In the blink of an eye, the void disappeared and now I am standing in front of a concrete house which was of two floors and there was a more rural building made of concrete. When I looked at myself I was dressed in a suit that I wore just before I died in my previous home planet. When I looked back there was an endless field of wheat shining like gold. I was unable to see its end. The sun was up in the sky. I can feel the winds. It was quiet there's not even a single person I can see.

Suddenly I recognized the house which was there in front of me. I can't believe but it was in front of me. Yeah, that.... that was my previous planet house. I was born here in this very village. Now in another blink, I was inside my former house where I had lived for three years. But who is that small child why his hair color is brown and had black eyes like me and there is also a woman who has brown hair and blonde eyes is that my mother then that man with black hair and black eyes with broad shoulders and a beard on his chin should be my father but why they are celebrating sitting on the chair and there is cake too.

I moved and said "Mother, father!" but they didn't listen to anything. It means I am in my memories. But how? Suddenly the door opened there was a person in a black cloak coming near to the dining table and when my father stood and said something he stabbed him with a dagger then my mother took me and started running to go outside the house but he stabbed my mother and she falls on the ground with me she died. Then the man spoke by pressing his device which was small and attached to his ears "mission complete." He was gone. In the blink of a seconds.

I remember it correctly this incident I know that I killed him and the one who was given the order and his family. Then I didn't ever recall this memory it hurts. Why this memory all of them why this one? The tears started coming from my eyes they wouldn't stop for some minutes And I cried. Then I make myself comfortable by saying to myself "It's okay I have taken my revenge It's okay." I still remember this all but why and how I can see my past? Is this one of the powers given to me by that god? Is she making me recall my memories so I can become strong? Or this is one of the effects of the power that I received from that god?

Now there was a crowd in my house. One of them found me alive below my mother's and took me in his hand. He was silently watching me. Another man with black hair and black eyes was my uncle he said to the man who had taken me in his hand "Let's take him to an orphanage." Man said "Okay"

Now again the scene was changed.

My previous body was turned big I remember now it was when I was nine years old. If I was correct then this orphanage is going to shut down because the government stopped the funds. Suddenly I was in the orphanage manager's room she was talking to one of the government officers wearing a police suit he arrested her.

Now I was in a room where I and many children were there. A man with white hair and blue eyes with a devilish smile on his face was looking at us. He was a noble cruel one who punished his slaves even if they didn't make a single mistake. He even kills his slaves for fun.

He murmured, "They will be good slaves."

I can't do anything to change this I can just watch this from the sideline. Yeah, it makes me angry. Then a woman with handcuffs on her hand. She has pink hair and pink eyes coming in from the door with police behind her. She was the manager of this orphanage which I saw in the previous scene. Her name was Sina. She shouted, "Don't even think about making these children slave you filthy noble." The noble looked behind smirked and replied softly "Don't worry I will take only two of them and throw the others"

She shouted back, "Not a single one and they are going to transfer to another orphanage. Don't even touch them."

The noble smirked again and softly replied "I had taken the permission from above. So, don't worry they are not going to transfer anywhere and I will also take two of them as my slave." Sine irritatedly said "You filthy devil let go of the children I know you have a problem with me. Don't involve them. you pervert." The noble lost his cool and started beating her with his hand. Then after a few minutes, the policeman said "Sir! Please stop we need her alive the judges have said for the execution but we are not allowed to execute her here."

The noble stopped and said, "As you say."

Noble went to the children's side with a grin on his face. He said to the children softly "I will only take two of you. Because of your manager, you all have to take her sins." He stopped and then he called two children and took them away from us. Then he ordered the rest of the police "Throw the rest of the children outside this orphanage and burn this whole building." After taking the manager, the noble with two children started going outside of the room.

A police officer came and ordered the rest of the children to go outside the building. When they all went outside the building I also followed them with my previous self. Then police officers start burning the building. The crowd starts forming outside the orphanage building to see what is going on like a television show shooting is happening here.

The people started murmuring and making their theory of why this all was happening as the children started to move away from the crowd they were walking while crying but the crowd ignored them. But my past self had just a sad face but didn't cry. I remember that I was just sad because of the arrest the Sina.

And I also remembered that noble will be executed after 7 years in front of the royal capital. And I was also present there in the crowd I remember it. That filthy noble face at that time.

By the way, our orphanage's manager was too good for us, she always played with us and also showed us some fighting spirit techniques. She was a decent martial artist.

Now the scene changes again. I was standing beside my previous self in the stands of an arena. I focused on my brain to remember this event. Then I realized that after being thrown out from the orphanage I started to work in the shop the shop's owner was kind enough to give me the space to live food to eat in his house and a little amount of money as wage.

Right now my previous self is fourteen years old and the match is going to begin in the arena to choose the ninth king of the kingdom the one who loses this fight will become his knight till the king is alive and after the the king's death new tournament form by the council to choose a a new king for the kingdom.

The commentator commented "Dear ladies and gentlemen! Who comes to see our new king and knight? The match is going to start now. Don't worry about anything the invisible shield at the edge of the stands will protect you all. Just sit and enjoy. Now final round candidates 'caster' and 'shimon' come on the arena." After a few moments, the caster and Shimon come to the arena. Caster was holding a single long sword and Shimon was holding a spear.

