Hated Day Here Again

This was another Monday, and he had to go to school. God he hated Mondays and he just wishes that he could drop the hell out. He was already rich on his own and doesn’t even need his father's money, even though he had plenty.

His father paraded himself as this good man, doing good deeds out there but never there for his own kid. He had a foundation that he named Joy, after Zach's late mother for people battling with cancer but with little to no money for chemo.

Zach had to stay here in Leighton, because his father was never around, and he had to live here with his father's wife, his stepmother was a good woman, but Zach just could never accept her. She had a son with his father, who was now Zach's brother; Sander.

His brother had told everyone his name started with a Z and not an S because he wanted his name to look cool like his older brother. Sander was eight years old and his mother died seven years ago, which meant that his bastard father was cheating on her mother with Sander even before she died and that was one of the reasons he didn’t like the woman, but he loved his brother so much.

The knock on his door last night and the black shiny head that came into view doused his anger when Allyson, Sander's mom had asked him why he was coming home late like she was his mother. He had come into his room, saying that he had a bad dream and would like to sleep in his room.

So this morning, it was his brother's feet that woke him up. He was ten years older than the boy, but he felt as if he was the best friend he could ever have.

“Zach, you’re fisting your hand again,” Sander said and he looked at him. He sighed and unfolded his hand and then he ruffled the boy's hair and said. “Sorry, Sand. I was thinking about something stupid. You should go get ready for school before Ally comes to find you.”

Sander nodded his head and got out of his bed. He waited until he was out before standing up as well to go take his bath.

After taking his bath, he dressed up and grabbed his bag, to go to the kitchen where Ally and Sander were already at. They were sitting and eating their breakfast, while Mrs. Good standing at the sink; a woman older than his father by at least fifteen years, that always cooked for the family.

Zach loved the woman because she was nice, and treated him like a grandmother would his grandson. “Hey, Mrs. Good. Good morning.” He said winking. He had always greeted her like that because of her name and it had always been fun at how she looked at him when he did that. He would shake her head at him and give him a sweet smile. She and Sander were the reasons he still hadn’t moved out. He was eighteen after all, and was already making his own money. He made furniture in his spare time and he had sold the first one online when he had first started, posting it on Instagram and a star footballer had shown interest. He had DM’ed him and the rest was history. He wasn’t making close to anything his billionaire father was. He owned a multinational company that made iron and stuff and also had many small companies that Elliot-Day Corp was a mother company too.

But, he was, however, satisfied with the money he was making, and could buy a house if he wanted. Guaranteed that his father’s name helped him sell a lot, but the consolation was his father also had the advantage of that same name.

Elliot-Day in Alaska was a very old money family and they own half the stores and lands here. Anyway, any of that didn’t stop the fact that he hated Monday. He would need to go to college if he had any dream of growing and expanding his network or founding his company. He sat at the table with a small good morning to Ally and then he waited for Mrs. Good to get him breakfast.

She placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and freshly made fruit bread in front of him. Smiling up at her, he said. “Thank you, Missy.” Normally, that was the name he called her, and everyone around here, except for the occasional good morning, afternoon, or evening where he used her surname.

The elderly woman patted his shoulder and she walked back to the sink. As he started eating, Ally said. “You should pick Sander in school today Zach.”

Looking up from his food, he glanced at Sander to see he had his earpiece in his ears and he looked back at Ally. “Why should I? He’s your son, not mine.” Although Zach loved picking up Sander from school and spending time with him, he always argue things with her just to spite her.

“Because he wants you to, plus I have to go see some houses today.” She said. She was a realtor, but it beats Zach that she was still working when she was married to a billionaire and his father already asked her to stop. Wasn’t that why she married his father? To be rich and all. She had, after all, cheated with him on his mother and have a son for him because she wanted this life.

Beats him every day.

“That’s none of my business. You should find a way around it. I’ve something to do with my time too, besides, my job brings in more money than yours, and I’m in high demand.” He said, with a shrug.

“Well, I could do it if you want, but he wanted you to.” She repeated.

Zach looked at Sander again to see that he was now looking back and forth between them so he sighed and rubbed his face, then he nodded. “I'll pick him up.” He said.

Pushing back his chair, he walked to Sander and then they did their special fist bump, and he was out the door and on his way to his car.

He unlocked his car and got in. He had to pick his friends, Zoe, Dana, and Liam. It didn’t take long to reach Liam's and when he got in, he resumed driving until he got to Zoe's and Dana's. They lived side by side and close to the school anyway.

“Hey, Zach,” Dana said and he smiled at her as he turned to her and Zoe. That all saw that Zoe was grumpy this morning, so he greeted her inside and she answered briefly.

As he drove, Liam asked Zoe what was worrying her blonde white hair and she smiled, and that lifted her mood a little. Their group was a bit funny, because they always looked as if they were dating one another, but they were not. Zach had not really liked anyone in the school but he had a reputation anyway.

Finally, they got to the school and he parked in his spot, then he got down from the car and Zoe came to stand beside him and Dana beside Liam. It was always like this every morning. At least, this was the only part he like on a Monday morning, their grand entrance.

As they walked into the school hall, the students parted like the sea to Moses’s rod. He had his “no nonsense” expression on his face and he didn’t look at anyone, but the road ahead. They would be going to their spot until the bell for the first period rang.

It did, about ten minutes after the show, and Liam and Zach started to go to one class as they had first period together, and Zoe and Dana to the other two classes. He waved them both goodbye with a smile and turned to Liam. “I just wish it was the end of this period already.” He said.

Liam chuckled. “Oh please, we all know how bad you hate Geometry. I just can’t for the life of me determine the one you hate most. Mondays or Geometry classes.” He said.

They walked into the class to see that Mr. Henry; the teacher was already there. He shook his head and walked to his seat only to see that someone was sitting there. It was a girl, he could tell from the hair showing underneath the hoodie. Angrily, he used his foot to hit the table and said. “Hey, get the fuck away from my seat."