James winters
Opening my eyes I tossed and turned in my bed trying to fight the urge to use the toilet. But eventually it got the better of me and I sat up in the bed and wiped my eyes. Standing Up I made my way to the door but as I passed Nate's bed I saw that he wasn't there. Thinking he had gone to get some water or something else I didn't think much of it. I went and used the toilet but as I made my way back I heard someone banging on the doors to the mansion as I walked over I saw Liam and Noah had come over to investigate the sound. Liam opened the door and we were all shocked to see a bloody Stan panting at the door. I stood back and pushed energy into my hand. Stan took a step forward.
"N... Nate... Gone ... Hun... ter."
Stan collapsed to the floor with a thud. I looked to Liam
"Did he say Hunter?"
Liam turned turned to me concerned
"bring him in and bandage him up"
I went over and me and Noah lifted him up over our shoulders and brought him to a spare bedroom. We placed him on the bed just as Liam walked in with bandages and a suture kit. By the end of the hour Liam had bandaged and stitched up Stan and we all sat around waiting for him to wake up. Liam turned to us
"He said Nate was gone. What did he mean by that".
I looked at Stan then back at Liam
"he must've been taken by Hunter"
"but where to also why was Nate with Stan I thought those to hated each other"
He wasn't wrong Nate and Stan have hated each other for years. Why Nate and him were together is strange. Suddenly Stan shot up in a daze and went to attack Liam but stopped
"oh it's you guys"
Stan sat back resting his head against the wall. Liam stood up and went close to Stan. talking out his staff he pointed it towards Stan
"Now tell us what happened with Nate how do you know about Hunter"
Stan pushed Liams staff away
"No need to point your stick at me I ain't trying to fight you and I don't no who Hunter is or what he is for that matter all I know is he gave Nate some powers I have some and Hunter evil now that's all I swear"
Liam took his staff away and put it back on his back. Liam looked to us
"James, Noah outside"
Following Noah we walked outside the room and Liam closed the door
"How much should we tell him"
It was a good question how much should we tell Stan if he had powers like us then we could use the help against Louis or Lucius whatever his name was. so I said
"If Stan can prove he has powers we should tell him everything we know we need all the help we can get"
Liam and Noah nodded in agreement. And Liam said.
"Well it's decided if Stan can prove he has power then we'll tell him everything we know once he tells us what happened to him and Nate".
Walking Back into the room we all sat around the bed. Then Liam asked the question
"Prove you have powers and we'll tell you what we know"
Stan lifted his hand and shot out a large ball of energy which crashed into the wall.
"Is that enough proof for ya"
Liam's eyes went wide then back To normal and then he said.
"Tell us what happened, from the start"
Stan took a deep breath then begun
"It started 15 years-"
"Not from birth you dope. Start with when and how you got your powers"
Stan glared at Liam for a moment then explained what happened. He explained how he found a fifth marble which Nate had apparently dropped and once he discovered he had powers he told Nate to meet him and that's where they were attacked by Hunter and Nate held him off while Stan came to warn us. After he finished explaining we told him everything we knew about Hunter and Lucius and he was surprised to say the least.
"So you guys are what now superheros or some shit"
I looked to Liam and Noah then back at Stan
"Not really. I mean we aren't flying across the city saving people but maybe someday"
"Meh you guys can do all that shit."
"I'm sorry"
"I'm just saying you guys can do that hero shit i'll help when that Lucius guy appears and Hunter since I've got a bone to pick with him but after that I'm just going to go do my own thing"
"Well hey I guess once you help you can do whatever".
