"You made me come here to show me a piece of stone"
"Not the stone idiot what's on it"
Ryan practically shoves the stone tablet into my hands and points to the text on it
"I found it near the train tracks a few days ago, but i can't understand it it's not in english"
I looked at the texted which seemed familiar, and then it clicked
"Well no wonder you can't read it it's in latin"
Ryan peers down at the tablet
"You can read Latin?"
"You can't? We've been taking latin class for like the past 3 years"
"Come on, man, you know i don't pay attention in those classes"
I ran my fingers along the text, trying to make out the worn-out letters
"It says something about a war against demons… This is a load of shit"
"Just read the damn thing Nate"
I sighed. There's no way what this tablet said could be true demons. Really, it's more akin to something out of a fantasy book
"It says that when darkness falls over the land, 5 hero's will rise up to take down a foe of unbelievable power… really, a foe of unbelievable power Ryan, this is a load of-"
"Jeez relax, 5 hero's one of fire, one of life, one of ice, one of shadows and one of…"
Ryan looks up at me in anticipation
"And one of what Nate"
I lifted the stone tablet into the air and turned it upside down, then around
"There's nothing else written. We need the other piece"
Ryan falls back onto his bed, letting out a big sigh
"There is no other piece that's the only i found, and it was by the train tracks by itself"
I stood up, placing the stone tablet back into the briefcase, i sat abc into the chair, wiping the debris of my trousers
"Well it doesn't matter since it's a load of crap anyway"
Ryan sits up, leaning against the wall behind his bed
"I don't know, it seemed pretty authentic"
"Just because it's old doesn't mean it's true"
"Yeah I guess you're right… so i've got some bad news"
I sit up
"I'm going away for a month in about a day and a half. It's not so bad for me, but i'm just worried about how you guys will handle not having me around for a month"
We both laugh at his comment
"You ass"
After a few more hours of talking, I decided to call it a night. I said goodbye to Ryan and made my way back to my apartment, but as I walked up to the door, a sharp pain erupted from my chest. My knees buckled, and I fell down, spewing out a bucket of blood onto the floor. I clutch my chest as I claw my way to the door. Using all my remaining strength, I pulled myself up to my feet. I fumble for my keys trying not to pass out, I found my keys and opened the door just barley grabbing on to it before i fell to the floor and held onto the wall as i made my way to the bathroom, as i opened the door i fell just catching myself on the sink as i coughed up more blood i went to turn on the tap but my eyes looked up into the mirror instead of my reflection a tall figure stood there covered in what looked to be shadows his 2 red eyes looked down to me which caused me to fall back hitting my head on the wall behind me. I shakily pulled myself up, but to my relief, my reflection went back to normal. I wiped the blood off my face and headed to my room. I lay down onto my bed and passed out instantly.
Once again I found myself in the void as my conscience swam but this time felt off i felt something pulling me before i could react a shadowy hand grasp my hand and began to pull me down more and more hands pull me down faster and faster as i felt my mind slip more and more i tried to fight it but i was powerless weak just like when stan attack Ryan i had no power to do anything i couldn't even help myself just as i felt my mind slip a voice called out to me
The voice was distant and familiar, but who was it?.
"Nate… Nate?"
Suddenly, I saw a light I desperately reached out with all my strength when.
My eyes shot open, and I instinctively grabbed the person above me.
"Hey Nate, stop, it's me James"
My eyes adjusted to my surroundings. I was still in bed and holding James by his shirt. i let him go and said
"Sorry James"
My voice came out weak and horse, and when i tried to move, i couldn't it took all of my effort just to sit up right i stood up
"Sorry i'll be ready in a minute"
While I could see James hesitate, he accepted my answer and left my room.
It took more effort than I liked to admit putting my clothes on, and I left the room holding onto the wall as I made my way outside.
