropriately wide-eyed and fearful at the confirmation that oh, by the way, the mass-murderer that broke out of the most secure prison in the wizarding world? Wants you dead. He promised not to do anything rash — only half-meaning it — and then they were on their way. Harry wondered what he would have done if he hadn't bumped into Malfoy the week before. Why did Dumbledore think it was okay to keep something like that from him for so long? From what Mr Weasley said, the headmaster didn't even want him to know to begin with! Ginny and the twins quickly ditched them to find their own friends, and when they were secure in the compartment with the sleeping new professor, Harry told his two best friends about Sirius Black. It was only fair, after all; if they were going to be hanging around him, they were in just as much danger. He was a little insulted at Hermione's assumption that he'd go seeking Black out, but then he remembered the compulsion charm the goblins had removed, and realised that before he probably would've done exactly that.
Conversation soon turned to Hogsmeade, making Harry remember for the first time since getting to Diagon Alley that he never got his permission slip signed. He probably wouldn't be allowed to go even if he had.
As Ron and Hermione tried to cheer him up about not being able to go — well, Hermione tried, Ron mostly gushed about how great Hogsmeade was supposed to be — Harry let his thoughts wander, his gaze drifting to the man asleep opposite him. Professor R J Lupin. He looked familiar. Perhaps Harry had seen him around Diagon Alley? He couldn't place it, it was just a feeling, like he knew this man. Even as he got dragged back into conversation, he couldn't look away from him for long. Part of Harry hoped the professor would wake up, then he might be able to find out if they knew each other.
Then the dementor attacked, and Harry stopped caring about Professor Lupin at all.
He was still shaking when he finally got Madam Pomfrey to let him go back to the feast, barely sparing a thought to the sorting he'd miss, or even Hagrid's new teaching job. All he could think about was that awful, awful scream…
"Is it true, Potter? You actually fainted?" Malfoy jeered as they all headed for their dorms.
"Shove off, Malfoy," Ron said with a scowl. When Harry looked up, Malfoy's eyes met his. For the briefest moment it looked like he was actually concerned.
"I'm fine, Malfoy," he retorted acidly, turning away towards the staircase. No, he was seeing things. Just because they'd had one half-decent conversation, didn't mean Malfoy suddenly gave a damn about him.
When the feast was finally over, Remus rose from his seat at the head table, thinking longingly of his bed in his new quarters. First, however, he had to make one stop. He couldn't help himself.
His feet led the way seemingly without his consent, his eyes roaming the all-too-familiar corridors. He never thought he'd be back at Hogwarts again. Certainly never thought he'd be allowed to teach. It was a dream come true.