Hi, I'm your author, I'm not very fluent in english so please forgive me for that. I'm also a great typo so I'll be sure not to be.
[Lots of Seeeegs]
[Lots of Action]
"Forgive me for that, it's the system his trying to spoil you guys" *Sobs*
Anyways, this is a refined version of my first novel i recently uploaded somewhere.
This is also my first time making a novel.
I would appreciate a kind comment and suggestion. I promise the character wont be that lousy and boring.
Next is the structure of this novel.
(I stole this Idea Somewhere tho, I'm sorry dont sue me)
"…" is used when someone speaks loudly.
'…' is used when someone thinks.
[…] is used when the person or the interlocutor isn't present in the conversation, normally through telepathy or the System.
*...* Is used as effects, background effect or used as PoV.
(…) is used for naming the speaking/thinking person. If "AN" is included, it means Author's Note in the middle of the story.
(Bye Bye mina.... Read my novel. Pwease)