"Huff....Huff...." Julian labored breathing was the only sound in the dark cave as he lie sprawled out on his back.
It was the last day of his seclusion, and he'd made massive progress in not just his cultivation, but also the Twin Serpent Art.
The Twin Serpent Art has two techniques an auxiliary ability, and a movement ability. The movement ability was what immediately caught Julians eyes. It's called the Slithering Serpent Technique. It allowed someone to make sharp movements and impossible turns, like a snake slithering on the ground. This technique focused heavily on flexibility and dodging, while also being able to stick close to the opponent and take advantage of any openings they show.
The other ability was a bit harder to grasp. The Fluidity Technique an extremely complicated technique that allowed a cultivator to increase their flexibility and can even allow their limbs to elongate. Most of the manual focused on using attacks in tandem with the Fluidity Technique. It stated that with two daggers in hand, ones arms could imitate true snakes and strike at opponents from a distance.
Julian was quite proud of himself as he'd reached intermediate mastery with the Slithering Serpent Technique, and initial mastery with the Fluidity Technique.
His cultivation had progressed to 2nd stage Qi Condensation and he was about half way to the 3rd stage. Being the same level as Arthur made Julian indescribably happy. He no longer had to fear a beating everytime he stepped out into the street, nor did he have to worry about food anymore.
It also meant that Julian could start practicing Alchemy as soon as he acquired a furnace.
Al had said that at his current level, he could at most craft the fasting pill. The spirit stated that alchemy required strong mental energy which was used to control the individual ingredients within a furnace. Unfortunately, a cultivators mental energy doesn't start developing until the reach the 5th stage of Qi Condensation.
The fasting pill was what was known as a training pill and it was used to introduce aspiring Alchemist to the profession. It didn't require any mental energy to direct ingredients, but did require correct timing and monitoring heat levels.
"Its about time we left for Amber City child."
Excitement spread across his face when he heard the spirits voice. Julian sat up and immediately started gathering his things. He truly did despise training here and couldn't wait to breathe properly again.
Using the stairs he made with rocks in his free time, Julian pulled himself out of the hole. Taking a deep breath, Julian started his journey home.
The trip back was uneventful, other than collecting a few more herbs with his storage ring including the remaining truffles he needed, and he soon arrived back.
Slipping back into the city, Julian took his black cloak out from his storage ring and threw it over his shoulders.
Stepping through the doors of the Craftsmen's Guild, Julian immediately noticed that Tom wasn't working today. Not thinking much of it, he turned in his mission to the guild representative at the front desk.
The representative verified the task was completed and stepped into the back to collect his earnings. As he waited for his money, Julian couldn't help overhearing the talk around the hall.
"Did you hear Cloud-Dwelling Sect is recruiting..."
"What do you mean it's only worth 2 silver!? I know I paid...."
"...believe it either, but that what happens when you try and cross Arthur."
Julian focused on that last conversation when he heard Arthur's name.
A man drinking out of a mug belched loudly before saying, "Yeah, but to do that to a cat?" He said in disgust. It was obvious he had consumed one to many. Still, his words made Julian feel as if he'd been dumped in an ice bath, "I mean, I knew Arthur was a crazy bastard, but that cat never hurt nobody."
The other man had a frightful expression on his face, "Shush! You never know who's listening. Do you want to be next on Arthur's shit list?"
The drunk man puffed up with confidence, "Let him try! I'm not scared of some thug. I'm no weaker than him in cultivation."
The other man lamented, "Why do I drink with you? You always run your mouth when your drunk. Didn't you hear what happened to the bartender?"
The drunk paled at that and quietly sipped the rest of his drink.
Julian marched over and in a severe tone asked, "What happened to the bartender and his cat?"
The two men turned to see a man clad in a black cloak and snorted, "Have you been living under a rock? Everyone's talking about it!"
Julian's eye twitched, "Assume I have been, tell me what happened."
The more sober one leaned in and retold the story, "Aparrently, some kids been ducking Arthur, so he made sure that if anyone saw the kid they'd let him know. Well, word made it back that this guy who used to bartend here had been feeding the kid."
Julian grimaced and hesitantly asked, "What did he do? I heard you mention a cat?"
The man replied with a disgusted expression, "Arthur decided the man needed to be made an example of. Since he couldn't get the guy while he was in the Craftsmen's Guild building, he stole the guys cat and threatened to kill it if he didnt meet him in the slums."
"What... what happened!" Julian shouted, grabbing a barstool as he felt faint. He couldn't believe his worst nightmare had come true.
"This is all second hand info, but evidently some stuff went down and word around town was that Arthur killed the cat in front of the guy and beat him almost to death." The man whispered conspiratorially.
"How..." Julian choked out.
The man looked confused before his expression cleared, "Oh, you mean how did he get beaten up? From what I heard, Arthur had like five other cultivators with him. Even though they were only in the 1st stage of Qi Condensation, it was too much for the guy."
Julian had heard enough and quickly left the two to their drinks. Thankfully, with the hood covering his face no one saw his expression. Otherwise, it would be clear to everyone who would be behind what was to come.
Although his emotions were running wild, he didn't lose his reason. He knew he wouldn't fare much better against that many cultivators in a straight up fight.
'It's a good thing I don't plan on fighting them head on,' Julian thought in hatred, 'Al! You said I'd need mental energy to make pills, but what about poisons?'
