Good morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you are. I wish to inform you that I won't continue this story.
Reasons are aren't big, my mental health has been a bit staggering due to lack of sleep from trying to plot this series.
The truth is that this series was written on the whim, no plotting or anything. I just wrote chapter one, and posted it out of frustration of writing anything for a whole year after my first official story. Everyone I try to plot, what I write is the opposite of what was planned.
I just type, whatever mood I am in, words fly out. But, after work which I come back exhausted, with me still preparing for tomorrow. My mind can't conjure up something meaningful.
For a series just starting, it won't be good to be posting infrequently. I apologize, to all people that were interested in this story, as of right now my mind is blank, my eyes are heavy, and my plan for a structured series looking unlikely.
Thank you all for reading experience. I am sorry once again, forgive me.
If you loved, hated, or were neutral about the series. I hope you all have a wonderful day, I hope you find peace.
Thank you, until we hopefully see again