Another Side of Hailey

When Chloe noticed it, she furrowed her brows in a frown again. "Huh, what's wrong?” she asked as she saw that her mood had made a three-sixty degree change from all smiles to getting a sad look on her face.

“Huh, it's nothing,” Hailey said and Chloe shook her head with a grunt.

“Oh, please don't patronize me. That's not nothing. I mean, one moment you were smiling so happily and the next you're looking as if someone peed in your cereal. It's absolutely obvious that something is up.” Chloe said.

Hailey sighed, and then she looked at Chloe. "Well, I guess I only said it's nothing because I do not want to admit it. I've been kind of sad lately, depressed even. My parents are always fighting, even at night when they think I'm asleep, and they'll pretend like everything is fine the next day, only to start again when I turn my back.” She said.