After we talked for a little longer we called it a night since it was the middle of the night after we slept we all met in the courtroom to decide what to do next with Nate gone we needed a plan to find Hunter and get him back that's if he's even alive, no he is alive, he has to be. We talked about where to look for Hunter when stan said something surprising
"Nate figured out that Hunter's weakness was light. If there's light on him he vanishes, so he most likely doesn't move around much in the daytime. Our best bet on finding him is searching during the night. If what Stan said is true then it would be a big help since we only had to search at night and not during the day. So when night fell we went out searching. The first place we searched was around Duvlin Academy even though there was a high chance Hunter had left we still needed to make sure after searching we found no trace of Hunter so we expanded our search to around the outskirts of the academy luckily for us Liam had found a set of walkie talkies for us to use and communicate which each other which made searching much easier and faster. But sadly after a few hours of searching we had to call it since the first rays of dawn came. Arriving back from the mansion we had to come up with a new plan. Liam got a physical map of the city and we planned to search the city in sections to make it easier. Night came and I had just woken up. I stood up and put on my gear and went to grab my glaive just then a hand which seemed to be made out of shadow reached for me. jumping back I launched a blast at the hand which shrunk back into the wall. I ran forward grabbing my glaive and ducked down just dodging another swing of the shadow hand which appeared in front of me. Busting through the door I grabbed my walkie talkie
I ran through the dark hall going for the light when Hunter shot out from the wall and kicked me in the side causing me to crash into the wall. Hunter launched a sharp purple energy spike at me which I just barely dodged using both my hands and legs to scramble forward and jump out of the way landing on my feet and ran towards the light I shot my hand out and heard the familiar click of the light but nothing happens then I heard a shrill laugh behind me. Turning I saw Hunter I fit of laughter then he said something that left me in shock.
"Did you honestly think I would just let you turn on the lights no no you ignorant fool there's no more light here for you"
Suddenly Hunter shot towards me at lightning fast speeds. I threw my glavie up to block the attack but Hunter swiped it away. He grabbed me and slammed me into the floor. He threw across the marble floor as i tried to pick myself up I was kneed in the stomach I cough up a mouth full of blood and crashed into the wall I looked forward but even with my vision blurred I couldn't see Hunter just then I felt his arm wrapped around me as he began to drag me into the wall just then a light shined into my eyes as Hunters hand disappeared and I fell to the floor. Looking forward I saw Liam walking toward us with a flashlight strapped to his shoulder. Thinking fast I painted my foot, grabbed Hunter and pivoted, throwing Hunter into the light causing him to disappear. I picked up my glaive and sprang forward just as Liam switched the flashlight on. Hunter had no time to react as I stabbed the glavie straight into his chest Hunter stepped back but only for a moment when Liam turned the light back on causing him to disappear again. Picking up my glaive I was surprised to see the tip covered in a purple goo and not the red blood I was expecting. Stepping back I leaned against the wall catching my breath just as Noah and Stan appeared with their gear. Stan walked up to the light and said
"Turn off that light and let me fight him'
"Absolutely not Stan, we need to wait. I'll turn off my light when we have a plan".
Stan mumbled something angrily and sat down against the wall and closed his eyes . I walked up to Liam, his eyes deep in thought.
"I think you should turn the light off and we'll all attack at once".
"It's risky but that could be our best bet"
Liam thought for a moment then said.
"Noah since your weapon is long range i need you to hold the flashlight and get ready in case shit goes south".
We got into position. I ready my glaive, Liam ready his staff and Stan stood up and took out 2 small daggers.
"Ready, 3... 2... 1... NOW NOAH".
Noah switched off the light and we all swung our weapons at Hunter. But before any of our weapons could hit Hunter a massive gust of energy exploded from Hunter pushing all of us back and into the wall. I landed with a thud and saw Hunter running towards me jumping to my feet. I just barely blocked the attack as Hunter kicked me. My back smashed into the wall, as Hunter punched me in the gut which caused me to spit a mouth full of blood in his face. The momentary distraction gave me enough time to throw my legs up and push off Hunter by imbuing energy into my legs. I shot off from Hunter and slid across the ground running forward. I grabbed my glaive and swung at Hunter who ran towards me and ducked under the swing. But just before he could attack me Liam appeared from the side and struck Hunter in the side causing him to tumble to the floor. In an instance Hunter had already regained himself and shot towards Liam who threw up his staff to block. Hunter grabbed onto the staff and pushed against Liam who pushed back. Just as Hunter seemed to gain the advantage Liam smirked and flicked the gold ring in his staff, the staff split in 2 and Liam grabbed the right side holding it out the staff extended into what looked to be a bat and Liam swung the new staff at Hunter which hit him square in the chest. Hunter skidded back but this time before he could get back up Stan jumped down from somewhere above and plunged his dagger into Hunter's back. Hunter yelled in agony and threw Stan off his back. Stan flipped through the air and landed with a thud.
