That night I saw a dream of a beautiful woman a woman with nothing on her face as like she was faceless but he was nice to me she talked to me like a nice lady I was happy to talk to her I was happy I that dream until my alarm ring I opened my eyes now I have to go to work like daily ya daily I get no vactions form this shit work but because my sister is ill I have to do this work and my salary is low too as I didn't go to university because my mom passed away my name is Davidson as a 26 years old I am still single also I never had girlfriend in my life ya I like girls I am not gay but they never like so I can only think about girls in dreams and now even in dream they are coming with no faces
Now I have to wake up my sister so she can get ready for her school while I make her breakfast
Sister : brother I don't want to go school today I wanna be home today you know I didn't study for this test I am nervous
Davidson : no you can do it ava
Davidson in his head
Why mom and dad left me with this big responsibility here I am acting like a parent paying her fees and she is nervous for some test
Ava : I will go if you promise you will take me outside to a good restaurant after school
Davidson : ya I will now please go take a bath so I can make your breakfast I am getting late for work
Ava goes to bathroom
Davidson goes to kitchen as he sees there is only one egg so he thinks I forgot to buy eggs so I have to go that shit work empty stomach Davidson says
Ava : Is my breakfast ready brother I am getting late
Davidson: ya it's ready I am going to work come outside and eat it
Ava : did you eat breakfast why you are going so early
Davidson : ya I did eat it so I am going bye
Davidson is going to work his office is around 10 km away form him and he doesn't use train or bus for distance he walk as think it's better for his health and his legs he is going towards work he sees a family a mother and father taking there daughter towards the bus stop as he sees them he smile thinks what a beautiful family I hope I can have that type of family too as he reaches the work he meets nobody as he is so early nobody is there so goes to his chair it's actually a small job he got in this office the owner of this office was his father friend but he is hardworking a girl comes toward him he has beautiful eyes and also she wears glass because of her eyesight she is wearing a suit her name is lily
Lily : I never thought I see your face this early in work
Davidson: sorry to disappoint you this is once in lifetime you will see me this early
Lily : ya that right but did you finished the work I gave you I need that work early today
Davidson: wait a minute when did you give me the work
Lily : don't tell me you forgot as her face got red he just screams at him I should have never given you this important work I am dumbass to belive in you
Davidson as his face also got red and he says I was just joking ya I did that work I am not that lazy to not do work that important
Lily as she will sorry say I am sorry for that scream and please don't joke like that
Davidson as he thinks in his head atleast she is sorry and there is no worker here which is good for me that I don't got disrespected infront of other people
Now other workers are staring to come too as time passes and one of Davidson friend comes Davidson is smiling kooking towards him as his friend comes and seat right next to him wow bro you come this early today Davidson reply ya I did Adam
Adam: did you know last night I took that girl to date and I think she like me
Davidson: ya buddy just like the last girl who left after you stopped paying her rent are you paying this girl rent too
Adam : ya about that yes I am paying this girl rent
Davidson: you dumbass are you out of your mind you always do that why you belive that she will not leave you look bro I know you are kind person who wants to help girls but atleast use your mind some time they don't love you back
Adam : first of all she loves me and i love her all that matters to me you never see money infront of your love and this it will not be same
Adam : ya I know you will think I am dumbass you are smart guy I know that in matter of relationship I am not gonna take advise form a guy who never got a girlfriend
Davidson eyes goes down and he just started working at computer there is sadness in his eyes
Adam sees that and thinks that he has gone to far he shouldn't have said that and thinks he should say sorry but somebody calls Davidson in office as Adam was about to say sorry
Davidson goes toward that office a guy is sitting there his name is Ali he is senior to Davidson and also there relationship is not good
Ali : Davidson you know that you are late to pay me again I only give you that house because you said you had no place to live here after your father requested I give you that place on low rent but still never pays rent on time and this time you didn't even last month rent what is problem
Davidson : I know I am late and I am sorry but it was
Ali : I know you gonna say that your sister is ill but it's not my problem you have to pay rent as quickly as possible or I give this house to somebody else
Davidson : i will try as
And Davidson goes out of office he thinks he don't got money for that rent he is already in debt because of his sister hospital bills he can't do it anymore and her school fees is coming soon too I can borrow some money form Adam because he is only my friend in this world but I can't because we had fight now I have to wait until he says sorry
As Davidson goes toward his chair Adam is not there he thinks where is he ?
