“Because I don't want to have to beat the shit out of someone, okay! There. I said it.”
“What are you talking about? Why would you do that?”
When Chloe asked him that, silence fell between them. He could tell she was confused about that half ass confession he had just made, but he wasn't sure he wanted to explain anything yet.
“Why don't you want to beat the shit out of anyone, I mean why would you have to?” Chloe asked again when he didn't say anything.
“I just don't want to be a bad friend and allow some jerks to mess with you.” He said, hoping that was an explanation enough. It wasn’t though, because, after a moment, she shook her head as if to say that wasn't genuine enough.
“That’s not answering my question, Zach. Why won't you just explain what you mean when you said what you did?” she asked him, looking at him and hoping he would explain what that meant to her.