It was eight o'clock, and he had never slept this late before. There's a saying, "The spring night is too short and the sun rises high, and from then on the king doesn't attend morning court early." He was almost like a昏庸 king.
When he moved, the girl in his arms also moved a little. Su Ci was still sleeping, holding his strong waist with her small hand. When he reached for the phone, her soft body clung to him, wrapping around him.
There was still a hint of the tenderness from last night in Fu Nancheng's eyes. He hung up the phone and held the girl in his arms, continuing to sleep.
Half an hour later, Su Ci woke up naturally. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while. Her eyes were full of confusion. The alcohol had completely worn off, and for a moment, she didn't know where she was.
Just then, a deep and magnetic male voice came to her ears. "Awake?"
Su Ci turned her head and saw the man's peerlessly handsome face. It was him.
The memories of last night instantly came back. So it wasn't a dream. She had really slept with Fu Nancheng.
Su Ci's little head seemed to explode with a "bang". She had thought that was the last time she was a substitute, and there would be no more connection between her and this man in the future, but they...
Looking at her still-frightened eyes, Fu Nancheng sneered and curved his thin lips. "You don't have to get up so early anymore. You can sleep with me a bit longer."
No wonder she got up so early every day. It turned out that as soon as it was dawn, she had to become Su Ci again.
Su Ci was so scared that she bounced up and sat straight. She was completely in a state of confusion now. She didn't understand why he had a relationship with her. She was Su Ci!
Just then, Fu Nancheng also got up. He strode into the bathroom and started taking a shower.
Su Ci quickly put on her clothes. Her face was a bit pale. Just then, a melodious ringtone of a mobile phone sounded. It was a call for Fu Nancheng.
It was from Su Xue.
Su Xue's call was undoubtedly a reminder of Fu Nancheng's status as a married man. Su Ci stood there awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.
When Fu Nancheng came out, he saw her standing there, staring at his phone. Su Xue was calling again.
He walked over and hung up Su Xue's call.
Just then, there was a knock on the door, "Knock, knock, knock". Secretary Song's voice came from outside the door, "President."
"Come in."
Secretary Song came in and handed something over. "President, this is what you asked for."
Fu Nancheng took the thing and handed it to Su Ci. "Take this."
In his palm were two white pills. Su Ci looked at him. "What is this?"
"Contraceptive pills."
Su Ci's eyelashes trembled.
"Su Ci, you don't think I would have a child with you, do you? Be a good girl and take these contraceptive pills. I don't want any unexpected things to happen."
"Also, don't let anyone know what happened last night, especially my Mrs. Fu. Got it?"
His voice was cold and heartless, like a knife.
They were both adults, and of course, Su Ci understood what he meant. She took the contraceptive pills, put them in her mouth, and swallowed them in front of him.
"Mr. Fu, I've taken them. If there's nothing else, I'll leave now." Su Ci turned around and left.
Fu Nancheng looked at her back, his eyes obscure and hard to understand.
Secretary Song asked in a low voice, "President, what about the Su family..."
Fu Nancheng didn't say anything. Just then, a slender figure walked in. Su Ci actually came back again.
"Miss Su, is there anything else?"
Of course there was.
Su Ci came up to Fu Nancheng and threw a small thing in a platinum package hard at his handsome face.
"Mr. Fu, I came back to tell you that there's something called a condom in this world. If you don't want girls to get pregnant in the future, please put it on and take care of your countless descendants!"