"And in breaking news, chaos broke out in downtown Seattle when a masked man attempted to rob Lila's Café; luckily no one was hurt." Mike cut off the news anchor by switching off the TV in his office.
He glared at Brooke, who sat crossed-legged across the desk. "Do you want to explain why this clown wanted me to play along in this?"
Brooke shrugged impassively. "I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about."
Anger filled Mike, and he pounded his fist on the table as he stood on his feet. "Don't play dumb with me, Brooke; this has your idea written all over it."
She exhaled, and her green eyes narrowed. "Alright, at least no one got hurt. He used blanks, and you were a hero out there."
Mike grated his teeth. "Christine was the hero out there; it was reckless and stupid. The fact that you didn't inform me of this dumb plan is the reason why I want this PR crap to stop."
Brooke jumped to her feet and stepped up to him. "Listen, Mike, I know you're upset."
"You're damn right, I am!"
"Sure, things went out of plan, but you have the media's attention now; think about it."
"Did you think about what happens when the police find out the robber's an actor?"
"Leave that to me. He knows what he signed up for."
Mike ran a hand over his face in disbelief. "I didn't ask for this, Brooke." He murmured and pointed his index finger at her in fury. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
Brooke flinched, and her face turned white as snow. "Okay, from now on I'll let you know all the details."
Mike grabbed his jacket from where it lay on the top of his chair. "Good. Lock the door on your way out."
With that, he moved past her and out the door, slamming it behind him.
* * * * * * * *
I watched Mike walk towards the parking lot; the sunglasses he wore did not hide the annoyance on his face. I rubbed my arm and shivered from the events of the day.
I'd never done anything so crazy; seeing Mike almost get hurt was terrifying.
Mike climbed into the BMW and started the engine. "I'm sorry it took so long; I needed to check on... a couple of things."
"Are you okay?" I asked.
The car zipped forward and into the road.
"I'm fine," he murmured. "Mad, grateful."
"Yeah, no kidding," I replied.
The rest of the ride was silent, until we got to the mansion.
"I could go for a drink right now." Mike told me as we walked into the house. "How about you?"
"Hmm, yeah," I agreed. It wasn't everyday people who survived a major attack.
We crossed the foyer and into the kitchen. I yelled in surprise upon seeing a short and wide woman in a gray uniform sorting out the fridge contents.
She looked up and craned her head at me.
"Oh, it's just you, Alma." I breathed with a sigh of relief.
"Senora Christine?" Alma stood and hurried up to me with a warm smile. "Is it really you?"
A faint smile spread across my face. The housekeeper had been kind to me while Mike and I used to date. "Yeah, how are you?"
Mike walked past us for the pantry.
"Very good." Alma replied in a faint Mexican accent. "When Michael informed me you were moving in, I thought Gracias Dios, he's finally come to his senses."
I clenched my teeth and made a soft sound. "Uhm, we're not actually getting back together."
Alma nodded but her dark eyes were filled with great disappointment. "Si, he told me about what happened to your home. Those poor kids. I'm glad you two are able to put aside your differences for them."
Mike came back with a bottle of scotch and two glasses.
Alma took my hands in hers. "You two were so good together until that puta ruined everything."
"Alma," Mike warned, he handed me a glass of scotch. "Don't bother Christine with all of that right now."
Alma nodded and shot me a look. "He was miserable without you."
"God, enough already." Mike drained his glass in one gulp.
I took a sip of mine, the hot drink passed through my throat. Unfortunately, the thoughts of Mike being miserable was the last thing on my mind at the moment.
"What's gotten into you two?" Alma asked, puzzled.
"Nothing, it's been a long day." I answered.
"Only a few days with the kids and the kitchen looks different." Alma noted. "Someone left an empty milk carton in the fridge and I found a Barbie and hairbrush in the bedroom hallway."
Mike and I exchanged a look, he simply shrugged and filled his glass again. Yeah, welcome to my world. I thought. She'll definitely be seeing more than Barbies and empty milk cartons.
"Hmm, I'll talk to them about that," I replied.
Just then a stampede of footsteps headed into the kitchen, Beth, Kimiko and Daphne walked in. Kimiko ran to give me a hug.
I held her tightly and kissed her dark hair. "Hi baby." God, I'll never take anything for granted ever again.
"Who's the old lady?" Beth asked flatly.
"And who are you calling old?" Alma bristled.
I sighed. "I'm sorry, Alma, that's Beth"
"She tends to be...vocal about everything." Mike offered.
"I do not." The fourteen year old girl protested, glaring at Mike through her dark eyeliner.
Alma crossed herself while looking at Beth, as most people would do when they saw her.
"Daphne, and this is Kimiko." I introduced myself.
"Hello," Kimiko told Alma softly.
"Your hair is a mess." Alma commented on Kimiko's wild hair. "We'll fix that up. How about a bath before lunch?"
Kimiko simply stared at the housekeeper and nodded. Alma gestured for her to follow along out the kitchen.
"What the heck Christine," Daphne held up her new cellphone with a hiss. "We totally just saw you and Mike on the news."
"Shh," I said quickly. "How'd you find out?"
Let's face it, the kids snooze over watching the news.
"Uhm, Tik Tok?" Daphne replied.
I shut my eyes. Of course.
"Yeah, we totally saw the CCTV footage." Beth said with admiration. "You were totally badass. Too bad that guy didn't die."
"Oh boy," Mike murmured.
"Let's keep it under wraps, I don't want Kimiko getting worked up," I said, trying to keep the situation light. Both girls looked at me with disbelief.
"I assure you, we're both okay." Mike said.
"Where's Millie?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Out," Daphne replied.
I frowned. "Out where."
"With Ross." Beth answered and yelped when Daphne punched her arm.
My heart dropped to my stomach.