Chapter Six: I was outsmarted...never again

Dominic's POV

As the car drove in silence. My mind filled with the images that almost made me cringe physically. I can't believe I was outsmarted. I knew old Frank wasn't the one pulling the strings in the company anymore but he like to think he was leaving it for his oldest daughter. But I thought Jennifer was innocent. She played the innocence act well. She should be an actor and not pin for the Company alone.

Everything I worked for almost in shambles because I couldn't see past the sweetness Jennifer showed me. To think I felt guilty when I was with her for using her for my goal.

Frank will still get what is coming for him. I will make sure of it.

I don't know who I should thank for bringing me back to life. Able to redo my mistake. Jennifer was deceiving me just as I was. I would say we were even but I got killed together with Gia.

I looked at her beside me. She was lost in thoughts just as I was, her hands clenched in her lap. I reached over and smoothed it out. Holding her hands. She smiled at me and my heart did a flip in my chest. And I felt bad for her. She was truly fucked over by her sister that she loved so much. I have listened to her talk about her the most. Now she found out her sister killed her and we were back here together.

I won't forget that feeling. The sound of loud silence after a loud boom. Not knowing what to do to save her.

She has been a good friend to me since the beginning we met each 7 years ago. Everything was still there. I was so busy with my company but she was always there smiling at me ,giving me hope that there was good in this world. I felt like she was the only light in this world after they took mine. At first I just wanted to use her but in time I learnt that wasn't the case. We met at the cafe we met this morning.

She assumed I worked there when she always saw me there and I never corrected her. I wasn't lying when I told her I owned the cafe. I bought it in honour of my sister.

"I brought Mr and Mrs Ross," Jeremy said as we finally got to her house. Jeremy calling us Mr and Mrs Ross did something to me I didn't think was possible. Something stronger than the friendship I have with Gia.

The security at the gate finally allowed us in when they saw that the Mrs Ross was Gia. 

It was magnificent in everything. Very loud, gold everywhere. It was so showy just like its owner. There was gold everywhere and the yard was perfectly cut as if it wasn't humans that lived here. No wonder Gia left five years ago.

I felt Gia squeezed my hand hard and I could feel the nerves rolling off her. This must be difficult after learning everything she did and getting shot in the head by her sister. 

"It will be alright." I said offering her a small smile, 

"I know." 

I rubbed small circles on her hands as we looked waited in the vehicle when the car stopped. 

We will get a ring after this fiasco. Right now we just want to go 'seek blessings' from her parents. 

I opened the compartment beside me and brought out the box. I pulled out the ring and slipped it into her finger.

She gasped. She looked at me with questions in her eyes. I know she isn't stupid. There is no way a cafe owner will have the money for this car which she probably thought I rented and this ring.

She didn't ask me anything but I can see the questions in her eyes. I will tell her later when we leave for my house later. 

"Are you ready" I asked her. She took in a Deep breath and nodded. She barely talks as always but she was always willing to give smiles. She believed a smile is a gift that keeps giving. The smallest of charity you can make and she always smile even when you are down. 

She barely smiled since she woke up today. Just forced smiles Because she didn't want to to make me feel bad.

I got out of the car and quickly rushed to her side to open her side for her. She smiled in thanks and Jeremy went ahead to park the car. 

We were greeted at the door by their butler. I know about him because him and Jennifer keeps butting heads and she wouldn't stop complaining about him. And he practically raised Gia seeing as her parents didn't bother with taking care of their last born daughter. 

Gia hugged him and he must have said something to her and she took his hand and convered it with hers, patting it.

"I will be alright. Don't worry" and with that we entered the grand style house. Walking through the hall of the luxurious paintings that cost a lot of fortune and nothing about the paintings said anything. You could see it was placed there as a place holder. No family picture or anything just the daunting head picture of Frank trying to look intimidating but there is only so much intimidation you could do with your head being smaller than your body.

We finally entered the living room. Hand in hand.

"We are here father" She said looking like a blushing bride as she introduce our coming .

Frank basically bolted towards his daughter. Fury boiled in his eyes his hands clenched hard at his side. And just when I wanted to pull Gia away from his line of sight since he was heading towards us in full speed like a bull 

Gia stopped him with a few words.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. We wouldn't want your financial records with the russian mafia somehow land on the FBI's table"

And that seemed to make him stop in his heels. Shock danced through me. Respect. I know that he was connected but never could find evidence. And she had them.

"So no only did you marry this wretch but now you are threatening me with my company that fed you for years" Frank screamed at his daughter. If he could emit steam from his head right about now. I am very sure he would. 

"He is my husband. I came to show you my husband. No need for your blessings. So deal with it"

She said in finality. And she took me to sit on the couch with her. As if we were having a normal family meet up. 

I checked my phone when it pinged. It is time to introduce myself to my new family. 

"Hi, I am Dominic Ross. And I am Your daughter's husband. We got married this morning and I would like to say thank you for giving us your blessings. Not that we needed it anyways. It is not like you raised her anyways" My sarcasm could be heard from a mile away. I heard a gasp from the side of the room. The ever gracious socialite, Grace. Gia's mother. She probably just had an heart attack when she just thought of how she would be stuck with a son in law like me forever.

I just winked at her.

I didn't even look at Jennifer. I don't think I would be able look at her without stabbing her in the throat. I was pissed I got outsmarted by the bitch.

"End it with him. End it with him now. There is no way I will associate myself with this lowlife. What will people say. End it with him now or else." Frank bursted at Gia. Completely ignoring my presence as if I was dirt beneath his shoe. Well you won't be ignoring me soon.

"Or else what. You'll disown me?" she said with a bite in her tongue.

Shock held her father's throat and he spluttered.

"You won't end it with him."

"Yes" she taunted

"Well then you are no longer a part of this family"

"Really" she said in mock excitement. and that was all she said with a huge smile on her face as if she just heard her father ask her to go to the amusement park.

"Gia why are you behaving this way. You have to apologize to father so he could bless your marriage. I know how much you love him. I wish I met him before. I would have told you that father would never agree." Jennifer talked for the first time since we came in. A worried look on her face. Oh she is good.

Really good. She should be an actress. If we didn't die I am very sure I will still believe her.

"Oh spare me the details Jennifer. Your acting is really good. Well it must have been. You have had years of practice"Gia retorted.

"Sister have you gone crazy. Your love really made you crazy" and she turned to her mother as if she just sobbed.

"Your sister should be at the Oscar honey. She is very good" 

"I know right"

I checked the time on my phone. It is time. 

"Honey, can you pass me the remote." I said. Gia looked at me in confusion. But she handed me the remote anyways. So obedient. How well will she do if I commanded in a different way. Images entered my head. With hands wrapped around her hair as I have her orders. I pushed the thoughts away from my head to will my cock to go back down.

I turned the volume up just in time for the announcement.

"The CEO of GB electronics just revealed his face. He has never shown his face sending his assistant in place sof him to events. And the CEO finally revealed himself with his new bride it seems, Crossed now known with his full name. Dominic Ross just confirmed the his identity as he confirmed Going to this annual golden charity ball. He asked netiznens to look after Him and his new wife. In other news"

The family gasped in shock seeing my in the news. Gia was in shock too but she couldn't show it. I feel bad for letting her know like this but it had to be done 

I will no longer take my revenge in the shadows. Now I will attack with full force. The shadows didn't work for me now. I have to be open to strike harder. And I won'

t be outsmarted this time. I have my light by my side now.