“That was the longest class of my life,” Hailey said as soon as they walked out of class and Chloe lifted one of her brows in question.
All periods were the same and there was no class with double periods or anything, so how was the class they had just came out of the longest?
She knew something was up with Hailey, and it must have to do with something at home. She was going to wait until she was ready to talk, but she would have to ask her what was wrong. She grabbed her wrist and started to pull her toward the bathroom that was down the hall.
“Where are you taking me though?” Hailey asked.
“I'm taking you to the bathroom, Hailey. We have to talk.” Chloe said, pulling her into an empty shed. She put a finger to her mouth and shush her, then she locked the door and turned to face her.
"What's going on, really?” she asked.