The day went by in a flash as i made my way from one class to the next only being able to focus on not passing out i made my way outside of school and was met with James Noah Liam and Ryan who said they were heading to toms party not wanting to worry them i agreed to go and we made our way down until we reached the house lights and sound erupted form it as we walked up i felt my feet tremble but i held my own we made our way inside and i was briefly decorated by the flashing lights and loud sounds i grabbed a cup of something which I knew i wasn't going to drink i made my way to a corner and held onto the wall before i knew it James walked over and tapped me on my shoulder i turned to face him
"Nate were all leaving you coming"
"What?... already we've only been here a few minutes"
James looked at me, worried
"Nate, it's been 3 hours. Are you feeling alright?"
James' face was etched in confusion as I looked down and turned on my phone.
Shit he was right it had been hours since we got here something was wrong something was wrong with me we made our way outside and i saw Ryan Liam and Noah in a taxi which apparently Liam had called Ryan stuck his head out the window
"Nate come on, it's getting late"
Not wanting to worry Ryan more than i already had yesterday, i decided to walk
"You guys go on ahead without me. I'm going to walk home. i need some fresh air"
Ryan clearing didn't like that answer, but without being able to do much, we said goodbye and parted ways
I walked down the cold dark street just barely holding on i didn't think i was going to make it home that was until i heard a loud crash only a few feet away from me i whipped my head around and saw a small crater behind me i walked over an peer down inside the crater was a tall tanned man with crimson hair and a small scar on his mouth.
I kneel down, inspecting the man when suddenly his eyes shoot open and he grabs my arm. i fall back and try to remove the man's hand
"Wait kid please i need your help"
I stopped resisting the man and let him continue
"My name is Hunter, Hunter smith. Please tell me your name"
"Its N-Nate, Nate anderson"
The man turned his head towards me
"Anderson?... no, there's no time you must listen to me he's coming"
My voice came out louder than i wanted as Hunters hand tightened
"Lucius, god of mortals, he killed my team, my friends he needs to be stopped"
Hunter pulled my hand to his chest and placed something in my hand he let go of my arm, and I pulled it back. i opened it and saw 4 orange marbles
"What is this?"
Hunter pulled his arm back and looked up into the sky
"It's my team. Their powers marablized, and here"
Hunter flipped his hand and used the other one to make a circle and removed a fifth marble, which he handed to me
"That one's mine. Please give them to your most trusted allies you have 1 year"
"A year? What happens in a year?"
Hunter coughs up some blood
"Lucius after tonight he'll be sealed away for another year. That's how much time you have to train"
"sealed ? by who"
"There's no time to explain if you help me you will learn in due time so please help me"
I clutched the marbles in my hand. This could be it this could be the opportunity to get the power to help myself to help others to become what i've always dreamed of a Hero
"I'll do it, i promise"
Hunter smiled weakly
"Good thank-"
Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in the sky.
Hunter shoots up, pushing me back with a great force. The figure in the sky shot out a black liquid, which landed on Hunter, seeping into his body
"Hunter are you okay who was tha…"
I stopped mid sentence horrified as Hunters body melted into the ground leaving only a deep pitch black shadow i looked up at the figure which turned his head to me and shot towards me i crawled back not taking my eyes of the figure just as his fist was inches from my face a bell wrung out singling midnight and the figure began to be pulled back by a unknown force and just as fast as he appeared he was gone.
I slowly stood up, my hands trembling just as I got to my feet. I noticed something: the pain in my body had subsided, and I felt normal, good even. I looked around and clutched the marbles in my hands
"I promise I'll stop him… Hunter"
I walked back home, not being able to stop thinking of Hunter and that man. Was he Lucius? The idea of that thing being Lucius sent shivers down my spine even when he was miles above me and felt him the only way I could reasonably explain it was a pressure weighing down on me.
I made it home and entered. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Hunter's words echoed in my head, 1 year, all I had was one year, and I wasn't going to waste a second. But then I decided to sleep and decide what to do tomorrow. For the first night in a month, I slept peacefully, no dreams, no pain, no memories, just pure sleep. I woke up the next morning with determination, grabbing the marbles. I stuffed them into my jacket pocket and left for school. I arrived and immediately grabbed James
"Where's Liam and Noah"
"What? I don't know, they're somewhere in the building, I think".
