Chapter 2: The Wedding
"Okay, it's happening, it's real," Shola
muttered to herself, wondering in her
thoughts. "Is this where I run away?
Should I just call the whole thing off?
But Tobi is a good guy; he loves me,
and he's just on the other side of this
door, waiting for me," she continued
with a confused look on her face.
"Shola, Shola," Ebube called out to her,
tapping her back to consciousness.
"Lost in thoughts again, I guess. You
had better not cry with that makeup on;
you don't want to know what you'd
look like," Ebube said with a smile.
Shola replied with a smirk, "I'm good. I
guess I'm just overwhelmed. Wedding
rush, you know na. When you get a
man, you'll..."
Just as she was about to finish, the
cracked door opened, and it sent
shivers down Shola's spine. It was
really happening. She was getting
married to Tobi.
"Okay, this is it, baby girl," Ebube said,
interrupting her thoughts yet again.
"One step at a time, Shola. Don't give
too much away. And remember to
"The makeup," Shola said, finishing up
her statement.
The first step was the biggest step of
her life. She could feel her heartbeat all
over the place. She had hesitated to
take the first step until she saw her
mother's face.
Her mother was her biggest source of
strength right from childhood, like when
she had her first period and was too
scared to tell anyone. Atinuke, her
mom, was the first to know. "Shola,
you're a woman now o. Look, don't be
scared to talk about it. It's something to
be proud of. Tell your friends, okay?
And for the pain, I'll get you something,"
she said with a feeling of
"Shola, you're off again. You're nervous,
I get it but you have to move; people
are, begining to notice" Ebube
whispered, trying to get Shola to move.
She took the first step, and the rest
went well. She continued walking as
slowly as she could. Looking to the left,
she could see her crazy friend Lola
making a funny face at her and urging
her to smile, placing her two index
fingers on the edge of her lips, making
a smiley face.
All eyes were on her. She could hear
people whispering, "She's beautiful o,"
"Shey this one cannot smile ni?" "Did
her mom force her to get married?" "I'm
sure Dad wanted this for business
"Shola, this is the point where you
smile. Don't listen to anyone; just take it
slowly," Ebube said, looking at the
commenters with disgust.
Shola nodded in agreement.
The hall was filled with so much life—
the many flowers around the hall, the
decorations, the numerous people
present in the hall, the different colors
of aso ebi, the scent of different
perfumes, even the smell of freshly
made jollof rice coming from the
catering stand. Everything
was in place and depicted the real
definition of a Yoruba wedding.
She looked up, and he was just there,
smiling all the way.
Sliding into her thoughts again, she
could remember how she and Sadeeq
had practiced walking down the aisle
together. He was willing to do anything
for her. At a point, she began to wish he
was standing in place of Tobi. "Pull it
together, Shola," she said to herself,
clinging to her bouquet. "What if he
decides to show up?" she said to
herself again. "Do I go with him? But he
left me with no words for months. I
shouldn't feel bad," she added to her
Just then, she got to the staged altar
created for them. Her dad had refused
to have it in a church. "I have my
reasons," he said to her a few weeks
"You are really beautiful," Tobi
whispered to her with a wide grin on his
"Thank you," Shola replied with a low
Tobi was a successful businessman
based in the UK. He had moved back to
Nigeria to start his own company. He
was also an only child, tall, brown-
skinned, with a very nice physique. He
was really handsome and had nice dark
hair. All of these were never a bother to
Shola. She had only agreed to marry
him because he was nice, he reminded
her of Sadeeq, and he had been there
for her when Sadeeq had disappeared
for months.
She watched as he said his vow, his
face filled with so much excitement.
"He isn't bad; he hasn't given me any
reason to hate him," she said in her
Just then, the priest called her
attention. "Shola, your vows." She
snapped back to reality and said her
"You may kiss the bride," said the priest.
Tobi was quite taller than her. He had to
stoop down a little to kiss Shola. He
held her face with both hands, drew her
close, his lips smacking against hers.
Her eyes shut, and his hands went
around her waist. It was their first kiss,
and at that moment, Shola felt a spark.
She could feel her heart beating fast
and couldn't help but reach out to his
neck with her petite hands. It was a
surprising moment for Shola. Did she
really love him, or was it just the sound
of the calm music? It was left for her to
find out.
The reception had started almost
immediately, and Shola had already
loosened up. She found herself smiling
at everything Tobi said. Everyone
seemed happy. Her mom and dad
would occasionally wave and smile at
her, and she would giggle a little, her
head downwards.
"Would you like to eat now?" Tobi asked
her, putting his hand around her
"Hmmm, if you're eating too," Shola
replied, looking directly into his eyes
and then looking away,
feeling shy.
"Oh well, I can't eat without my wife, I
guess," he said, reaching for her right
Shola gave a sheepish smile. Just as
she raised her head to focus on the
activities going on while Tobi tried to
sort out their lunch, she noticed a
familiar figure standing at the entrance
of the hall. Just as she was trying to
stretch her neck to see who it was, he
"It was Sadeeq," she whispered to
"Did you say something?" Tobi asked,
looking concerned.
"Hmmm, nothing at all. Just in the
moment," Shola replied her voice filled with worry.
"Alright then," Tobi answered.
Just as they were about to make a
toast, a lot of noise was heard coming
from outside the hall. There was a bit of
a fuss in the hall, with people trying to
figure out what the problem was.
Shola quickly called Lola over. "I think I
saw him just by the door. He was
standing there. What if he's the one?"
Shola said with fear in her voice.
"Just calm down. Lemme go check out
what the problem is," Lola replied,
rushing out of the hall.
At that moment, Shola's heartbeat
began to race. She knew something
was wrong.
"Babe, calm down. I'm sure it's just one
little misunderstanding," Tobi assured
Shola nodded in agreement but was
still worried.
Ebube called out to her from the door at
the back of the hall. "You need to come
out now."
Shola managed to pick up her pace and
rushed out through the back door. Tobi
had gone after her, calling out to her.
Everyone in the hall had already been
distracted. The MC had tried to calm
everyone present in the hall, but the
noise kept getting louder and harder to
ignore. People started making their way
to the entrance of the hall to catch a
glimpse of what was happening.
"Why is this happening today of all
days?" Shola's mom said in a worried
"You said you had taken care of
everything, Otunba," she said to her
"Woman, calm down and don't jump to
conclusions yet. Sit here and wait. I'll
go out to see what is happening," he
replied, reaching for his fila (cap).
Shola got to the main entrance of the
hall and found a large crowd
surrounding a group of men.
She made her way to the front with Tobi
right behind her, only to find out it was
one of Tobi's friends. He had slapped a
guy caught vandalizing their wedding
banner. She turned to get a glimpse of
the said guy, and it turned out to be
She had chills going down her
spine.She seemed confused.
Why now? she thought to herself.
"Sadeeq!!!!!!" Shola screamed out in