Party on a School Night

“You should really come to the party. Zach invited me too,” Hailey said, using her hand to push back her hair to look more stylish. "I guess we can go there and show them how it's done.” She added, grinning.

They were in the last period and Hailey was whispering to her, even though she kept telling her she wasn't interested in going since the first period. There was absolutely nothing she had said to make her get off her back, and it was pretty annoying because it was becoming a distraction. Perhaps, it would be better to go change their schedule because it was so much alike. If they didn't share this many classes, maybe she wouldn't have to endure having to hear her bleed her ears like this, maybe she would have given up on it already.

Chloe shook her head as she copied the note from the board, and she glanced at her where she sat beside her.