Wang Xiaoxiao sighed longly: "Longevity light technology can transform ordinary cells into viable cells and prolong human life without side effects.

However, we are unable to fully grasp the longevity light at present, and complete the irradiation of 100 to 10,000 people in each place. The longevity light cannot be generated again in this place. We need to wait at least one week to resume the longevity light.

In this case, we are not worried at all, at most it is more troublesome and use different places in rotation.

I am now worried that the unknown substance consumed by longevity light is a non-renewable resource, and its total amount is certain.

In this way, the longevity light technology is just a toy for the rich, and it cannot be popularized at all. "

Zhou Yu heard Wang Xiaoxiao's concerns, and he acknowledged them.

Extraterrestrial civilization matter promotes the combination of unknown matter and laser light to produce longevity light.

The key point here is also the most elusive point, that is, this unknown substance.

Once the total amount of unknown substance is fixed, it can bear the consumption of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands at most.

That longevity light technology can only be put on the shelf and used by scientists who have made outstanding contributions, so that they can make greater contributions.

It's just an extreme luxury product that simply cannot contribute to society as a whole.

What is even more frightening is that the total amount of unknown substances has not been found.

In a hurry to promote the longevity light technology, some people have completed cell transformation, but suddenly found that this technology has failed.

That will directly tear the entire country, and the country will become two major factions of long-lived and short-lived.

Just the confrontation between these two factions is enough to consume the country's resources, and it is simply not able to keep up with the pace of the space age of other countries.

Zhou Yu said calmly: "You don't need to worry, I will look for the unknown energy that produces longevity light.

I have now basically determined what an alien civilization is.

It is already known that one reactant and product, and it is not difficult to reversely introduce another reactant through technical means. "

When Wang Xiaoxiao heard what Zhou Yu said, he said with great excitement: "This is really great. President Zhou's project has made a breakthrough, so I can rest assured.

I now organize scientists to study longevity light technology, and now we can finally use the longevity light technology with confidence and never worry about consuming all unknown substances at a certain moment. "

Zhou Yu quickly came to his own laboratory, and now the laboratory equipment for longevity light has been rearranged.

What is the material of the alien civilization, Zhou Yu has revealed the final mystery through long-term experimental exploration.

The material of extraterrestrial civilization is a kind of man-made elementary particles. The nature of such elementary particles is close to energy.

It can also be seen as a mass of energy.

Zhou Yu has now synthesized such elementary particles through technical means.

Zhou Yu named it Xiao particle to commemorate Wang Xiaoxiao's contribution to the invention of longevity light.

Spark Technology has a perfect reward and punishment mechanism. For Wang Xiaoxiao, he is no short of money now, and his benefits will not work for him.

But as a scientist, fame is very important to him, not to mention the fame of the history book.

Now they have produced a microgram of Xiao particles through technical means. Don't look at so few Xiao particles, it costs up to 80 billion yuan.

Zhou Yu experimented with many methods before he found the basic particles that are natural in the universe. After technical processing, they were transformed into Xiao particles.

He instructed the other scientists on the project: "Now we are going to carry out experiments to produce longevity light. We need to take the opportunity to find what this unknown substance is?

Scientists heard Zhou Yu's orders that they started to get busy. After the detection equipment was arranged, they began to repeat the manufacturing process of longevity light.

One of Jin Cancan's equipment is the most eye-catching, it is the most advanced detector of Spark Technology, the space wave detector.

Space wave detectors can detect subtle changes in space.

Even if a photon passes through space, the space wave detector can detect the trajectory of the photon.

He can also infer the basic properties of this photon based on the wave caused by the photon's penetration of space.

The most powerful feature of a space wave detector is that it spans macro and micro.

In the macro world, a spaceship laboratory flies above, and a space wave detector can detect the spacecraft's trajectory and analyze the basic data of the spaceship.

It is precisely because of the powerful effect of the space wave detector that each spacecraft flagship of Spark Technology is equipped with a space wave detector.

In the micro world, even a basic particle is spinning, the space wave detector can accurately capture it.

The method of arranging the macro-space wave detector is relatively simple, and it only needs to be equipped with a quantum computer.

The arrangement of the micro-space wave detector is extremely complicated, and it needs to be equipped with a huge quantum computer server in order to exert its effect.

The micro-space wave detector needs to detect the surrounding micro-particle wave, which requires a huge amount of calculation to calculate this data.

Without a quantum computer, an ordinary computer would not be able to complete such a huge computational task at all ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A bacterium that cannot be seen by the human eye, it is indeed composed of atoms that cannot be measured, and the microscopic particles that make up the atom are also an astronomy Like numbers.

The micro-space wave detector wants to detect the target, it also needs to exclude common interference terms by using the exclusion method.

This requires extremely large computing power to achieve.

Microspace wave detector is the highest technology crystal of Spark Technology.

The cost of manufacturing each macro space wave detector is up to several hundred million yuan.

The manufacturing cost of micro-space wave detectors is up to tens of billions of yuan.

The manufacturing cost of the space wave detector is high. One is that the processing difficulty is too high and the manufacturing success rate is too low, resulting in high costs.

The most important point is that the material used to make the space wave detector is very expensive. It is a common metal.

The core material for making space wave detectors is highly compressed gold.

Compress 100 tons of gold into a cubic centimeter, which is about the size of the top joint of the human thumb.

This highly compressed gold, after finishing, becomes the core component of the space wave detector.

Gold is a very strange material, and its potential is far from being explored.

Gold reserves are very scarce in the entire universe.

Most of the material in the universe is formed by the evolution of stars. The main way is that stars perform thermonuclear reactions.

The element before iron releases energy by performing a thermonuclear reaction, and most stars can perform such a thermonuclear reaction.

Elements after iron need to absorb energy when performing thermonuclear reactions.

Only high-mass stars can produce elements after iron, and the order of gold must be further behind, and the stars needed to produce gold have a greater mass.