Crashing down.

The first friends I have ever had are going to hate me now. What was my mother doing here?

I couldn't move. I didn't dare move. The air caught in my throat.



Was this how I would lose my freedom?


"Are you just going to stand there or will you have a sit, Soraya?". My mother's voice brought me out of my reverie.

My focus shifted back to the room. She was now sitting on the couch. Bree was staring at me, wide-eyed.

My feet moved of their own accord towards my mother. I sat on the chair opposite hers.

Why was she here? The one question that I could think of ran through my mind.

She isn't meant to be here.

"When I let you come to study here, I thought we made a deal. That you would be responsible. I remember we had an agreement of that sort, right Soraya?" My mother wasted no time .

I nodded. "We did".

I still couldn't bring myself to look at Bree or my mother.

"Look at me when I speak, Soraya". Her voice resounded with command.

I forced my face to meet hers. Her eyebrows were arched at me. Her mouth in a tight position, disapproving.

"Now, where were you last night? Before meeting Willem".

I wringed my hands, nervously.

"Um- I was at a party".

A sharp intake of breath from her made mine get caught in my chest.

I had never felt so embarrassed in my life. Did we really need to do this in front of Bree? After I lied about my identity?

"Right" she scoffed. "I was right to be pessimistic about this school. This arrangement."

My head snapped up at her. No!

She wasn't going to-

"Pack your things. I'm moving you out of this dorm".

I jumped up. "No, please. I'm sorry. I was just being stupid yesterday. I will never repeat it again. Please, mother".

She nodded" Yes, you won't repeat it again because you're moving out of this dorm. Be glad I didn't have you withdrawn from this school."

I swallowed. I had no argument.

"I'll give you today to pack up. I'll send the chaffeur to get you to your new apartment tomorrow ".

I nodded. My eyes burned. It was also my fault. I had also been irresponsible.

She walked out of the room after giving Bree a hug.

The room was silent for a while before Bree cleared her throat.

" So....that was one huge core that just dropped. How did I never see that Raya and Soraya sounded alike?". She smiled at me.

"Are you not mad?"I asked. She was acting like I didn't lie for more than a year.

She shrugged. "I was. But seeing how the Queen reacted with you partying for a night, I get it that you didn't tell us. I would if I were you".

I let out a breath.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I really did like being friends with you and Heather ".

She rolled her eyes. " We are still friends. Soraya"


"I've always loved the name Soraya. Did I tell you that?". She smiled.

Of course, she always did.

I was going to miss this. I would miss my friends.

"Hey!" Bree said to me. She was standing right in front of me now. "It's alright. You'll be fine. We'll all be fine".

I shook my head. "It won't. I don't think it it'll be fine, Bree. I came to this school to get a break. Now I don't have that anymore. This is my mother taking back control if my life. She's going to bend and mould me till I break".

The first tear dropped from my eyes. I wasn't made for that life. I didn't want to feel like that. I didn't want to feel lonely like my brother had felt. I didn't want to feel lonely like my mother did now.

I cried uncontrollably after that. The life I tried running away from finally caught up to me.