The time period in which the events transpired in the story is just past 3669 UAE(United Age and Era). UAE is basically the time period when coexistence between Slimekin and humans were attained thanks to the efforts of Dr. Vos and Professor Klin. Dr. Elara Vos Stream Eidenlithe was one of the key discoverers of the "Mindstream" as well as the research and devices that were created to harness it, being a human she was quite driven when it came to research so much so that most people claimed the research involve with the "Mindstream" where wholly hers, also one of the many to lead and advocate as well as a founder to the council that ushered in UAE. Professor Klin Bob Mind Slieve was basically the main discoverer of the "Mindstream" on the Slimekin side, most of his theory and formulae regarding the multiple devices use to harness it was said to be mostly and wholly his as well as being the main advocate to establishing the foundations for the UAE.
PSE(Pre-Slimekin Era) Ages long ago way before slimekins were a thing the humans and the predecessor of the slimekin already have encountered each other. The humans created the "Goo" which was the result of pollution, nuclear waste and unsanctioned and indiscriminate experimentation with humans as well as a variety of creatures. It was a hive mind that was constantly evolving via assimilation of creatures, there were so terrifyingly effective that humanity was almost wiped out along with its planet. As humans are great with making problems for themselves they are also quite adaptable and persevering they somehow manage to find a way to stop the menace called the "Goo" by creating specialize machines that effectively removed the "Goo's" hivemind capabilities. As this occurred which they succeeded in defeating the "Goo" via basically splintering it off to many sub sections imbuing them with an individuality thus the Slimekins came to be. Essentially they are the "Goo" splintered off Hett the core, and gained individuality retaining some memories of the assimilated creatures within the old hivemind. Peace was attained as shaky as it was this went on for millennia's. Until at one point due to a major accident within their home world both species were forced to flee away from it as it was lacking natural resources and simply the world was falling apart. With this occurrence the Slimekin and humans were completely separated from each other their ships drifting far apart from each other. Over time they soon arrive to their respective planets in which they struggle to survive and do the best they can persevere the records and data that they've brought with them to no avail, thus the connection between the two species were cut off entirely as they roll through the ages in there respective planets. Records of the PSE were lost in time or completely became indecipherable as species both are somewhat keen with warring each other.
HSEE(Humanity's Space Exploration Era) for the humans and SSpEe(Slimekin Space Exploration era) was when both species discover primitive means of space travel via using natural gas and resources. This era went on for about 3 millennia and after that both entered there own advancement to the souped up modern Era or HSUME(Humanity's Souped Up Modern Era) for the Humans while SUSME(Souped Up Slimekin Modern Era) which basically advances amenities as well as energy production technology were being refined and master enabling both species making strides in both quantum mechanics and nuclear energy production via safe fusion-fission efficient compact engines. With great strides towards technology came strife and destruction, years later or approximately 300 years both species entered their own ages of war involving and risking their own worlds in the process. HWW1-10(Human World War 1-10) Era and SGCW1-10(Slimekin Genocidal Chemical War 1-10) devastating time periods for both species as they entered war amongst their own kind in their new home worlds. Totality of both the species' conflict among each other lasted about 2 millennia bringing total casualties to absurd numbers ever recorded going above a trillion in its whole duration. HSRP(Humans Survival and Recovery Period) and SSRP(Slimekins Survival and Recovery Period) the worlds at the brink of destruction technology was also reverted to several millennia backwards as they managed to stop killing each other off somehow. SSRP started 100 years earlier than HSRP which result in the slimekins managing to be the first among the two species to begin colonizing other worlds thus this period last for only about 1and a half millennia before HUEC(Human Unification Era and Colonization) and SUEC(Slimekin Unification Era and Conquest).
Both species began colonization of other distant planets across their systems and eventually the surrounding and neighboring galaxies which brings us towards FCE(First Contact Era) in which both species happen to discover each others old and derelict messages that they send out to space during their respective Space Exploration Era's. The back and forth derelict message hunting lasted for about 200 years and then it happened humans move to the ACE(Actual Contact Era) in which they managed to rescue an emergency pod of a Slimekin. Humans became aware of the slimekin folk 10 years earlier than their counterpart. 100 years after the Slimekin makes contact with the human the first interspecies war happens and introduces TWE(The Warring Era). Where the humans with a reconnaissance armada accidentally wipe out the slimekin colony of Erelis IV diplomatic relations failed to be establish between the two species unaware that they were each others pen pal centuries ago. The strike against the slimekin was quickly retaliated via destruction of human colony Nova Helios thus war ensues. For about 100-350 years both sides are constanly conquering each others colony's and subjugating their respective peoples with atrocities in every conflict war exhaustion eventually caught up upon the two species thus forcibly ending hostilities for a period of time. As somehow war exhausted leaders from both sides were able to come into their senses and manage to sign an intergalactic truce between the major species. A millennia of uneasy truce ensued which eventually lead to the discovery of the "Mindstream". 200 years between the truce and discovery of the "Mindstream" was the CHWE(Cold and Hidden War Era) a lot of espionage and sabotage were occurring interspecies trying to get one leg up higher than the other. Year 3109 TE(Truce Era-AkA open hostilities between interspecies ended)- Year 3490 FE(Foundation Era) "Mindstream" gets discovered by the duo Vos and Klin and soon the foundations for making the which spearheads the era of unification. 3497 UAE The council was established and 3500 UAE Council stabilizes thus peace was attained between interspecies with the help of the "Mindstream".