Heavy is the crown.

My cheeks started to hurt fifteen minutes ago. I just wanted to be back in my room. Not at home but at school. Home didn't ever feel like how it should be. I only know that because I've seen my roommates with their family.

Can someone get me away from here?

"Soraya, you can surely do better than that. Even the cat is more expressive with it's face than yours". My mother's voice cut through the air.

"Pardon me, mother. I'm just feeling tired". I croaked. I was scared of my mother,the Queen. I've come to realize she wasn't a good mother but she was a great Queen.

I struggled to plaster on the smile on my face. I bet I looked like a stick was just shoved into my ass. Who does a portrait these days? Can my mom actually move on?

I was the only child. Now,I am. I wasn't always the only child. I had an older brother. He died last year though. Overdosed on Heroine. It was very shocking that the golden crown prince of Delsh had been a drug addict.

I never knew anything was wrong with my brother. He always seemed to have everything together. Kael was the perfect brother and the perfect crown prince. Too perfect.

I was coronated crown princess just a week before and I could feel the weight of the crown pressing down my head already. It was literally wearing my head down on my neck right now. Just getting my portrait painted was taking hours that I couldn't bear.

My mother's eye were trained on me. Oh dear!

This was going to be the worst day of my life . Worse than when my brother died? I think not. That day was hell.

"Soraya, I'm worried for you. If this is the best you can give, I don't know how you can survive when it's time for you to ascend the throne."Mother walked into my firleld of vision. Her makeup flawlessly done that it seemed she had none on. She was wearing a dark green dress that fell around her in drapes. Her hair styled into a bun with no stray strand flying around. My mother was the ruling monarch of Delsh. She had always known she would. She was born and raised like this. I, however, was a late child she had with my father just before he passed away.

I was raised normally, like a normal child,which was my father's wish on his deathbed. Mother didn't tell me that. No,it was Christina,my nanny who did.

I had been crying to her about not being able to spend more time around Kael.

The more time I spent in the palace, the more I wished I wasn't of royal blood. That I was normal. At school,I was. I hid who I was from everyone and that was one thing I loved. Now you may think how that was possible when everyone knew what I looked like. Well, I begged my mother to let me attend college without being known. Of course, the school management knew who I was but to everyone else,I was just another girl. I dyed my hair brown,changed my style,wore hazel contact lens and voila,I was a changed person.

It was surprising how much I could change when I was at school. Even with my fake look, I was real at school.

"Tomorrow morning, you'll be leaving to school, won't you?"my mother said as she stared at the portrait.

"Yes, I will" I said, trying my best to hold her gaze. She hated it when I shrank away from her. It made me look inferior, she said. Queen Laesa was a force that demanded.

"Okay, that's fine. I suppose you won't be back till after the semester?"she looked at me as she placed the portrait on the table. I wasn't prepared for that look on her face. She looked almost sad.

"Um-" I said, lost for words. She was sad I was leaving? Maybe I was judging her too hard. She was lonely too. She had to be. "I'll be back for Thanksgiving. It's just two weeks away".

She nodded. "Alright,do something about your hair,Soraya. You don't want the world to know who you are".

She turned and left the room. My chest clenched. Now I felt bad. She had no one with her. I was leaving her too.

I locked the door and began to pack up for school. Trying to dye my hair was hell.

When I was done, I stalked my ex on social media. We broke up when I became crown princess. Actually, he broke up with me. The fool!

He said he couldn't be with me because his life wouldn't be private anymore. Like it ever was? He literally did everything with a camera with him.

Maybe it was best we broke up. He was a dickhead.