He ask another guy where is Adam and he reply some girl come and Adam takes her outside I think it's her girlfriend
Davidson thinks this is not right time to go outside as he thinks that a person comes form the door it's his boss
His boss is a tall man with bread and mustache he is wearing a suit and behind him a girl is coming her name is Bonnie she is his assistant as everybody stands up to welcome there boss Davidson is looking towards his boss as he thinks he is such a handsome man
Davidson always looked up to his boss as he boss has achieved everything he wants to achieve even as a kid he wanted to be Like him and he has so much respect for him but they had not a good conversation with each other he can't talk infront of him much
As he is looking towards his boss her assistant is looking towards him as his boss goes to his office her assistant makes announcement
Bonnie: as you guys today is a important meeting so boss a given you guys a one day vacation tomorrow
Davidson thinks ya that good now he can take his sister to a good restaurant tomorrow
As he thinks that Adam appears suddenly and says to Davidson that he needs a favor form him his girlfriend has come outside it's emergency he has to go right now so please handle things here
Davidson: bro today is a important meeting and you have to be in that meeting
Adam: I know that but please handle it and talk to lily about it
Davidson: but I can't do the presentation you know that I can't do that
Adam : no you can do that I belive in you please for me today do that
Davidson: ok I try but don't expect much form me
Adam: OK
As he picks his bag and he going but he stops and come back
Adam : sorry I was rude to you before you will make a food boyfriend for any girl in this world
Davidson smiles
Now Adam is gone and Davidson understand the situation he is in and starts panicking he thinks he never did a presentation and now he has to do that infront of boss he is shaking and in that state he goes towards lily office to tell her the situation he thinks lily will scream at him because he let Adam go he opens lily office
But he heard lily talking to somebody at phone he don't want to hear it but he is so close to door he hears her talk
Lily : I already told when I am at work don't call me I am busy I am not like you
Lily screams at phone and was going to throw the phone but she looks that the door is slightly open so she cut the phone and says
Lily : who is there
Davidson embarrassed
Davidson: it's me
Lily : are you spying on me
Davidson: no
Lily: did you heard something
Davidson: I should lie but ya I heard something
Lily : so you were spying
Davidson: no but when I tell you why I came you will get angry anyway so let me tell so that Adam is gone form office because of emergency
Lily : What where did he go and who will do the presentation
Davidson: he said I should do it but I can't do it I have 0 confidence in these type of situations you know
Lily : boss will be angry
Davidson: I know can you handle that please
Lily I would have never done that but it's you so I am going to do it
Davidson is some what shocked to hear that
Lily : ohh that didn't come out good what I mean by that is because I screamed at you in morning that why I am going to do this I will tell boss assistant for you
Davidson: sorry for making you explain yourself so you can handle this situation
Lily : about that you have to do the presentation but we do it like that so Adam don't get fired that all I can do
Davidson: so I have to do this I hope Adam left something for me to do
Lily : ya I got copy of presentation just be yourself and do it
Davidson ok I will try let me ask you this if I fail will the deal be cancelled
Lily : no presentation is just a formality deal will happen anyway
Davidson stop shaking and says if that case he will do it as he says he goes out of office
Lily in her mind actually presentation is the most important part of the deal but I didn't want to put pressure on his head
Lily calls bonnie to tell her the stuitions
Bonnie: so you are I should cut the Adam name but who will do the presentation then
Lily : Davidson
Bonnie: can he do that he never talks so much he is like a introvert type of person
Lily : no he can do that I belive in him
Bonnie: OK
Davidson outside trying to remember his presentation it's been two hours he is trying to memorize it lily is watching him trying so hard Bonnie comes towards him this is first time they are talking to each other
Bonnie : can you do it
Davidson: ya I can do it
As he Says that the company guys appear
And they straight goes towards boss office Bonnie goes right behind them but before going she tells Davidson that he needs to do this right and she will be with him if he forgot anything
Two company guys names are Abdullah and Marco they are inside taking to boss
Abdullah: nice to meet you
Marco : that the nice office you got John
Boss name is john morgan Marco and he were friends in university
Abdullah: taking to Marco ear slowly why are you talking like that do you know him
Marco : ya he is my friend
John : ya Marco long time no see if it's you who is seeing the product for that company I can pray for them
Marco : na I am not the same lazy guy as I were in university I am working hard now
Abdullah smiles
Marco : What are you smiling about
John: can we talk about business here I know you will like that product
Marco : first you have to show me that
Bonnie comes in form the door Abdullah looks toward her
Marco : so this the girl you got
John : you still haven't changed and this girl is like my daughter age have some shame man
Marco : I am joking man have you ever heard about joke Abdullah you can atleast laugh so what I say don't come as weird
Abdullah : ...
