" as i heard the 2 suspicious men infront of me suddenly they disappearedand this led me to think to protect the jwellery tonight"
I didn't told the other members of my group which will make it worse .
And came to the "museum castle" where jwellery was placed as appointed as part time gaurd as for the day for 2 silver coins
I saw a small kid arround 13 - 14 years reger markus protecting the jwellery , i asked him why he is protecting the jwellery.
The gaurd of the jwellery were outside to watch the fireworks at the castle that will held again in 15 minutes,
" Kid was the descendant of the legendary jweller maker markus but his family member died
In disease except sister that was caused 2 years ago "
He was doing all this as , gaurd promised him to give him some money "10 silver coins"
"He was descendant of the markus who was richest man at that time but got corruped as his master piece was taken by noble men
And later all the wealth was taken from markus by king "
Because he was suspected as the one who
Give work to the demon power user the cruelty of the king towards the demon power user .
Because of(there was 3 future predicted 1000 years ago held by future teller of that time and all the future prediction were came true ) and the one of the future prediction was that there will be one demon power user who will end the monarchy from the world as revolutinary"
And many people suffered because of this
Prediction and the kid was also victim .
I wanted to help the small kid and joined as gaurd for not let anyone steal the jwellery as i heard some people were going to steal it
As minutes held he given me many information about the oxillor jwellery:- ( that
The stone inside oxillor jwellery is actually a core of the one of the god lived billion years ago )
Whoever will wear it get cursed by power of the oxillor and even death is possible and no one ,
Wore it from than onwards , the oxillor stone will be only wore by the chosen one in future.
" And chosen one gets large amount of power boost by oxillor stone"
" I wanted to wear it but I didn't wanted to be cursed so i didnt even touch it "
I asked him what will be the consequences of wearing it .
He replied :-" whole life of that person will be ruined by wearing it "
I suddenly realised it was 5 minutes left for the fireworks so through communication
Magic device I communicated with yun
And said :- " I won't come to see fireworks as I am doing something important in castle "
He replied with a simle :- (okk he was about to say something)
But suddenly a large noice came to my ears as I walked inside.
" 2 men were there and 1 was punching reger markus ( small child) "