Chapter 11: The Lazarus ParadoxModern Timeline - Stonehenge Excavation

Lynette's palms bled onto Neolithic runestones as the winter solstice alignment activated. The monoliths projected holograms of Isolde performing brain surgery on a wolf-headed Pharaoh. Amberleigh's chewing gum popped.

"Turns out your dog boyfriend," she gestured at Caelum monitoring the ritual, "helped build this place during his pyramid-scheme phase."

Ancient Timeline - 2560 BCE Giza

Caelum bartered obsidian scalpels for papyrus scrolls detailing "basoul transfer." The high priestess' daughter bore Elspeth's dimple – iteration #23 of the Spiritborn. When Isolde's shadow swallowed the Nile, he entombed the girl alive to protect the timeline.

Modern Timeline - Quantum Archaeology Lab

Radiation spikes revealed a hidden chamber beneath Stone 56. Inside: A Victorian-era phonograph recording Isolde's voice.

"My son will wear Caelum's face in every era... even yours, little Spiritborn."

The recording dissolved into wolf howls. Lynette's tattoo mutated – thorn vines now formed Isolde's family crest.