Document Report #6: The Rampage of the Wild

For centuries, mankind had dominated the natural world, bending it to its will through industry and technology. But on the night of October 3rd, 2025, nature struck back.

It began in a remote valley in Eastern Europe, where reports of unusual wildlife aggression had steadily increased over the past weeks. Farmers whispered about black boars the size of cattle that crushed fences with their tusks. Shepherds spoke of wolves that glowed like specters in the dark with their eyes burning with a strange phosphorescent light. But no one, not even military analysts, predicted what would come next.

By midnight, a coordinated wave of mutant beasts surged out of the wilderness. Within hours, three villages and a small town were reduced to smoldering ruins.

This is the story of humanity's first full-scale war against the newly awakened wilderness.


Incident Log – October 2nd, 2025

Source: Local Police Dispatch

20:13 – First call received from the village of Perlovka, reporting wild boars ramming into homes and vehicles.

20:30 – Multiple calls from Vysokoye and Borislavka, describing "green lightning" in the forests and packs of wolves gathering unnaturally close to human settlements.

21:00 – A farmer in Zavodskoy reports seeing a "flying serpent" shoot through the sky at unimaginable speed, disappearing over the horizon.

22:10 – Communications lost with Perlovka. Attempts to reach local law enforcement fail.

23:30 – Satellite imaging detects massive thermal anomalies moving in coordinated patterns, converging toward Novokresk, a small town of 8,000 people.

At this point, regional military forces were deployed, but they were unprepared for the scale of the attack.


[Interview – Survivor: Nadya Petrovna, 47, School Teacher]


"Can you describe what you saw?"


"It started with the birds. Thousands of them. They swarmed the buildings like locusts, breaking windows and pecking at anything that moved. I saw a man, he tried to swat them away, but they tore his face apart in seconds. And then came the wolves..."


"You mean the glowing ones?"


"Yes. They weren't like normal wolves. They moved together, like an army. I saw one of them leap over a two-story building, it landed on a soldier and… [pauses] I don't want to remember that."


"And the boars?"


"God help us, the boars were monsters. Black, covered in thick bone plates, their eyes red like burning coal. They didn't just ram through buildings, they crushed them. One of them... it flipped a tank like it was a toy. We thought we were safe when the army came, but even they struggled."


The Novokresk Defense Force, a combination of local garrison troops and special forces, arrived at 01:30 AM.

300 soldiers were deployed.

15 armored vehicles, including 4 tanks.

Heavy machine guns, missile launchers, and experimental anti-mutant weapons were authorized for use.

Declassified Battle Log – Command Center, Novokresk Defense Forces

01:45 – Infantry engages giant wolves moving at speeds exceeding 60 km/h. Bullets fail to penetrate their glowing pelts.

02:10 – A Black Boar, roughly the size of an armored truck, rams through a Leopard 2 tank and flipped it on its side.

02:30 – Snakes, measuring over 10 meters, begin launching themselves like ballista bolts and pierced through buildings and military vehicles alike.

03:00 – Military command orders the deployment of napalm rounds. Wolves finally retreat when their bodies ignite, but boars continue charging through flames unharmed.

03:45 – The largest known boar, standing nearly 5 meters tall, takes six direct hits from anti-tank missiles before dying.

04:10 – Air support arrives. Gunships rain heavy ordnance and finally forced the mutant animals back into the wilderness.

05:30 – The battlefield is secured, but casualties are devastating.

Final statistics:

Military casualties: 128 dead, 86 wounded.

Civilian casualties: Estimated 2,000+

missing or dead.

Material damage: Town of Novokresk, 85% destroyed.

It was clear that conventional firepower was no longer enough.


Scientific Report – Biologist Dr. Emil Rykov

"The mutations observed in these creatures defy traditional evolutionary logic. Their growth rates, durability, and intelligence have increased exponentially. The boars, for instance, have developed natural armor plating that can withstand direct artillery strikes. The wolves exhibit hive-mind coordination, suggesting a level of communal intelligence never before recorded in non-human mammals. The snakes, meanwhile, possess musculature capable of generating kinetic energy rivaling missiles."

"This isn't just an adaptation. This is something else, a forced acceleration of biology. Element-119, or Mana, is rewriting the laws of nature."


Following the Battle of Novokresk, international powers took immediate action.

1.) NATO and the United Nations declared a global emergency regarding the Mana Mutation Crisis.

2.) The Russian Federation mobilized specialized anti-mutant task forces, equipped with newly developed weapons designed to counter the enhanced creatures.

3.) The United States and China began testing Mana-based technology, theorizing that if animals could harness this energy, so could humans through science.

4.) A new international treaty was signed: The Mana Defense Accord, allowing military forces to conduct cross-border operations against supernatural biological threats.

What happened at Novokresk was not an isolated event.

Within weeks, similar rampages occurred in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. More towns burned, thousands of more people died, and humanity realized it was facing an enemy unlike any before.

The world had entered a new era, one where technology and firearms were no longer enough.

If mankind was to survive, it would have to evolve.