"I can't remember the last time you took a day off, doc"
"Yeah... It's been a while"
Sorrow clung to my heart, It has been a while since I have had time for myself. Since I had time to visit them.
I said my goodbyes to the nurses. I have a long day of driving ahead of me.
It has been a while since I saw my parents. I saw my sister a lot since my sister sometimes come to the heart of New York a lot for work. They might not even remember they had another daughter ever since I decided not to follow in the footsteps of what my family have been doing for generations.
"It's going to be alright, your parents ignore you most of the time. It'll be alright" I told myself when I was finally in my car. I packed my bag before I left my apartment yesterday morning right after I got the text that made me decide to drive 3 hours to Greenwich, Connecticut.
After giving myself a bit of motivation, I kicked my BMW in drive. After listening to the most gruesome true crime podcast, and some Ariana grande I finally arrived at the place I called home a while ago.
Security let me through after seeing my face, and I drove up the long winding road to my house. The place screaming luxury with the gold everything really. The pillars and the doors. The flowers perfectly tended to. It was something out of a magazine. Not to mention it was on a popular magazine as top 5 most expensive houses in the world. I parked my car in front of the house and a valet came to take my keys. I know, my family are snobby like that. My parents love showing everyone and anything that had the privilege of knowing them that they were rich. And not just any rich, old money rich.
The door opened to Alfredo's stoic face. He has been with us since even before I was born.
"Little miss, it's been a while" He said in that monotone voice that I have missed. He never lets anyone to see him emotional. His face is always the same. Sometimes I wonder if it will kill him to smile. I asked him when once why he never smiled and all he did was just stare at me. He never told me why. Angelo, He took care of me since I was kid. And the only one other than my sister and brother of course. I gave him a side hug, his scent enveloped me. Smelling like old spice. He patted my back awkwardly in greeting and a smile grew on my face.
I opened my mouth to greet him when a squeal sounded behind Angelo.
I was attacked in a hug before I blinked and all my worries resolved when I settled in her arms.
"You are here. Why couldn't you come earlier. This house has been dreary without you and Bryan"
She said enthusiastically. Jennifer Rein. Beautiful in every way, with her long now blonde hair and her brown eyes that is like a dagger to anyone but always warm for me and her incredibly put together style. Her dark skin always glows in the sun. She put the business woman down to another level when she stepped in for our brother when he fell into coma 3 years ago. She has always been a really good sister to me.
The mood shifted when she mentioned our brother. It's been 2years since I have seen him.
"How can you be so naive"
"Please leave"
Those were the last words we said to each other before what happened, happened.
I answered her before the awkward becomes thick. I am fine. Always fine
"I don't know about that though" She was always so positive about everything but I know the only reason I was invited back home was because it won't look good for the family if the other daughter didn't come to celebrate Bryan's birthday even though Bryan was not here. It feels like an insult. Partying when Bryan is still in coma.
It was more of a social event and another party to plan for my mother. I know they still blame me for what happened years ago and I truly don't blame them.
"Are they home?" I asked her as she hold my hand and we headed in the direction of my room. It hurts as we passed the hall that was covered in expensive arts that were just for show since no one cares about art at home.
"No, they went to a charity ball. I stayed back. I couldn't listen to another entitled prick prove his balls were bigger even though his balls are shriveled"
That made me chuckle. Social events has always been the most boring thing ever. I tend to always sleep through or find some place to hide. Earned me lots of scolding from my Mom though.
Jenny has always wanted to work in the company. She loves the business so much that works twice as hard to keep her spot in the family business. Bryan already is leading the company with his impressive mind. And now we are all hoping he wakes from his coma. Jennifer has had to take on a lot since his accident. I felt bad at first but she has never been happier. I can't help her because I didn't want to work in the business. I have always loved being a doctor. Helping people and saving them.
We got to my room and it was exactly the way I left it. Obviously clean since this the house of the Reins and nothing must look out of place not even the room of their least favourite child.
My book shelves of my most priced novels and comics, the table still with my laptop that held lots of insane expenditures. Thank God it can't be opened without my permission and I don't think anyone could care about anything I did.
"Everything's still the way I left it"I said to no one on particular.
"Yeah, Angelo had really strict instructions to not move anything." My heart ached at the admission of Angelo doing that for me. There was a reason Angelo stayed that long. His no nonsense attitude kept the house afloat for so many years. Lord knows if my mum was to mange this house it will be burned to the ground from just ordering staffs alone.
"I wanted to talk to you about something though and I wanted to say it in person" My sister suddenly said out of the blue. A solemn expression settled on her face.
"Okay? Is something wrong, Bryan?" I asked. Her face twisted a bit at the mention of Bryan but it was quickly expelled. Maybe I imagined it.
"Bryan is fine, well as fine as he could be in his state" She held my hand "What I wanted to say was, I am getting married"
"What?" I was dumbfounded me "Dad and Mom does not know."
She said and again What?!!!
"Why? they will be happy for you. You are their favourite child." I mean, she is their favourite daughter and nothing she very does is wrong. So why will she hide it from Mom and dad. Unless...
