Part 1: Stolen Moments


I am Angelo,

A first-year student.

New to this university,

Not the social type,

So I'll find myself a peaceful spot.


Oh, a big tree near the lake?

What a cozy place to take a break.

So peaceful and serene,

I'll call you Groot, okay?

I'll be in your care for years to come.


Groot is my friend,

I feel happy when I'm near him.

He brings me peace,

I nap beside him,

His branches and leaves shielding me from the sun.

I love watching the sunset with him.


See that guy over there?

Always sitting by that same tree.

Quite the loner, don't you think?

Does he have no friends?


Just another quiet afternoon,

Groot beside me, homework in hand.

Solving equations, enjoying the view,

The lake shimmering, ducks gliding.

My concentration is broken—

A voice calls out,



"Hey, you alone?"

Are they talking to me?

No one else is around.

"Hahaha, of course I mean you.

Mind if I join?"

"Oh… the pleasure is mine."


"I'm Kate.

I see you're working on chemistry.

Need help?

I'd like to be your friend.

Can I?"



Be my friend?

The campus belle? My friend?

Is this a joke?

Ahh, who cares—answer fast!


"I'm Angelo.

The pleasure is mine.

If friends are what you seek,

I'm sure you have plenty.

But if you insist…

Then I'll be in your care, senior. "


Ah… so his name is Angelo?

I was right—

He has such an angelic face!

Wait—am I blushing?

Act normal. Act normal. Act normal.

Damn, he's cute—

Don't smile too much!


Weird… she's been silent,

Just staring at me.

Is something wrong with my face?

Damn, better look away.

She really is the campus belle.


Wait—I've been staring too long!

Act normal!

I really am falling.


"So, you like it here?"

"Huh? Oh, yes.

It's cozy, peaceful… beautiful."

"It really is.

What year are you?"

"First year."

"Then that makes me your senior, huh? "



Why is she smiling?

Calm down, heart.

She'll forget me by tomorrow.

This is a one-time moment.


Yes, that's right.

She won't be this friendly tomorrow,

So I better make the most of this moment.


"Am I making you uncomfortable?

Am I disturbing you?

If so, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

I should go—

It's getting late."


I was about to stand,

But then, suddenly—

He holds my wrist.

Eye to eye,

His gaze piercing, deep.

Damn, he's handsome.His voice, low and steady.

I'm speechless—

I sit back down.

Oh my god… am I simping?!


Wait—she's leaving?

I grab her wrist.

"Senior, you're not a bother.

I'm happy with your company.

So stay.

Yes, the day is ending—

That's exactly why I want you here."


A breathtaking sunset.

Golden hues reflecting on the lake.

But what strikes them most

Is the way they steal glances,

Silently watching each other instead.


Their eyes stay on the horizon,

But their hands have a plan.

Slowly… carefully…

Their fingers brush.

A spark. A pause.

The boy takes her hand—fully this time.

Their bodies shift closer.

Then, they close their eyes.

Just as the sun sets,

Their lips meet.

A kiss in golden twilight.

No one sees the moment unfold.

No one can fully describe it.

But the warmth lingers—

Just a little longer than the sunset.


And so, their story begins.

Tomorrow is a mystery,

But this moment—

This history

Is now their story