CHAPTER 9: The man dressed in blue

9 years. It has been 9 years since the fire. I remember every moment of it. I remember taking up the smell of smoke, I remember the air being heavy and it was hard to breathe. I remember grabbing the first thing I saw a wooden box my mother gave me with a photo of my family inside. I remember hearing screams as I ran towards my brother's room but when I opened the door a gust of smoke and fire burst out causing me to fall back and hit my head on the wall everything began to spin I threw up onto the ground and fell to my knees my vision began to blur and I couldn't move. Just as I was about to pass out a figure appeared above me with what appeared to be a scythe on his back. That was it and I knew death had come for me. I was going to die here but just as fast as I passed there was a bright light. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a white room looking up. I realised I was in the hospital but more importantly I was alive somehow. That's when the door opened and a doctor walked in. He explained to me how there was supposedly a gas leak which caused the fire. The charred remains of my mother were found in the main bedroom while my father's body was found outside. But they couldn't find the remains of my brother. They say his body must have been burnt too far to be identified. When I asked how they got me out they said they found me passed out just outside of my house. Which didn't make any sense. Someone must have moved me from where I passed out. But I wasn't able to think about that, it took years to heal from that nightmare and I still get faint memories nowadays. But why was this dream so clear and why now it had been weeks since I've had one of these dreams and years since I've had one this clear.

I awoke from my sleep and sat up and looked around. Then everything came flooding back. I remember my fight against Hunter and the soldiers who attacked us. Standing up I went over to the white door and pulled on it but as I expected it wouldn't budge. Ran my fingers on the walls looking for any grooves but nothing. I was in a pure white room with only a metal bed and a small metal table. As I was checking my surroundings i heard footsteps approaching I moved as quickly and quietly as I could behind the door which after a moment opend and a man in a suit walked he looked to my now empty bed and his eyes widened he reached for his radio but before he could I chopped the back of his neck to knock him out a technique I learned from Frederick after he used it on me many many times. Exiting the room I found myself with only two directions to go in, up or left. Both were identical halls but before I could make my choice, two men in suits appeared on the left. Not wasting a second a sprinted ahead straight forward


The guards yelling became muffled as I turned a corner but that's when a blaring alarm rang out from above

"Well shit"

As I ran I heard multiple sets of footsteps heading my way. I turned right but saw about a dozen suited men running in my direction. Turning back I ran the opposite way but there were 2 guards that way not having much of a choice I dashed towards them imbuing energy into my legs I jumped over the 2 guards. Luckily I didn't see any more guards at the next turn I ran down but saw more guards approaching me so I turned left and ran but someone tripped my up and fell face first into the ground. Looking up I was surprised to see that I was not tripped by a guard but Liam who looked down at me smiling and shaking his head.

"You got pretty far, Nate. More than I did anyways"

Liam reached his hand towards me which I took.

"Okay you've got a lot of explaining to do"

Before Liam could respond we heard clapping. Turning my head I saw multiple guards walking towards me but leading the guards was a man in a blue suit. He looked to be about 50 but had smooth skin which was unnaturally pale. He had long black hair and deep eye bags and pure black eyes soulless and empty. The man walked up to me and reached his hand out.

"We finally meet Nathaniel"

I took and shook the man's hand

"You can call me Adrian"

"Okay Adrian can you explain where the hell am I"

"Yes, yes in due time Nathaniel but first please follow me since all of you have now awoken"

I turned to Liam who shrugged

"None of us know why we're here either we were waiting for you to wake up so he could tell us"

"How long was I out for"

"about one and a half weeks now you used up almost your entire energy pool during your fight"

He was right I hadn't noticed till now but I could tell my energy pool was significantly bigger than before even with the added energy from Frederick speaking of which.

"Where are the others"

"you'll be reunited with the other 2 soon enough"

"Other 2 there should be four others"

Liam put his hand on my shoulder

"Stan said he didn't want to deal with this shit and left and Frederick went back to the mansion so it's just me you James and Noah"

"Yes Yes I had no need for those other two just you lot"

I raised my eyebrow. I wanted to ask why he wanted just us 4 but I knew he probably would tell me not yet anyway.

"Now if you'll please follow me... OH and Jade please go get the other 2 and bring them to my office".

I turned around and was surprised to see a tall woman dressed head to toe in black standing behind me. How long had she been there I hadn't noticed her once but before I could ask her any questions she was gone.

We started walking behind Adrian when I noticed Liam looking at me strangely.

"Everything alright Liam?"

Liam shook his head.

"No everything's fine just not used to how you look now"

"What? Do I look different"

Liam's eyes widen

"Oh you haven't seen yet here look"

Liam pointed to an open door walking in. I saw it was a bathroom turning. I saw a sink and just above was a mirror. Standing in front of the mirror I was shocked my once rustic brown hair was now a crimson red my once blue eyes were now vibrant purple.

"What on earth happened to me"

No matter how hard I thought I couldn't think of a reason for why my hair and eyes were different.

"It's because your energy pool has been invaded by something foreign"

I turned and saw Adrian watching me


Adrian shook his head.

"Don't mind it the change is simply because something happened to your energy pool by chance have you confused foreign energy"

How did Adrian know so much about energy but before I gave it much thought I remember something

"I absorbed some energy Frederick gave me"

"Well then there you go that's why your hair and eyes are different now come we don't have a lot of time"

While his answer made sense, kinda, he did seem to know more about energy then me but something just felt off about it.

Walking behind Adrian and Liam we reached a white door Adrian opened the door and I saw James and Noah sitting behind a wooden desk and on the back wall was a big screen Adrian walked behind the desk and sat down and gesture for me and Liam to sit which we did.

This time I noticed the other people in the room which Adrian also seemed to notice.

"There's no point in hiding Nathen here has seen you please come here"

4 people 2 men and 2 woman.

"Here we have 4 of my top agents sadly their leader isn't here at the moment but you will meet him in due time now let me introduce"

The man on the right stepped forward

"Orian black"

The woman on the left stepped forward

"Jade cross"

The middle man and woman stepped forward

"And finally Luna storm and Axel Knight"

"These are my top soldiers in charge of eliminating the supernatural like yourselves"

I stood up and charged up a ball of energy but in a blink of a eye Orion had shot towards me grabbed my hand tossed me Iver his shoulder and had his knee on my back

"Orion that's quite enough" Orion looked at Adrian then to me reluctantly he let me go and walked over to the others.

"Don't worry Nathen I had no plans on harming you or your friends think about if I wanted to kill you I would of back at the park"

"They why keep us here why did you let Stan and Fredrick leave what do you want from us"

Adrian hesitated for just a moment but turned behind him.

"We need your help while my team is leagues stronger than you are target has a particularly annoying power which makes it... difficult for us to capture him"

Adrian picked up a remote and pressed a red button and the screen behind him came to life

"A little under a decade ago we encountered a young boy aged 10 in the wreckage of a fire which took the life of his mother and father, after further investigation we discovered it was him who caused the fire while using his newly discovered powers which lets him create portals to any place he can see including photographs"

Adrian handed each of use a document which I opened to see

"Your target is Ethan"

No it can't be.

"Ethan Anderson"