It must have shown on my face because she confirmed.
"Mom and dad will never accept, he is not in our league. But he is the sweetest person I know and they are already setting me up with the CEO of K industry"
I feel her worries. The CEO of K industry has been known for his obnoxious ways. He is a slimy man in his theories that think the world is his. He has been known for his ways with women and men. He take advantage of them whether they want it or not and everyone knows it. But no one ever says anything because he is one of the top 0.5 percent and he has connections everywhere.
"Then how will you go about it. It's not like you can have a wedding without our parents. They will kill youa" and the look on her face confirmed it.
"Seriously!!! you can't do that. What about Mom and dad and the company, how long have you two even be together that you want to risk it all. This has been all you ever wanted. The company " Even though she is now the acting CEO of our family business. She has always been in a competition with Bryan to get the company. But that was just our father Pitting them against each other to make Bryan the best CEO ever. I always felt pity for her anytime she never gets anything. Father wanted me to be in that race but I chose a different path. Which is why Father and I were never close.
"3 months"
"3 months!!!" I screamed at her.
"Keep you voice down, will you?"
"Are you insane? You want to risk it all for someone you've known for just 3 months" I whisper shouted at her.
"I don't barely know him. I love him, and besides I wanted to ask a favour from you. I need to be our witness when we sign the marriage certificate"
She said as a matter of fact as if she doesn't need to ask before she pulled that out thin air. I know she is my sister but sometimes she can be so frustrating.
"There is no way I am doing this. Mum and dad already hate me for one child, I can't let them hate me for another" I said, there is no way I am going to witness their marriage when I am trying to make my parents hate me less.
"You know they don't hate you, they are just in pain and it will be quick I promise. You won't get in trouble I promise. And besides there was no way I was going to get married without my sister. You mean the world to me".
My heart melted. I have a bad feeling about this but there is no way I am going to let her do this alone either.
"I love you too, but do you truly love this guy" I asked her.
"I love him with everything, he is the sweetest ever and he is everything I love and I asked him to marry him and he agreed. He said he wanted to meet Mom and dad but I told him he couldn't because I know they will disapprove and probably lock him and me away for eternity "
"You must really love him." I said after she said all that about a guy I don't know. But something still feels off. I can't find no spark in her eyes as she talked about her supposed love.
"I'm still not convinced but if he means that much to you, I will"
"Thank you, you are the best"
She hugged me so tight and I laughed. She let me I at the sound of her phone ping. And her smile turned upside down at the text. Cold rage clouded her eyes after reading the text.
"What's wrong?"
"I will text you the details later. I have an emergency to take care of at work, make sure you rest lots. Mom and dad won't be back till tomorrow"
"Bye" I said after her and my smile dropped immediately after.
Now that I am here I should get some sleep. Mom and dad not being home gave me time to prepare my mind for our inevitable meeting. I will be so exhausted tomorrow, mum and dad has always ignored me all my life. I did everything for them to notice me. My grades falling and rising. Nothing worked. Not even when I dated the the CEO of K industry. Now they want him to marry Jenny. Probably thought they did him a favour by giving the better sister. Even though he was the scum of the earth. They never noticed me. Not when the hospital called that I was beaten black and blue by my ex. They forget my name a lot and forgot me on trips. Soon I decided not to bother and just hid in the shadows only came out when needed. They finally noticed me when the accident happened. They wished I was in his place. I wish that too a lot. I wanted their attention and finally got it poisoned. I guess we should be careful what we wish for then.
I showered to get the unwanted memories and the soreness of the long drive out of my body. I immediately crashed immediately my head touched the pillow. As a doctor, I have learnt how to sleep any chance I get since I barely get any.
I woke up not long after from the same nightmare I have been getting since Bryan's accident. My pyjamma top was soaked from sweat and my brain muddled. After calming myself down I glanced at the clock at the corner, 3:15
I sighed heavily. At least I slept for 8 hours straight for the first time in while. Being in my old room must do wonders for my sleep, I barely get 3 hours of sleep. Must be the Ariana grande poster by my study table.
I checked my phone and saw different texts from work. Most of them checking in and some are about the patients reports.
There was one from my sister saying I should meet them by 8 at the marriage centre best to do it when parents aren't in town.
And a new one from a friend I haven't seen in a while.
I smiled and I quickly replied.
"I heard from a birdie that you were In town, you didn't reach out, I'm hurt at your coldness raven"
"I am sorry, I got back yesterday and crashed immediately. How are you doing"
"If you want to know how I am doing, come meet me at our spot unless you don't remember "
"Of course not, I will be there soon"
I got up quick and grabbed a sweater and a pair of shorts, I took a stroll out. Didn't bother with my car because where I was going was not far from here. Just the cafe down the road.
I told security I was going for a run and I was off. I got there in 20 minutes.
And he was there. In all his handsome, 6 foot glory. The guy I have crushed hard on since I met him 8 years ago and he took my crying self in his arms and made me feel better than anyone have ever in my entire life.
My best friend in the whole world.
And my soon to be brother-in-law.