Marco looks towards Abdullah
Marco : why are you not replying and stop staring at the girl
Abdullah : What I am not staring at her man
Marco: even a kid can see that and take those documents out
Davidson enters the room
John : should we start
Marco : What
John : presentation and everything
Marco : I don't need a presentation I just need to see the product and also if I didn't like the product the presentation is not gonna change it
John : but you have atleast hear something about product how it's works and where it's used
Abdullah: ya he is right sir Marco
Marco : Abdullah you should know this when two old people talking " young ones shut don't talk " Marco said in serious tone
Actually Marco is way senior the Abdullah and older then Abdullah
Marco : ya boy what is your man
Davidson: my name is Davidson
Marco : don't you got a surname
Davidson: sir it's David Davidson
Marco : ok David sorry to waste your time in that presentation but I don't need it you can go or stay it's on you
Bonnie : telling Davidson to go
Davidson: thanks for your time gentleman I will leave
Marco : ..... Marco in his head
So he is David son he looks like him so much
We get a small flashback of John David and Marco in university they were at backseat talking about how this teacher is boring
John : man where even this teacher comes in class I get sleepy
David: he is looking towards us
Marco : why he is looking towards me
Teacher : can you come here and do this presentation
Marco : David today was presentation and you didn't tell me
David: I also I don't know that
Marco : today presentation is about environment and how should we save them
Teacher : David can you come and tell this
David : today presentation is about whether
Teacher : John
John : today presentation is about water treatment
Teacher : nice John atleast you know about topic name
John : sir should I continue
Back to present time
John : should we continue
Davidson goes outside sits on his chair and thinks that he got saved by that
Lily comes towards him and asks what happened you came out so early
Davidson :nothing happened they didn't take the presentation
Lily : What do you mean by that
Davidson: they said they didn't or he said that he didn't need the presentation
Lily : who said that
Davidson: the old man
Lily : Marco ya he can do that he beens like that
Davidson : how you know him
Lily: he worked here sometime
Davidson : what
Lily : you don't know him ohh you joined late of course you don't know him
Marco Abdullah comes out of room in 2 hours
Marco looks at Davidson and goes towards him and says
Marco : I know you don't remember me but I am your dad's friend
Davidson: sorry I didn't remember and father also didn't mentioned you
Marco : ya of course he didn't bye boy take care of yourself
Davidson: yes
Bonnie comes out of office and do a announcement that deal was successful boss is giving a half day vacation you can stop working and go to your homes
Everybody at office is happy
Davidson is also happy lily is happy Bonnie goes towards Davidson and congratulates him but Davidson says that
Davidson: why are you congratulations me I didn't did anything
Bonnie : no but you are still part of the team which helped us
Davidson: ya you can say that
Bonnie : and ya can you give me your number
Davidson : ya
Davidson gives the number Bonnie saved it and says it ya boss wants to meet you
Davidson: me
Bonnie : yes you
Bonnie goes outside the building and leaves
Davidson goes inside the boss office
Davidson: can I come sir
John : ya definitely come Davidson do you drink
Davidson: no
John : ok do you know that your father and me used to drink your father was a good man he was like a brother to me
John : you know that why I didn't want to talk to you because your face reminds of him when ever I come to this building I see your face and it make me remember him and I miss him
Davidson: sir are you drank
John : yes I am that Marco drank with but he is good drinker and I am bad so I got drank and don't call me boss call me uncle
Davidson : yes boss
John : again call me uncle
Davidson: ok uncle
John : you know after your father death I got lonely this Marco bustard was out of the city so I had no true friends so I drank alot at night you are like a nephew to me form your mother and father side both your mom called me her brother I was her brother
Davidson: sir please drink less
John : your mother said the same I am sorry kid if only I could saved them if only
Lily enter the room
Lily : are you drank again John
John : who said I am drank nephew did you told her you rat I told you about my life and you tell her I am disappointed in you
Davidson: I didn't told you
John : ohh you didn't then you are a good boy take this money
Davidson: I can't
John : take it you dumbass
Davidson takes the money
John : go enjoy and take this lily pily with you
Davidson : ok
Lily : I am not going u till he goes to home
Davidson: Bonnie will come so go now
Lily: ok
The End of chapter