I looked around until I saw the familiar snow white and brown hair. I walked over to them a serious look on my face
"Liam Noah, we need to talk"
Liam noticed my serious demeanour and said
"Nate, what's wrong"
I looked around, just noticing how crowded the hall was
"we need to go somewhere private"
Liam looked around, making sure no one was watching
"I've got a place. Follow me"
Liam gestured for us to follow, and we did. We walked through the halls and up the stairs and then down the hall. As we walked through the wall, a student bumped into me, causing me to almost fall back. The student scowled at me before walking away. We reached the end of Liam and opened a small window, which he stepped through, Noah entered next then James, and finally I went through making sure no one saw us trays when i saw stan walking down the hall but luckily enough he seemed distracted by something on the floor which he picked up as he looked up I quickly climbed through the window just before he looked in my direction. I landed on the rooftop and looked around, Liam looked to me and said
"well this is as private of a place you're going to get here, so"
I sat down on the wall and took out the 3 marbles… Wait, 3? Shouldn't there be four? I checked my other pocket and found Hunter's marble, but there should still be one more. I felt each of my pockets and found each pocket empty. Okay, calm down, Nate, you must have left it at home. Yeah, I must have only grabbed 4. Okay, this will still work.
I held out the 3 marbles. Liam Noah and James looked down at the marbles, and then back at me, Liam sighed and said
"You brought us out here in the cold, making us miss class to show us your marble collection-"
I held up a hand to stop him and said
"Please let me explain this is important"
Everyone went silent as I began as I told them of the previous night's events. Their faces went from surprise to confusion, then to disbelief.
James sighed, looking down at the marbles
"Look Nate i want to believe you, but come on"
"Come on, you got to believe me just, here take one"
James then Liam and finally Noah all grabbed a marble. Liam lifted his into the air and spin it around and said
"This just looks like any other marble"
I held Hunter's marble, wondering what to do with it. He never did tell how to use it. Noah lifted the marble up to his face and we all watched in shock as he threw the marble into his mouth and bit down breaking it suddenly he fell to his knees and began to cough out a purple smoke which seeped into his skin. Liam rushed to his side
"Noah are you all right… Dammit Nate, what the hell was that"
Liam walked up to me, grabbing me by the shirt
"Wait… Liam, i'm fine"
Noah's voice was barely above a whisper, which caused Liam to not hear it as he pushed me into the wall
"Liam stop let him go"
Noah began to walk over his voice slightly louder, but Liam still couldn't hear him
"I said STOP"
Noah lifted his hand to grab Liam but a ball of light shot out of it flying straight past me and Liam the ball of light barely missed my cheek as it hit the wall causing a big crack to form down along it.
Me and Liam both turn to Noah, who was staring at his hand.
"N-noah… what the hell was that" Liam went over to him, grabbing his hand and inspecting it
"I-i d-don't know I just reached my hand out and then… that shot out"
James looked at his marble and said
"Maybe you aren't full of shit Nate"
James lifts the marble up and crushes it in his hand. The same purple mist spills out from the sides of his hand and seeps into his skin just like Noah. Liam hesitated, but eventually, he gave in and crushed his marble. I took my marble out and held it in front of me. I swear Hunter, I'll use this power, and I will stop Lucius.
I crushed Hunter's marble and let the mist into my body. I stood up punching the air my arms felt lighters I felt stronger I look over and see James try and fail to replicate what Noah did after a minute of shooting his arms out he dropped them to the side and said
"Come on, why won't the light ball shoot out"
I shot my hand out, and same as James, nothing happened. I tightened my fist and then let go, I was certainly stronger than before, but it most likely wasn't enough I… No, we need to get stronger.
"we should start training and see if we can increase and get a hold on these new powers"
Everyone agreed with me, but Noah passed the one problem with the plan
"But where are we gonna train? It's not like we can do it out in public. I assume we should keep this a secret"
"Noah's right. We should keep this a secret from everyone. All it takes is one person, and the next thing you know we're locked up and being tested on".
It was clear that the weight of the situation began to sink in for everyone, and then Liam spoke
"I have somewhere we can train"