PEACH SKIN. Says on the lowest, right corner of the artwork just above the sophisticated signature that reads Annette— which is my first name.
The painting depicts a faceless, naked body of a familiar lady. Peach skin is perhaps the best title to describe her figure. Her flawless... pinkish flesh that all men would want to touch.
I was about to add extra details on the color when I heard the door opened.
"Is that you?" Reese, my house mate, asked as she enters my studio, wearing a wrinkled night gown, sipping on a cup of morning coffee.
"Are you kidding? Does this even look like me?" We're pertaining to my painting. I've done this a several times. Nude art is my forte. But I have never dared to paint myself. I could never.
"It's 10 in the morning and a Sunday, so what are you doing home?" she asked, looking at the mess I've made.
We've been very good friends since our first year on college, and now I'm on the second semester of my sophomore year while she's drop out of college last July. Now, she's been staying at my place. I am taking fine arts while she's focusing on her modeling career.
It's quite good to have her around here sometimes. Atleast, I am not alone.
"Uhm, Annie?" she called my name and so then I shift my glance at her.
"Will it be okay if I invite Luigi here today? I mean, it's weekend, you know..."
Damn, Luigi Clarke. He's her first boyfriend. They've been together since I can remember. I know him because we go to the same university. A real jerk, I'd say. He always hang out with those popular kids who think they're so cool when they're together.
I put down the brush, "Sure, I won't be here later, anyway. I have something else to do." I replied, making her relieved.
"We'll stay upstairs, in my room, I promise." she hurriedly left my studio.
I removed my watercolor-stained apron and kept all the things on the table, then finally hang the finished artwork with the other portraits.
Gotta take a nice bath. It's my morning routine. Paint. Bath. Rest. I locked the door of the studio and headed in the living room. But then I heard a knock. I took a deep breath before pulling it open.
"Hey, uh, can I come in?" His eyes wandered on me, his eyebrow raised.
Tall height, low voice, tantalizing eyes. It's Luigi, his hands are shoved in the pockets of his jeans. Why is he here already?
"Yeah, sure. I'll call Reese," I muttered.
"Do you want me to... should I take your jacket?" I offered which he immediately took off his black varsity jacket and threw right on my face.
He wandered inside my house like a disrespectful person he is— looking at my stuff, from the paintings to my
Looks like Reese is busy dolling herself up. I went into my room, my scent fills the black and red matte bedroom.
I threw Luigi's jacket on my bed before I took off all of my clothings. Embarrased, I wrapped myself in his jacket and sniffed the remaining fragrance of it, filling my lungs with that manly, addictive scent I've only ever known.
Then, I covered myself in a robe and sat down on my dresser. There is a large, vintage mirror on the wall and I can see my whole reflection on it.
Next to my room is Reese's. I can hear the soft music coming out from there. It's a song from her favorite film the 'The Breakfast Club', which I think the title is Don't You Forget About Me by the Simple Minds.
I know it's bad to mind somebody else's business... but this is my territory.
Softly, carefully, I peeked through the hole drilled onto the thin wall.
And there I saw Luigi, comfortably lying on Reese's bed, mindlessly flipping her Rolling Stone magazine. I wandered my sight... Reese just came out of her bathroom, her wet hair is dripping.
I cannot believe she is letting him see her bared body. Isn't that a big of a deal?
"Come here, you tease." That's Luigi's voice.
My breathing is fast and I am feeling uneasy. I know what they're about to do.
They started kissing... eagerly eating each other's mouth. Reese started unlacing her robe as he mounds her chest with his big hand.
I still got my eyes on them... sinfully watching every sensual movement they're making. I can hear the rapid beating in my chest as I saw them take over the bed. Dirty little fuckers. They're just fucking up my mind.
I don't know how many times I've seen them having sex. Everytime Luigi comes here, they'll do it. One thing for sure that I know is that Luigi wasn't the one who took her virginity. Maybe that's why it's easier for her to let him own her beautiful body— no second thoughts, no hiding.
"Annette might hear us..." I heard Luigi trailed off, in between of his groans.
"She's not home," Reese thought I wasn't.
But the truth is that I actually never leave my home, except when I have to go to school. I can't leave them two here.
Whenever he comes here, I tell Reese I'll be out so they can do whatever the hell they wanna do. The truth is, I simply am here, locked in my bedroom, beneath the wall, watching them all along.
She turned up the volume of her boombox, leaving no chance for me to eavesdrop. All I can do is shot my sight through the hole and observe them as they touch. He is authoritative in between of her trembling thighs, moving gently inside her as she grabbed his Westley-like hair in the film The Princess Bride, except it's raven black.
I was stunned for a moment Luigi smiled at my best friend and kissed her on the forehead. He covered her in a warm comforter as she rested her head on his shoulder. I almost didn't notice the tear falling down on my cheek.
I stood up, heading towards the bathroom and took off the robe I'm wearing. I let the water fill the tub before I fully dipped in my skin.
"Luigi..." I whispered his name, eyes closed, as my fingers play on my neck... down my chest... my thighs... all over my sensitive, shaking body.
I always wonder what would it be like to be treated by a man. All my life I've always been on my own... distant, no friends, no partying, no clubs, no dancing. And I liked it that way. But right now, my body is dictating me to feel a different sensation that my hands have never done to myself before... I'm looking for an unfamiliar touch that no one could ever give me— a touch of a man.
And so I discovered a dirty habit... I am getting sexually stimulated when I watch other people naked... having sex and pleasure.
"Luigi... touch me."
Crazily, I moaned his name, the very same way how Reese did. My hands skimmed on my skin, all the way to my lady part. I was about to let my fingers inside when I saw the wine red blood gushing through the water. It's coming from my womanhood.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck it!
The water splashed as I stood up out the tub, almost slipping. It's all red and bloody, now.
I cannot believe I am on my period, not this time. I grabbed the robe and wrapped myself in it.
Instead of draining the water, I look at the bathroom mirror, staring at my reflection.
I don't have the perfect skin like Reese's, nor the curvy body. My legs aren't skinny. My breasts aren't tender.
All I have is my purple scars... and my devotion to someone that could kiss and heal them.
I am not a living doll. And I wasn't made to be played.