"I told you I'd get you back, you piece of shit".
Hunter turned to Stan with pure anger in his eyes. He rushed towards Stan who swung his dagger but Hunter ducked under the swing. Hunter grabbed Stan and threw him into the air. Stan crashed through the air and out the roof and from my sight. Hunter turned to faced us and a shiver ran down my spine before Liam and I could reacted Hunter closed the gap between us in a second no doubt using energy to do so but just as he was inches away someone ran in front of us blocking the attack Hunter jumped back and looked at the person curious. The man walked forward, his eyes calm and sharp.
"I think it's in your best interest to step away from my master young man"
Me and Liam both watched in anticipation as Frederick walked towards Hunter.
CHAPTER 7: The butler.
"Well now young man it seems I'm going to have to beat some sense into you"
Liam and I traded glances as we watched Frederick approach Hunter.
"I had a feeling you were keeping a secret from me Liam but I didn't think it would be something like this. No matter".
Frederick lifted his cane into the air and unsheathe it to reveal a teal sword Hunter smirked and lifted his arm to the side and to my and Liam's shock he created a sword out of pure energy. Frederick threw the Sheath away and shot towards Hunter. In a flash both Hunter and Frederick turned into a flurry of strikes, Frederick's blade clashed against Hunter who seemed to be using energy to harden his body. Hunter ducked under Fredericks swing and swung his purple sword right at Frederick's head but to my and Liam's surprise a blue energy surrounded Frederick's neck blocking the swing Hunter's eyes widened as the blade snapped in two. Hunter jumped back just as Frederick swung his blade at him.
"So the old man has a few tricks".
"you should never underestimate your elders".
Hunter's sword reshaped itself and they both ran in the sound of metal clashing was surprisingly loud even with only one of the blades being made of metal. Sparks flew as their blades clashed, Hunter and Frederick both jumped back. Frederick landed beside us and turned to face us.
"I can't beat him alone. Liam and James remember what I taught you".
Without another word Frederick rushed towards Hunter. Me and Liam quickly followed behind, barely able to keep up with Frederick who rushed at Hunter, their blades clashing. I slid to Hunter's side and swung my glaive at Hunter who threw his free hand up and blocked my swing but he was unable to block Liam who's staff smashed into Hunter skull causing him to crumple to the ground. Me Frederick and Liam all stepped back confused
"is he dead..."
Liam's voice was hesitant as he slowly stood back. Poking him with my glavie before being slapped by Frederick on the back of my head. Frederick kneeled down inspecting the body while I went and picked up Liams flash light. I walked back over to Liam and Frederick and was about to hand Liam the light when Fredericks eyes widened and he turned and shouted something but not before a massive explosion force pushed me and Liam into the air. I felt my back crash against the roof of the mansion as a flew through I tried to gain myself but realised I was plummeting towards the ground I looked around for something anything to grab a hold on but I realised there was nothing in fact I could barely see the mansion I must of been thrown well over 400 feet but just as i had given up hope I saw I was plummeting towards what seemed to be a park and a little over 30 feet left of me was a tree aiming my arms out a shot a blast of energy which gave me enough momentum to grab a hold of one of the protruding tree branches which I used to slide down. Landing on my feet I took note of my surroundings. I wonder just where the hell I was. I knew I was near the mansion but as for the park I was in I was clueless, I decided my best bet on getting back was just heading in the direction I flew in from but just as I took my first step I was forced to quickly duck as a purple energy spike shot past my head and into the tree I looked and saw Hunter emerge from the ground. Hunter walked towards me and I instinctively took a step back.
"Well well James I must congratulate you on being the last one left".
"Only one left?. What the hell are you saying"
Hunter let out a small laugh.
