"The prodigal daughter returns. Took you long enough."
Ronald's cold voice pierced Nicolette as she entered the house slowly, her shoulders slumped.
She hadn't expected to see him sitting in the living room, legs crossed with a smirk on his face. She thought she would sneak in, shower off the sweat, and even borrow one of Hillary's clothes before actually seeing him.
Well if wishes were horses…
"Hi dad," Nicolette said flatly, steadying her nerves.
The last thing she wanted to do was show him just how she was feeling inside.
Ronald uncrossed his legs and pointed to the seat opposite him. "Sit."
She swallowed hard before lowering herself into the seat, obeying his order.
"I'll be in my room," Hillary said softly, gesturing to the stairs.
"Thank you my lovely girl, you've saved your sister once again," Ronald turned to Hillary, his brown eyes softened and his mouth curved into a smile.
Nicolette clenched her fists to control her emotions. She wanted to cry, to ask why his endearments were only used on Hillary.
But she knew she would sound pathetic, and knowing him, he would only knock her down further.
"Yes Daddy," Hillary said with a faint smile and walked away.
When Ronald turned to Nicolette, the coldness was back in his gaze. "So how may I help you?"
Oh, she knew it!
She knew he was going to relish in her pain. She knew he was going to ask, just so she could say how helpless she really was.
He wanted to hear her beg, she could tell.
Her heart squeezed and her eyes drifted away from his piercing stare. She looked around the house, noticing how much it had changed, how much it was different.
"I… need your help," she said slowly, shutting her eyes to the pain.
Ronald scoffed, leaning back. "With what exactly?"
His question intensified her pain and she pinched herself, stopping herself from reacting.
"I don't have all day," he added, not hiding the annoyance in his tone.
"I need your help with the business," she finally uttered, each word pulling at the string of her heart.
Ronald laughed, his eyes softening. "I knew you would come back to your senses. It took you what? Six months and here you are, begging and crying."
She bit her lip at his jab but didn't say anything. She wasn't ready to argue with him.
Her phone rang and she quickly reached for it. Suzie was on the line.
The pain hit her, reminding her of all she had lost in just a day, and now sitting down and facing the man responsible for most of it, she realized she was finding it hard to breathe.
Her father stood up and adjusted his black tailored suit. "Go and clean up, then we'll talk."
He walked away without letting her speak and Nicolette nodded, standing up slowly.
She couldn't believe it. She was here. She had come back and had been treated just as she had predicted—mocked, disregarded.
She knew there was more to come, her father always had tricks up his sleeves and she could only hope that whatever he was going to say—or do—wouldn't shatter what was left of her.
She turned to her step mother's voice, swallowing her pain. She couldn't show Hillary's mother her emotions, Beatrice was just as brutal as Ronald. It was a wonder Hillary didn't take after her mother.
"Beatrice," Nicolette said flatly.
"Welcome home my child. I'm sorry for your loss." Beatrice's voice was soft and her eyes were gentle.
Yet, Nicolette didn't want to believe she cared. Beatrice was definitely gloating inside despite the gentle facade.
"Come," Beatrice said, pulling Nicolette closer. "A hot bath has been prepared in your room with a tray of food."
Nicolette's stomach dropped.
Beatrice had said her room—not her old room. It was as if they had all been waiting for her to come back.
The pain rose in her chest and she swallowed it again as she trailed behind Beatrice quietly.
"When you're done, your father would like to talk to you," Beatrice said softly
Nicolette nodded as she turned to her old room, opened the door and entered. The room was still the same, painted light green because that was her mother's favorite color.
She slumped on the bed, waiting for the tears to fall but nothing came. She waited, letting relief take over before she stood up and bathed.
The shower was long and when she finally came out, her eyes went to the tray of food on her bedside table and the gown beside it.
She dried herself, wore the gown and dug into the food. It was a plate of mashed potatoes and steak and she enjoyed it very much.
Just as she was drinking water, a knock came on the door.
"Lettie?" It was Hillary.
"Yes," she replied.
"Daddy wants to see you."
She stood up and opened the door.
Hillary had a small smile on her face. "Feeling better?"
"Yes," Nicolette replied with a nod.
"Go in bravely," Hillary advised. "He's in the study."
"Thanks," she forced a smile as she made her way to the study.
In front of the brown door, she inhaled sharply before knocking.
"Come in." The order was direct.
Nicolette pushed the door and walked in. Ronald lifted his head when she did.
"You smell better now," he smiled and Nicolette winced. "I hope you see how hard it is without me. I hope you've learnt your lesson."
He was waiting for her response, she could tell from the way he was looking at her. But she looked away, not giving him that satisfaction.
Nicolette braced herself, waiting for his blow to land. He hadn't even told her to sit.
He scoffed. "Let's cut to the chase. I am willing to help you, Nic, you're my daughter after all."
He only called her 'Nic' when he was about to play on her emotions. He knew it would weaken her because it had been his nickname for her mother, Annica, too.
"So, for that to happen," her father continued. "You'll have to marry Lucian Crawford."
Nicolette's heart dropped. She had expected something harsh, but this was not it. "What?"
"You heard me." His forehead creased with a frown. "You'll marry him to help my business and I'll help with yours."
She blinked, disbelief racing through her. "You…want me to marry a stranger?"
His frown deepened. "He's no stranger, I know him. He's a young man who is willing to help us. He's willing to invest in the company at a small price."
Her stomach clenched at his statement. "Small price? Marrying me off to a stranger is a small price?"
Ronald sprang to his feet, slamming the table hard and she flinched. "You are in no position to argue! You'll marry him! It's for the company's future!"
Nicolette stepped back, emotions racing through her. This can't be it. She couldn't just give in to this. "I… have a boyfriend," she lied, hoping Robert was enough to scare him.
Ronald laughed instead, a long mocking laughter that made her skin crawl. "You call that a boyfriend?"
"I know how much you dislike him, but he is my boyfriend. I can't be married to another when I have a boyfriend," she pressed on, riding on the lie.
Her father went back to his seat, unfazed. "I didn't know you were a liar now."
Her cheeks immediately heated up. "What… what do you mean?"
Her father looked at her, his eyes shining with disgust. "You're single now, Nic, because I paid your stupid boyfriend to leave you."
Her heart stopped for a moment.
No… he wouldn't… But the look in her father's eyes told her otherwise. "No…"
"Oh yes, my dear. Robert is in Las Vegas, enjoying my money. Guess I was always right about that lowlife. Anyway, go get ready. We'll be having dinner with Lucian Crawford."
His dismissal, his disregard, and Robert's betrayal all hit her like a ton of bricks, but instead of hurting her, it angered her.
"I cannot believe you!" she yelled and he looked at her with surprise. "I can't believe you'll pay someone to hurt me and steal my things!"
"If Robert stole your things, that's him acting on his own accord. I didn't send him that."
"And the fire?" she countered. "Burning everything down just so I can come running back to you!"
His brow knitted with confusion. "I don't know what that is about."
She had had enough, she was done with his manipulation. Nicolette leaned forward, her eyes blazing with anger. "You'll regret this!" Then, she moved to the door.
"Dinner is by 8, don't be late." Her father said from behind her.
Nicolette stormed out of the study, blinded with rage. It was so bad that she didn't know how she got to the Allens' premises, or noticed the man seated in Alaric's office when she barged in.
Alaric rose to his feet, concern filling his face. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I have made a decision," she said firmly. "Let's get married, Mr Allens."