The referee shouted "Begin"

Shimon charged forward aggressively to the caster. Caster clashed with his sword with Shimon without hesitating, by only that large amount of the wave formed. It was like they clashed with the full power they had. After that, some more clashes happen between their long sword and spear for a few minutes.

I know they were using ki for every clash and also to boost their speed. I moved forward far from my previous self then I jumped from stand to arena. As I was watching my past I was not excited there so no commotion happened. Now at their clash, Shimon used ki and fighting spirit both to increase his speed and he made lots of cuts on the caster's body but the caster was able to stop bleeding with his fighting spirit.

Now they moved taking each step backward from their opponent. It was like they were thinking the same thing Shimon was surprised to see the caster had a small smirk on their face after all the dozens of slashes. Caster used his special technique with his sword. His sword started glowing after pouring fighting spirit into his sword. And Shimon did the same with his. Then his spear starts glowing and he also uses his special technique. The multiple clashes start happening again with each clash producing an enormous amount of energy wave hitting the shield. Within a few minutes. The first shield out of the three was broken. I was unable to see what was happening because a lot of sand was erupting from the ground.

When the dust settled both were still standing but their weapons were broken into several pieces. They both looked like they had come after taking a bath in a river of blood. There were several cuts on their body. For a minute they didn't move from there. But a few minutes later Shimon fell to the ground.

The result was there. The commentator announced the new king was a caster. The arena was filled with the shouting and chanting name of the caster like a volcano had been erupted.

I came near my previous self again where I was standing before. I remember after seeing this I was surprised then my dream also became to become the strongest in the whole continent. But for that, I needed to go to the academy. The problem was the fee which I could not afford which was too much for me.

Suddenly the scene changed again like the ice melting and after a few moments.

I was standing again beside my previous self walking alongside him in the street of Volhara yep it is the main street of our city volha because of its market. I remember that I came here to buy the shop's materials. But why I am seeing this day's past? I even don't know the date of this day is there any special event going to happen on this street? Hmm? Let's just follow my previous self for now It is not like I can go too far from my previous self.

After following for some movement.

Huh? What is going on at that corner of the alley? I remember now what happened at this. This was the day when I got a step closer to my revenge. After that day I decided to become stronger than anyone on this whole continent to get my revenge and show those filthy devilish nobles that a commoner kid can also become king or knight in this continent.

My previous self ran toward the group of muscleheads who were bullying a noble child who looked like 14 years old not to gain anything but just to save a person.

As my previous self clash clashed with one of the men and my previous self punched nothing happened the man didn't even flinch a little all the men who were bulling the noble turned their gaze toward my previous self. As they turned to see my previous self hopefully that child knew how to use ki perfectly.

He tightened his grip and punched with ki to one of the men with a single punch the man was unconscious. Then he lifted his right leg and did a sidekick to another one using ki but the energy of the fighting spirit was also coming from it a little faint. Of course, it will be because fighting spirit was not a child's play it was a lot tougher than using ki.

By seeing the kid using both ki and fighting spirit. The other men ran with two who became faint after a single punch and kick each respectively. Yeah, of course at that time I was unable to sense ki and fighting spirit. My previous self asked "How do you do that?" then the noble child explained "I just use ki which everyone uses in fighting. And thank you for saving me."

After a pause, he asked, "Can you come to my house?" I replied, "Yeah, okay but I have to inform the shop's owner first where I work."

He said "Okay! Let's go together then."

We start walking together to the shop. On the way, he asked, "What's your name?" I answered "It's Nova Veincer" and asked, "What's yours?" The noble boy replied, "It's your road sa jeniyold my majesty." Just like that joking and laughing we arrived at the shop."

Ronald was waiting outside the shop as I was. After a while my previous self came out with taking permission. Rohald asked, "Which shop is this?" My previous self replied, "It's a medical shop."

After a moment later we arrived at the mansion.

There were so many guards staring at my previous self when we went inside the manor. It was too huge inside there was a long table and several chairs in between and the sofa on one side. Inside was glowing with several artifacts and devices. Rohald asked permission for a meeting with the family head.

We sat on the sofa. After a Few Minutes, a person came he was a little old but well-dressed and mannered. It was the family's head butler and also the chief butler of the house. He told us to go to the family's head. when we arrived at the door of the family's head Rohald said to my previous self "Please wait outside for a while." Then after butler and Rohald went into the room.

After a few minutes, the butler came and asked my previous self to come inside. As I went inside there was a table in front of me and a family head who was quite handsome just like rohald. He has purple hair and black eyes just like rohald. He was sitting on the chair behind the table.

I introduced "Myself Nova Veincer, My lord." the family head said "Thank you for saving my son back at the alley. I hear everything from my son and he asked me to make you his guard at the academy. So, I want you to ask if you want to be admitted to the East Royal Academy we will pay for the tuition fee and all and also give you the wage monthly. You just have to guard my son in the Academy. Do you accept it?"

My previous self was surprised. After a moment my previous self said " Yes, my lord I will do it."

After some more talk, we came out of the room. The family head said to my previous self to shift here at Manor for the preparation of the entrance exam. After coming outside the manor my previous self asked Rohald did you ask all of this from your family head? He said, "Yes I asked as my gratitude and aren't we friends?" My previous self replied, "Yes, we are."

The scene changed again and now.....