The Final Test

The classroom buzzed with excitement and nervous energy. The rearrangement test was just around the corner, and today the teacher finally gave them some news that made Lucien's heart soar.

"Tomorrow will be a preparatory leave for all students. Use this time wisely — the rearrangement test will not be easy."

Lucien sighed in relief. "Finally, a day off. I can actually catch up on my studying…"

[Or you could sleep, y'know. Before your brain explodes.]

"No time for that. I still haven't even touched Advanced Magic Theory!" Lucien whispered back.

[You've got a death wish, don't you?]

The bell rang, and Lucien quickly gathered his things, heading straight for his private training session with Professor Aldric. As he reached the secluded training grounds, Aldric was already waiting for him, arms crossed and eyes sharp as ever.

"Lucien. You're late."

"Only by a minute—"

"Excuses waste time. Summon Ignis."

Lucien sighed and held out his hand. "Come forth — Ignis."

In a swirl of embers and heat, Ignis appeared, flames dancing around his small, mischievous form. The fire spirit stretched its tiny arms and twirled in the air with a delighted crackle.

Aldric's face softened just a little, his eyes reflecting the flickering light of Ignis's flames. Despite his usual stern demeanor, there was an unmistakable glimmer of wonder.

Lucien noticed it immediately. "Professor… do you like spirits?"

For the first time, Aldric hesitated. His voice, when he spoke, was quieter. "When I was younger, I… felt them. I could sense their presence, but I could never see them. Many believed I was imagining things — that I was chasing dreams. But then you… summoned one right in front of me."

Lucien blinked in surprise. He'd never seen Aldric look this vulnerable before.

"Ignis's existence proved that spirits are real," Aldric continued, his eyes fixed on the little flame. "For that, I am grateful. But also cautious. Spirits are powerful… and dangerous. I do not know their nature. Their intent."

[He's giving off serious 'overprotective parent' vibes.]

Lucien ignored the system's comment. "Ignis has never been anything but loyal," he said firmly. "He fights with me. For me."

Aldric studied Lucien's face for a long moment before nodding. "Even so… if you wish to use Ignis in the combat exam, you'll have to prove your control."

Lucien tensed. "How?"

"I'll administer one final test. If you pass, you'll be freed from my training and can use Ignis freely. If you fail…" Aldric's voice grew colder. "You will not be allowed to rely on him in the forest."

[Ohhh, dramatic.]

Lucien swallowed hard, but his eyes didn't waver. "I accept."

Aldric's lips curled into a faint, approving smirk. "Good. Then prepare yourself… tomorrow, you'll face me."

To Be Continued.