Chapter Four: Let's Get married

I shoot up in a huge gasp. I took in deep breaths, my chest constricting as I fight for air into my lungs.

Am I dead? Am I in heaven? I looked around the room in panic. What the fuck! 

I take in the familiar pink paint and my book shelves. Still the same as it was before I was kicked out. What is happening? I look at the time. 3:15. My phone pinging heavily beside my bedside table. 

I looked at it and I saw the details my sister dropped for me. And just like before. A text entered. But this time it wasn't the joke that I saw last time.

"Can we meet"

"Now please"

And that was all he said. No context. Either I had a really bad dream that felt very real or something is really weird.

I did not bother with anything this time around. Just my keys and I am there in five minutes.

I entered and I saw him in the cafe. In the same clothes. Shock and confusion on my face.

"Gia!!!" And he hugged me very tight. His hands shaking as they clung to me. And I held him too. 

Maybe it was a nasty nightmare and it was a he missed me just as much as I missed. Thank Goodness nothing happened to him. It was a just a really terrible nightmare. There is no way my sister is greedy conniving bitch out to eliminate competition. I held him tighter, lightly breathing his faint Dior perfume, and the rain that I love so much.

"Oh Thank God,you are not dead. It was just a dream. Just a dream" I froze. My mind going a million miles per seconds he rambled on.

"What did you just say"

"Just a dream" he pulled me from me. His eyes roaming my body as if looking for Injuries.

"What's wrong. You must have missed me uh.."

I joked lightly even though I don't even remotely Close to feeling funny.

"Let's sit first"

There is no way

"Did you have a dream" I asked him

"Yes, a nasty one and it felt so real I thought we were both killed by your sister"


"Yeah" and he explained his very detailed dream which sounded exactly like my dream except and I felt the shock a million times more. 

I couldn't speak and I didn't know what to do. This can't be real. There is no way everything happened

"Boss I am heading home."

Oh God even his coworker is the same.

He just nodded at his worker.


"Yeah. I own this coffee shop now." He said a little Blush on his face. If there is one thing I love about him is his ability to be vulnerable with me. He never shys of any emotion with me and I love it. 

"Really! I am happy for you".

I deviated from the dream he had. And we fell into a normal conversation. We reminisced but we both can feel the tension of the dream. Everything is too weird. I did not tell him mine because I do not want to be come to terms with it.

The air is cold. A shiver racked me as if reminding me of the pyjamas I wore when I rushed here. And Dominic must have seen it too. And now it is my turn to blush when I looked down at my short shorts and the small top I use to sleep in. I was so shaken up that I just rushed here to see him. And now that I have. 

"Here" he said, handing me a jacket he pulled from the chair next to him.

"Thanks" I said wrapping it around me. I could help it when I inhaled his scent that surrounded me.

"I am getting married... to your sister... tomorrow" his voice cringing the more he is saying it. As if he has said it before.

"Hopefully not" he whispered the last part but I heard it.

I ignored it. My head banging from everything that happened in kept flowing through my head.

I couldn't handle anything anymore. 

"I have to go. I will see you tomorrow" I said and was out the cafe before he could even reply. I got in my car and just hightailed it out of there. 

I couldn't go back to the house so I just drove all round the estate, everything and nothing was flowing through my head. 

What is going on. That dream felt too real and now I find out that Dominic had the exact same dream as I did. That can't be coincidence. Not at all. There is one way to find out if this was real. Wait till 8.

I was in my car all through the night I came to the house by seven to dress up. Putting on the same black dress from my dream. 

The drive felt longer when I got there at record time. Traffic had nothing on my desperation to make sure it was just a dream.

I saw Dominic there also all dressed up and this time in a full suit. As if he was going to work.

I walked up to him. 

"You look nice" 

He turned to me with a grim Expression on his face. 

"She is not coming"

His face looking like he expected but just disappointed. I am starting to come to terms with everything. It wasn't a dream.

No. I don't want to believe. My sister loves me and our family. Right? But deep down I know it to be true. She might love me but I have seen how she treats people and the people she 'loves' she has taken lots of things from me. Like my favourite toy even though she outgrew the teddy bear. My childhood room for her dance practice room. My room now was a guest room far from the family suite. Bryan's Favourite car just because it moved faster than hers even though hers was much more expensive. I felt it but I was to naive. My sister loves us was all I kept saying and she deserved everything she took. Because she worked the hardest. While me and Bryan were natural geniuses. My sister had to work extra hard for her grades. And I always pitied her. Bryan and Jennifer always fought and not just siblings squabble but full on war. They were always cruel to each other and I always saw it as siblings Fighting. And Bryan might have been right that night. The night I wished I could take back. The night me and Bryan fought for the first time.

I looked at Dominic. Determination clear on both our faces. Both our mouths opening at the same time. 

"I had the same dream."

"Let's get married"

"What!" Our mouths both fell in shock.