
The first time I rebeled against my mother was when I asked if I could go to a party. She refused, obviously.

I didn't care that she refused because the worst that could happen was a stern warning and me being grounded or having to go with her to official events. Okay, there was a lot at stake for me but I didn't care.

I went to the party. Danced like I was never getting the chance anymore and drank. Hell yeah, I drank a lot and got alcohol poisoning. That was just two years ago by the way when I was sixteen.

Someone took pictures of me and posted it online. It was scandalous. The Princess of Delsh seen underage drinking. It was unacceptable and irresponsible.

I got into more trouble than I bargained for. That made me realize the lack of privacy that was going to affect me.

I decided then that no one was going to know who I was when I wasn't dressed up as the princess.

And I did.

I changed schools with the help of my mother. The school authorities were more than willing to accept me and keep shut about my identity.

I blended in so well. Fit in to the crowd.

But now, I was loosing it all. My mother was sniffing me out. I would have to become the princess more and eventually, all the time.

I sat in class feeling do unsure about everything. I needed to talk to Willem. But how was I going to reach him?

My phone buzzed with a message.

Hi, Soraya. It's Willem. I think we need to talk. When will you be free?

What the -? I was just thinking of him.

Uhm. Okay.

Hi Willem. How about we meet tomorrow? I've been trying to get ahold of you. Just say where.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled. If I could convince hime to speak with his father, the king, the engagement could be called off.


Later that evening, I went partying with Bree and Heather just in case it was the last time I would be free.

It was at a frat house. I wasn't a big fan of frat parties but one couldn't hurt.

"Hey, Raya!"

I turned to see James pushing through the swarm of bodies to get to me.

"Hi James" I smiled. James was nice. "Fancy seeing you here. Don't tell me you lost a bet with Lance?".

He laughed .

"Actually, I did. That's the only way he can force me to these parties".

I nodded and downed a drink.

He raised a brow and I giggled.

" Are you sure you're not drunk?" He asked and moved my cup away.

I pouted . "Oh come on, I'm not. Just a little tipsy"

I put my fingers up.

He smiled. "Why don't we get you some water?"

" That would be lovely, thank you" I slurred. What was I saying?

He sighed. "Raya, just wait here and I'll be back with water. Do not go anywhere. Please".

I nodded and smiled as he left. I reached for another drink but someone grabbed my wrist before I could.

"I think you shouldn't drink anymore".

A deep voice warned.

I turned to him with a frown.

I saw his black hair first.

"It's you! You're the guy from Gander's!!. I remember you. With your intense eyes." I almost toppled over but he held on to me with what I assumed was an unimpressed look on his face.

" Why were you staring at me? Are you a stalker because if you were I'll be disappointed and will have to call the police on you. Please don't be a stalker" I rambled.

He scoffed. "I'm not a stalker, Raya".

" Really? I'm glad. You look too good to be a criminal. I hate criminals".

"Where's your friend?" He asked as he took a seat next to me.

"Oh Bree? I don't know. Probably puking her guts out. You can say it. Yes, we are being a little bit irresponsible now. I know. That's what I want to do tonight. Lose control to try and gain control cause my life is spiraling out of control".

He tilted his head as if trying to understand me.

"Sorry ,buddy. I don't understand myself either".

He smiled.

"You're not how I pictured you to be".

"How did you picture me?"

"You seemed less funny and carefree ".

I shook my head. "Well you don't really know me that well,do you? We just met "

"Right " he nodded.

"Should I let you in on a secret?" I asked.

"I don't really want to know."

"I'm going to say it anyway" I got up and stumbled up to him. He was staring at me like I could fall at any time.

"What are you trying to do? You don't have to come close to be, you'll fall".

I shook my head. I was feeling a little bit braver. Alcohol is a bitch.

" I'm going to kiss you now, stranger. "

His eyes widened but before he could react, I planted my lips against his.

I opened my eyes but quickly shut it. It was so bright here. My room was never too bright.

I slowly opened my eyes to a room that didn't look familiar and a small, white Pomeranian dog staring down on me.

"Um, hi" I smiled at it.

It jumped away from me and ran away, barking.

Where was I ?

Was I kidnapped?

Oh no! I didn't check into the dorm room last night. Mother was going to be so angry at me.

I quickly got up but winced." Oww!"

Fucking hell!! My head hurts.

I got up and took in my surrounding. The room was dark grey in color. It was the most boring color I have ever seen. With such minimalist interior design.

Where am I ?

"Hello?" I spoke into the empty room.

The door opened and in walked the diner boy.


Uh? What was he doing here?

Oh! I remembered now! I kissed him!

My Lord!

"Shit!" My hands flew to my mouth.



"My name's Raya".

"I'm pretty sure you're Soraya. I could tell under all the hair dye and contacts" he said drily.

Oh no no no.

A stranger knew who I was ?

Was I not careful enough?

He stepped towards me and bent till he was at my eye level.

"Don't be scared. I'm Willem. Of Darkey".
