Jewel of Dreams

"Where... am I?" the boy mumbled, his voice dazed."Don't worry, you're all patched up!" Losel said with a cheerful thumbs-up.The boy glanced around the room, then at me, then at Losel. His face suddenly turned red. He quickly covered it with his hands.

"Do you have a fever?" Losel asked, reaching out to check his forehead.

"N-No! I'm fine!" he faltered, brushing her hand away. Judging by his weak movements, though, he didn't seem fine at all.

"What should we call you?" I asked.

"My name is... Mi—no, wait, it was... uh..." He scratched his head, clearly struggling to remember.

"Where are your parents?" Losel asked.

"My parents? They, uh..." His voice died off.

I glanced at Losel. "Did he lose his memory?"She shook her head. "That shouldn't be the case. He doesn't seem panicked or worried enough for that." The two of us were chatting with him when, at that moment, Cian returned.

"Oh! Look who's here!" Losel tapped my back before pointing at the portal.

Cian stepped through, holding a massive scroll in his hands."Welcome back! Also, what's that scroll? Is it from Madam Sylmora?" I asked.

Cian let out a deep breath before groaning, "Not only that, but she made me write this whole thing, even though she could've done it in the blink of an eye! She said it's my.. homework." He crossed his arms in frustration.

"Ooo... That's interesting! I guess even old people get homework these days," Losel teased.

"Hey, who are you calling old?" Cian huffed, tightening his grip on the scroll. "Guys,that's enough!" I cry. Cian crossed his arms, glancing over at the boy resting on the bed. "Oh? Who's this now?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We met him at a shop. The owner was going all out on him, so Losel had to step in and fight him off. She even rescued him." I explained, gesturing toward the boy.

"Not bad, mouthpiece," Cian commented, a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Calling me a mouthpiece, but you never stop talking!" Losel shot back, her fists clenched tightly.

"Now you're really asking for it," Cian said, his hand lingering near his Jewel.

"YOU TWO, OUT. NOW." I snapped, glaring at both of them, my patience completely gone.

Losel took the door while Cian used his portal to travel outside, completely avoiding any interaction together.

"Sorry about them. They're always like that," I said, turning to the boy. "Speaking of which, since you don't know where your parents are, maybe you could come with us?" I suggested.

He stayed quiet, hesitation clear on his face. I figured it might be better to give him some time to feel more comfortable.

"Wanna get ice cream?" I offered with a warm smile.

His eyes lit up, though he still didn't speak. I suppose that's as good as a yes.

Suddenly,a strange,sloppy sound bounced from beneath the floor.I stepped infront of the boy,the Jewel of flame at my neck flaring to life.As it's power surged,the sword on my hand ignited with Flames, a warm pulse of energy spread through me.The flickering light of flame filled the room.

Out of the blue,the figure showed itself.Its jellyfish-like head emerged, and bubbly eyes stared straight at us, unblinking and curious.This creature couldn't speak.But he seemed to know the boy.He crept closer to the boy. "Reo?wait..You are reo..I am..m-meyol."

"Is that your name?" I ask hesitantly.

" is..,Reo!How did you find me?". Reo didn't say anything.Instead it just smiled and giggled.

"So, now that you've probably regained some of your memories, can you explain how you ended up in that shop and where your parents are?" I suggested, my curiosity piqued.

"My bad," he began, giving a small, awkward smile. "My name is Meyol, as you've just heard. My parents are... irrelevant right now. You see, I ran away from home. They kept pressuring me to follow their path doctorate, successful career but my heart never understood that. I loved creating things and put out my creations for the world to see, and that's also how I met Reo. And honestly, I don't regret it. Sure, sometimes I miss my family. After all, they were all I have ever known my entire life. But when I look back, I'm proud of my decision," he said, fidgeting with the necklace around his neck.

"Wait, that's..."

"This?" Meyol glanced down at the necklace. "Oh, you have one too." His finger pointed at my neck.

"My Jewel," he said softly, "is the Jewel of Dreams."