( At Josh Rocky's house). Josh is busy typing something in his laptop, it seems like he is looking for something. Let's find out what is that.
" I have found him ". ( Josh tells his aunt). " Let me discern". ( Josh hands the laptop to Jane Rocky). " You mean this is the one?" ( Jane asks Josh). " Yeah,that's Anderson's son. He is called Emmanuel Anderson". ( Josh replies). " So what's your plan?" ( Jane asks curiously to know what is Josh's idea ). " You watch and see how am going to end their world. And my revenge will start with the Emmanuel Anderson jewelries". ( Josh says with brave,hate and anger).
( The next day at Rocky jewelries). Josh is busy talking to his HR about the qualities of the secretary he should hire. But according to the HR, there is no one who interested in work as a secretary. They all fear Josh's harsh rules and behaviors,the one who was fired yesterday was the 45th secretary of Josh Rocky since the year started ". 30 were chased because they couldn't handle the rules and regulations well and 15 chased themselves.
Josh comes with an idea of doubling the salary given to the secretary. He thinks that with money nothing cannot be possible,let's see if his thinking is right.
Indeed,his plan worked,he got a secretary in 2 days. But will she endure Josh's behaviors? Let's find out. ( Knocking on Josh's office door). " Come in". ( Josh responds to the knocks). The secretary entered in the office. When she entered, Josh couldn't bare to take his eyes off her. The appearance of the girl is so attractive that any man could want to date her. She has a long nose,round big eyes and a shiny chocolate skin.
The girl try to call Josh but it seems like he is taken by her beauty. She gets near him and waves her hands in his face, Josh come back in his senses. " What do you think you're doing ? Who told you to come close to me?"( Josh asks her impolitely). " Am sorry sir but I called you several times but you seemed absent ,so I came close ". ( The girl explains and apologies in a humble way). " Back off,you're polluting my air.( Josh tells the girl rudely ). What have brought you here?". ( Josh asks ). I am your new secretary,my name is Anita Ricky ". ( The secretary says). " So ,Miss Anita Ricky ,did you read the rules and regulations of this office ". ( Josh asks with an angry face). " Yes sir". " Then why are you late? You think that all the work here could be progressive if all of us were coming here at the time we feel like?"( Josh asks with anger).
"Am sorry sir but I was caught up in traffic jam". ( The girl apologies). " You think others use planes to come to work?" ( Josh asks her rudely). " See ,I don't need your excuses. Am giving you this time only,if you ever do it again ,that will be the end of you working here". ( Josh warns her). " Okay sir". " Do you have the schedule of today's meetings?" " No sir". " Then what did you come here for? Where did he even get the unserious person like you?" (Josh speaks to her with anger and rudely ).
" Sir ,they told me that you're the one to tell me everything". " Then hear me clearly and note what ever I say. If you make any mistake ,your salary will be reduced". Josh start to speak but he is so fast that his secretary is not able to get some words he says. At the end , he failed to note the part where she had to apply for an appointment with the Emmanuel Anderson jewelry. "You have noted everything ". " Yes sir". The question is,will Anita notice that she made a mistake? Let's find out. ( After three weeks).
Anita is called Josh's office. Josh is standing, looking at the city's view. His hands are in his pockets and he has ear pods in his ears. Anita knocks on the door several times but he cannot hear. She enters without his permission and touch him on his shoulder. Josh turns his neck and see her behind his back. " Who gave you the permission to enter in my office and to touch me?" ( Josh asks with anger). " Am sorry sir". " Sorry,sorry everytime . Is that the only thing you can say? ( Josh speaks rudely). What do you think of yourself? You think this is your mother's kitchen?" ( He adds).
" I knocked but you was not responding so I entered".
" Didn't your mother teach you any manners? If you knock at someone's door and he or she don't answer, tjen you have to wait for him / her to call you in. So ,go back and knock ". ( Josh tells Anita. ). Anita goes back and knock on the door but Josh refuses to answer.
After sometime,he responds. " You can enter. (Josh summons her in). What brought you here?" " Sir you're the one who told me to come". ( Anita replies). " Yes I called you but long ago and you have just came ". ( Josh tells her with anger). " Sir ,as I told you,I knocked on the door but you was not responding". " And how does it connect with this?"( Josh says so angrily and rude).