Zach found himself on the balcony of his room, seeking solace in the conversation he desperately needed from someone, anyone.
He heard a knock on the door of his room, his head turning in his head towards the sound. He wondered who it was at the door but he knew it couldn't be Chloe. She was long gone by now, he was sure.
“Come on in,” he said and Mrs. Fletcher poked her head into his room. Mrs. Fletcher was a very caring and wise housekeeper, and he loved it when they had conversations. She greeted him with a warm smile as she walked into his room.
“Chloe is gone.” Mrs. Fletcher said and he nodded, and then he started to talk about his confusion and emotions regarding Chloe.
“I just don’t know what to do with all these. It’s just so confusing and frustrating for me. She’s right in front of me, yet she looks so out of grasp.” He said.
Mrs. Fletcher listened attentively, and she realized that all she could do was provide guidance and reassurance.