Chapter Two
"Reese? You awake?" My voice is flat and cold, knocking on her door. She did not answer so I peeked through the crevice.
I know she wasn't alone. I got home last night only to find out that Luigi was taking care of her. He wasn't even surprised to see me out in the cold, front porch of my very own house when I got home after I waited hours for him at the movie theater. He's an asshole. It's easy for him to stood me up because I wasn't important or pretty. He made me a complete fool of myself.
And now they're asleep together... having a good morning.
I was about to knock for the second time when I heard a voice... they're talking. I peeked, monitoring their movements and actions.
I saw Reese stood up the bed, half naked, and is now wearing a brassiere that she grabbed on the floor. Luigi is watching her get dressed the way I was watching them— like a predator observing its prey.
They're heading out the door so I quietly returned back to the kitchen, pretending like nothing happened.
"Good morning. Breakfast?" the pancake almost got burnt.
"So, Annie, I wasn't able to tell you last night since you weren't home but Luigi came to look after me, so he spent the night here." she explained as she sat on the kitchen counter.
"Is that so? It's fine at all... Luigi is always welcome here, anyway."
I was checking his facial expression. He wasn't affected by his actions last night. He isn't so perfect now, is he?
You stood me up. You manwhore.
I casually left them in the kitchen to go in Reese's room— in her bathroom, to be more specific.
She wasn't aware that I installed a tiny camera in here... it's because I wanna see her and I'm gonna need her in my paintings.
I took the camera along with the laundry and headed out.
"Hey, Annie? Luigi's off to school, he'll give you a ride if you want." Now that's a good girl, Reese.
"I'll be glad to," I smiled charmingly, thinking of the brilliant idea that I have in mind.
"Let me just get my things." I added.
Seconds later, I found myself inside Luigi's car, on the shotgun seat. The ride is kinda boring. He's expecting me to go hysterical about last night while I'm expecting him to say sorry.
"Annette... about last night," he trailed off while steering the wheel.
I glanced at him, checking him out. His long sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, revealing his veiny arms. He's got big hands, maneuvering the controls of the car.
"Reese was sick so I had to check on her, I'm sorry."
"You're better than that, Luigi Clarke." my tone was serious and mocking.
I am not forgiving him.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I'll tell Reese you're hitting on me and that you stood me up, unless..."
"What? Unless what?" he was a little confused.
"Kiss me, Luigi." he stopped the car and looked at me, still could not believe of what I've offered.
"Are you out of your mind?"
I laughed, "Sometimes, yeah."
Leaning closer, I sniffed his neck. "It'll be our little secret, Luigi." I whispered in his ear. He's watching me mess his mind. His breathing is fast. Am I making him nervous?
"I can't, Annette. Stop—" I cut him off, kissing him on the lips.
My eyes are closed, feeling his warmth. I wrapped my arms around his nape, pulling him closer.
It's not my fault that I like my best friend's boyfriend. I met him first. I knew his name first. I was just so shy to the point that I hid my feelings. My emotions were alive and eating me up, his effect on me was uncontrollable... until one day
Reese told me she got herself a boyfriend. She wasn't even sure with him but she tried in order for her to forget her stupid ex-boyfriend. I genuinely cared for Luigi... I still do. Sometimes, I think I can take care of him better than Reese does. Heck, she doesn't even look at him like I do.
"Shit! What's gotten into you? Huh?" he motioned his hands to land on my cheek, which made me shut my eyes. But he did not slap me. He cannot hurt me.
"Get out." he's pinching the bridge of his nose, calming himself.
"But, Luigi..."
"Out!" I grabbed my bag and opened the car door. I watched him raced the road, leaving me alone in the middle of nowhere.
He's such an asshole. Why do I even like him?
But still... his scent is left in my nose and in my mind. I don't mind even if he raised his voice on me... or slap me... or leave me here. Because he'll always be the man whom I'll never get tired of looking.
I want him for myself... even if things get really bad.
"REESE! OPEN UP!" I was banging the front door, catching my breath.
I never reached school since I went back home on my own. I need to do this. I wouldn't break so easily. They have to suffer, too!
"Annie? What's going on?" her eyes are widened, examining me.
"It's Luigi..." I trailed off, wiping the tears down my cheeks.
Confusion is painted on her face. "I saw him... with some other girl... making out." these words escaped from my lips.
"He told me not to tell you... he begged me... but I didn't listen." she was caressing my hair, helping herself not to weep.
"No... he wouldn't do that to me. God! I cannot believe him." Reese started messing her hair, trying to compose herself.
"I'm sorry for bringing the bad news, Reese." I hugged her vulnerable body, inhaling her scent.
A lie makes my pain go away. Maybe it's for the better. It's best that they won't be together anymore. All they do is fuck, anyway.
"Why don't you go to him and talk? Don't tell him that I told you... he'll be pissed at me. Promise?" my voice is charming as ever. I'm trying to please her— with my eyes, voice and acting.
"Of course, I won't, Annie, you're my bestfriend. You're all I have." Her eyes are sparkling because of the tears.
Reese is truly is gullible. "I'll make us a cup of tea." I said, heading to the kitchen.
When Reese was out of my sight, I took the tiny camera that I installed in her bathroom. I hid it in my dresser... and I'm gonna use it now to release my emotions and madness.
I headed down to my studio and closed the door. I wander my eyes to all the naked paintings that I created. Reese thinks that these are all in my imaginations... but truly, all these girls are her. Only her. Faceless, but the hair, the figure, the skin, the posture— it's all her. I enjoy secretly looking at her... and I'm starting to adapt her attitude and the way she dress. Because I thought when I'm a little more like her... Luigi might adore me a little bit.
I've developed this unacceptable, voyeuristic behavior of watching her... or watching them kiss and fuck. I've memorized the corners of her bedroom. The scent is always embedded in my senses. Their sensual actions are dancing in my mind.
I skipped school today to paint out my emotions. And besides Luigi made me lie. If only he kissed me once... I just wanna feel him... feel all the beautiful things he radiates.
Red. Black. White. These are the colors that I'll be using to bring out the life in the videos that I took of Reese.
I started painting, pouring out the madness in me. Then, I'm drowned of the fact that I'm working on the girl... my best friend and also the lover of the man that I love. She's got it all.
Why can't I just be perfect like Reese?
She's like a living doll. And where does that leave me? A hateful, cracked one ugly dolly that tries very hard not to break into tiny little pieces.