In the game of love,
Does one have the right to feel jealous?
Miscommunication and misunderstanding
Will always find their way into the game.
It's been a week since Kate's birthday.
And that man, Jonathan,
Always in Kate's sight.
He comes to the university
Just to see her,
Saying they should hang out after school.
Acting like I don't exist.
This man is quite annoying.
Kate's been avoiding my touch lately.
Maybe because she's grown up.
But I miss the old days,
When she would take the initiative to hug me,
To hold my hand.
Now, when I wrap my arm around her shoulder,
She lightly avoids it.
It's okay. Maybe she's just not used to it anymore.
How I wish she would act around me like she did before.
In my car,
I asked Kate why that guy is still here.
"A vacation," she said.
"He'll be staying for months. And will probably return after."
I look at her, asking in a low voice,
"Were you two that close before?"
She smiles at me,
Saying she already told me the gist of it.
She continues, reminiscing about their past—
How they played together,
How they grew up side by side.
I listen while driving,
Regretting the question I asked.
Not wanting to know such things.
"I love you," I suddenly say,
Looking at her, stopping her mid-story.
"And you know it, right?"
My eyes twinkle like a hopeful star.
She's shocked, blushing.
The words came out of nowhere.
My voice sweet, my face sincere.
"And I love you too," she says teasingly,
Completely stopping her story.
I know.
I know you love me, but...
I was afraid.
Yes, Angelo was afraid.
Afraid that her love for her senior would resurface.
Afraid that her love for me would soon fade.
I trust Kate. I do.
But my mind is full of anxiety,
My heart aching from negative possibilities.
They say one can never forget their first love.
Because that, too, was my case.
She was my first love.
At first, I intended to forget her.
A year passed,
And I thought I had completely moved on.
But as soon as I saw her again,
My love for her grew stronger than before.
I'm afraid the same might happen to her.
Determined to bring back the old Kate,
I invited her on a tour.
I gave excuses—
That I was all alone in this country,
That I didn't know the routes or spots.
I promised her dresses and sweets like before.
It was hard convincing her,
She said she was busy with her "lover."
With no choice, I made her agree.
But what was supposed to be a two-person tour,
Became three.
Her boyfriend joining.
Both of us feeling irritated,
Kate and Jonathan had moments,
Then Kate and I had moments too.
This cycle repeated throughout the trip.
She didn't even notice.
Now in the cinema.
Jonathan invites Kate to watch a movie.
"Let's pick horror. You used to love them as a kid," he says.
"No, I've changed. I'm into romance now," Kate replies,
Looking at me.
Jonathan misunderstands the eye contact,
Grows jealous, insists on horror.
I whisper that I'm fine.
My horror trauma is in the past.
I'm a big man now.
Kate goes to the restroom.
"Afraid of horror?" Jonathan smirks, laughing.
He heard our whispers earlier.
When he paid for the tickets,
He claimed the seating was separate.
I was placed in the back,
Him beside Kate.
She didn't find it strange.
I do.
He guides her to their seats.
Now, from behind, I could see them both.
Spooky sounds.
Jump scares.
Scary monsters.
But I don't care.
I don't even know the plot.
My focus is on them.
He sits too close.
Attempts to put his hand on her shoulder.
I squeeze my plastic cup,
Drink spilling in my hand.
Anger boiling inside me.
After the movie,
I move fast, getting Kate away from him.
We head to dinner.
Samgyupsal and hot pot.
Jonathan makes the soup extra spicy, just how she likes it.
I force myself to eat something I don't.
In my car,
Kate notices my mood.
She asks what's wrong.
I open up.
I tell her my fears.
That I'm afraid he'll steal her away.
Afraid her love for me will crumble.
She laughs.
She asks me to stop the car.
She cups my face,
Forcing me to look at her.
"My man. My love. My junior. Angelo.
You are my love. My first love.
There will never be a time when my love for you will collapse.
I love you too much for that."
She kisses me.
Tells me to drive.
Another day. Another date.
I walk to Kate's room to pick her up,
Flowers in hand, humming.
Then I freeze.
I cannot think.
My girl.
Kissing that man.
His eyes looking directly at me.
My grip on the bouquet tightens.
I run.
And without hesitation,
I punch him.
What was that he witnessed?
His girl kissing another man.
Will this be the breaking point?
Now, what will Angelo do with his excessive anger?