Shutting Her Up

The next day at school, Zach didn't see Chloe, and it was as if it was her turn to avoid her. He tried to find her at every break, but couldn't and even Hailey wasn't seen as well, which means that they were avoiding him purposefully.

Well, he deserved that, he knew that at least, but he also deserved to be given a chance to explain himself to her and apologize.

He walked to his next class, the last one of the day with the thought of not seeing Chloe, only to bump into someone's back as the stopped abruptly at the door of the class.

Frowning, he grabbed their shoulder to stop them from falling forward, seeing as the collision had been strong. The moment he grabbed her though, he knew who it was he had collided with.


Her touch told him so, her smell told him so, the way her skin felt under his touch told him so, the way an electrifying zap ran through him told him so. He looked at her now, grabbing her even harder and pulling her to him.