"because you're the only one who hasn't been absorbed by my shadows... well you and the big fellow but let's be honest he's not coming back for a while"
No it can't be if he could beat Nate Liam Noah Stan and even Frederick how did I stand a chance against him. As Hunter stepped closer he shot towards me, Hunter closed the gap between us in only a few seconds and tried to punch me just before he could. I grabbed Liam's light and shined it on Hunter's hand causing it to disappear just before it hit me. Pivoting I swung my leg up and kicked Hunter in the head. Hunter stumbled back but quickly fell into the ground. I quickly Jumped back just as Hunter's hand came from the ground. I dodged each one of Hunter's hands Which shot up from random locations. It seems like Hunter could travel under the ground at an impossible speed. After a minute my luck ran out and my leg was grabbed by Hunter. I was dragged into the ground, I scrambled to grab my light but when I did, Hunter pulled me causing me to drop the light which sunk into the ground I turned and pushed all the energy I had into my arms and aimed it at Hunter a launched my first beam of energy which hit Hunter square in the face sending him deep into the ground and me into the air. I landed on my feet and tried to run but my legs gave out and I slumped against the big oak tree. This was bad. I had completely run out of energy and Hunter was still alive but luckily my luck hadn't completely run out. I saw Hunter jump out from a tree just dodging an energy blast from someone Hunter landed and skidded back. From the ground Liam Noah and Fredericks' unconscious body's seemed to have been thrown from the tree Hunter emerged from. Then what I saw next filled me with hope. From the tree a light shone out and Nate emerged with his sword and Liam's light in hand.
Nate anderson
Darkness I was floating in a dark void the same way I felt in my dreams but now I had hands I had feet I could open my eyes wiggle my toes then everything came back to me I was Nate, Nate anderson, how long had I been out, lifting my head I saw what seemed to be and endless void of merky black it felt like I was swimming but I could still breath but the air felt heavy denser than normal I tired flapping my arms which work better than I thought even if it made me look very unflattering. Swimming I tried to find something, anything, that might help me get out of here. That's when I saw Hunter dived down from above luckily for me he didn't see me and I watch as he stuck his hand trying to do something but whatever it was he looked pretty ridiculous doing it that's when I spotted something familiar around 30 feet above me and to the left was Noah he was relatively unharmed but unconscious nonetheless. Swimming over I tried to wake Noah But he wouldn't budge not really knowing what to do and not wanting to lose Noah in this void I tied him to my back and swam with him following along behind. I looked back up at Hunter and saw him trying to drag someone down into the void I saw towards Hunter knowing that this could be my only chance at escape but as I swam I saw Liam taking a chance I swam over I tied him to Noah. I swam with all my might towards Hunter but someone grabbed my leg I instinctively tried to kick but when I looked down
My voice was surprisingly loud but I had no time to think of that. Frederick was beaten and bloody but somehow the only one conscience in the void, he lifted his shaking hand towards me and to my shock made a solid ball of blue energy I picked up the energy which shot through my hand and straight to my energy pool which I could feel grow. Just after I took the energy Frederick also passed out. This was starting to get annoying I thought to myself as I swam towards Hunter with 3 people tied to me. Suddenly a bright light filled the void and Hunter was shot down into the void by a big spherical ball of energy Hunter swiped the ball away after a moment then turned his head.
"Oh shit"
Hunter's eyes widened for a moment before turning into a wicked smile Hunter swam over to me much later than I could swim
"Well well Nate you've finally awoken and it seems you found your friends"
I tried to move back but Hunter moved closer each time
"Welcome to my realm of darkness. This is where I died and was reborn it gave me new powers stronger power-"
Hunter rambled on. This was his big speech. He had clearly rehearsed this before Hunter turned his back to me monologuing about how I took his power and he wants it back. Using his distraction I looked around and saw a flashlight around 20 feet above me swimming up. I grabbed the light. But immediately had to duck as Hunter threw a ball of energy at me.
"You little shit you got me monologuing. You're crafty. I like that, too bad I have to kill you".
Hunter shot towards me and I scrambled to turn the light on just as I did Hunter grabbed onto me causing the light to fly out my hand. Hunter spun me around before I kicked him off me . I swam up and was surprised when a clump of dirt hit me in the face. Looking up I saw that my light which was still on had opened a hole to the surface but it wasn't high enough. Grabbing the light I swam up and showed the light which opened a hole to the surface. Just then Hunter swam in front of me not wasting another second I punched Hunter in the gut causing him to fly back out of the opening. Swimming towards the opening, I threw Noah then Liam and finally Frederick. Swimming over I took my sword out and took my first step then my second I looked around and saw James slumped up against the tree then I took a deep breath, my first breath of fresh air in days, then I looked to Hunter.
"Okay Hunter, now it's my turn".