Chloe stood there with tears in her eyes as she watched him leave, asking herself why she had been so angry in the first place.
He was right about so many things, and one was the fact that other girls wouldn't have reacted that way. That was true. The majority of them would have concluded he liked that, others would have asked him his reason for that, but she had acted like a fool, and that had brought all of these on.
She didn't even care that she was half naked, she wanted to run after him, but she knew he was angry, and would probably fight even more. As the tears rushed down her face, she thought it was better to just let it flow, and she cried, thankful he was gone now because crying in his presence would have embarrassed him even more.
She had kept it in as he said those words, and had almost exploded, but she had been able to avoid it until he was gone. If she didn't let it out like this and absorb it in, she was not going to feel better.