Al cackled, "How devilish of you child! Of course I have a couple of recipes that we could use. Here's what we'll need..."
Julian nodded and wrote down the ingredients hed need before heading to the open market area. Walking down the hallway, he was yelled at by many looking to foist their latest deals on him. He ignored them and entered a shop named Thousand Herb Hall.
The attendant looked to be a woman aroung 23 years of age, she had long black hair and a flawless white face. She had a gentle smile on her face as she greeted him, "How may I help you today honored guest?"
Julian said nothing and took out the list he'd made. The attendant gracefully accepted it and nodded before stepping into the back of the store.
Julian waited in silence while the attendant gathered his things. He'd already mentally calculated the cost and figured he'd have just enough to cover everything he'd need.
The attendant walked back in with multiple wooden boxes and a large furnace carried by a man closely following behind her. Once he set it on the ground the attendant gave him a nod, which prompted him to leave.
Julian inspected each of the wooden boxes containing the herbs, and after getting the approval of Al, he nodded in satisfaction.
Looking over the furnace, he could see it was made of bronze and was exceedingly beautiful. He truly understood what Al meant when he said Smithing was also an art form, though this was only a 2nd tier Mortal Grade furnace according to the spirit.
His thoughts were interrupted by the female attendant, "Are these to your satisfaction honored guest?"
Julian nodded in agreement, "Indeed, what's the total?"
"50 silver." She replied with the same graceful tone.
Julian waved his hand arm over the counter and instantly fifty silver appeared on the table. With another wave, the furnace along with the multiple wooden boxes disappeared. Thankfully, he had enough to cover his expenses, but now he only had two silver to his name.
The attendants eyes bulged out in surprise and hurriedly accepted the sum. She gave a deep bow and said in a reverent tone, "Please come to me with any further needs you may have Senior, just ask for Flora."
Julian gave a hesitant nod while Al snorted, "She thinks you are someone of major importance. Not many people can afford storage rings, much less risk showing them off."
Julian understood and responded, "I'll be sure to visit here first if I am in need of something again."
Julian left without anything further and trekked back to his makeshift home in the sewers. Luckily his living area was close to the entrance, so he didnt have to worry about ventilation. On arrival, he set up the furnace and began his first attempt to create something.
Following Al's instructions, Julian lit a fire and placed the furnace on top of it. As it began heating up, Julian arranged the ingredients he'd purchased in order they went into the furnace.
Once the furnace had been brought to the correct temperature, Julian added the herbs one at a time making sure to adjust the temperature by removing the furnace off the heat between each ingrediant according to instruction.
Al had said once he'd gained mental energy he'd be able to stoke the flames or smother them at will with said energy. That's when he could truly begin his journey as a Alchemist.
After an hour, he held three seperate piles of powder. These fine particles were called the Muscle Debilitating Powder and did as the name suggested. They were a strong paralytic poison that would render anyone below the 5th stage of Qi Condensation helpless if it got in their system.
Al couldn't help but comment, "You did quite a good job keeping your focus, even if it is just a low level powder, it's very common for an Alchemists first attempt to end in failure."
Julian merely nodded and wrapped the powders in a cloth sack before storing them in his storage ring. Now that he had the means, he only needed to find his targets.
Leaving the sewer, he knew exactly where he wanted to look first, a rundown bar in the slums called Sanctuary. It's name was truly ironic as more drug deals, mugging, and assaults happen around this bar than anywhere else in the slums. One reason for why that is, because Arthur regularly frequented the establishment.
Julian wearing his cloak stepped through the threshold of the building, and was greeted by a mostly empty bar, the only exceptions would be two people at the bar counter being served by the hostess, and a group of five rowdy men in the back of the bar.
Grabbing a seat at the counter, Julian ordered some beer with one of his remaining silver. This being the kind of place that didn't care who you were as long as you paid, he was quickly brought a mug filled to the brim with a frothy beer.
Julian acted as if he was sipping his beer and asked,"So bartender, do you know where I'd be able to find Arthur on this fine night?"
The man answered easily as if he'd been asked this question countless times, " I don't know nothing about nobody. I only serve the drinks, anything else you'd need to find someone else."
Humming noncommittally, Julian just continued pretending to drink his beer, "it's just that I heard he had a big job for 1st stage Qi Condensation level cultivators and I happen to be in need of work."
The man looked hesitant, before waving his hand in some unknown gesture towards the table with the five rowdy men. One of the men came his way, he was tall and well muscled and walked as if he was the center of the universe. The bartender whispered something in he man's ear which caused his eyes to narrow as they landed on Julian.
Sauntering over and sitting next to Julian with a cocky grin, the man asked, "So you want to work for Arthur, do you?"
Julian stared at the man in silence as if confirming something before replying in a cold tone, " I'm in need of some cash and heard he hired five other Qi Condensation cultivators for a job and little while ago."
"You heard correct," the man said in a smug tone, "In fact, your looking at one of those five right now! I guess if you pass Arthur's vetting I'd be your Senior."
Julian nodded already guessing that, and his hood visibly tilted to the table with the remaining men, "So I'll assume those four over there would be my other, 'Senior Brothers,'?"
Not noticing his mocking tone at the end, the man just nodded turning his head to the the group, "Indeed, those are my brothers-in-arms we are actually forming a mercenary group and if you want to jo--"
His invitation was cut short as he collapsed on the floor, a dagger coated in blood had appeared in Julians hand sometime during his speech, "I think I'll have to decline."