Trying to prove anything to someone was hard enough, much less, proving to Chloe that he was serious about his feelings.
Although, he felt like she should know it was a long time coming, or maybe her mom never told her that when a boy bullies her, it was because he liked her.
He laughed at the thought, and Liam looked at him with a small frown, probably wondering what was so funny to him without them even talking. Well, he was definitely going to tell him if he asked. It wasn't something he could keep to himself, no, not with the way he felt at the moment.
Or maybe it was the way he had been feeling since Friday when Chloe had said to him “If you truly want me, then show me you like me, and ask me out properly in front of someone, anyone” and she had walked away, knowing shaking her hips as she went, smiling.