We have been discussing and planning the future without thinking about time, so when we finished our discussion it was already dark outside.
I left the office exhausted mentally, from telling him about the future, providing a proof of my words and trying to convince him took toll on my undeveloped brain so I was thinking coming home and sleep straight without even thinking of food.
I went straight to the bed and I fell sleep.
Meanwhile my uncle was having a conversation with his wife Anna Uzumaki
He said " Dear do you believe what he said about the future " he had expectant face
She replied " I don't know all of that if you believe it for our own good. Nothing bad comes out being prepared for the worst kind of future"
She then sighed and continued " I might also be pregnant and I was thinking the name kushina would be a good name if it was a girl, maybe we went with that name " she looked happy.
He sighed and said " Okay I chose to believe him and tomorrow I will tell the elders about his dream and prepare our selves without relying on konoha from now on" he sighed helplessly thinking about the elders
He began to thinking if he had a child what would be his but he ultimately led his name the child In the future.
He suddenly looked at her and said " Dear I would like you to teach Arashi fuinjutsu, He was really interested and was in a hurry to gain strength since his chakra pathways are blocked " he looked at her like he was pleading with her
She then smiled and said " Okay I would also like to see if he can live up to the hype he's been getting since he was born. I will make him a great seal master" she said while licking her lips
He laughed weirdly as if he was expecting something bad to happen and said " please take care of him since he lives alone in his and has no one to take care" she looked sad for few seconds
He continued " he's been distracting himself in learning things to not remember my sister's death, so please take care of him" he was requesting her to take care of him
She sighed and said " Okay don't give me those puppy eyes I also like to take care of him since i have been with him since he was a child not to mention he is my friend's child and also I have a lot to ask" she said with expectations
She continued " if what he said is true does that mean I would give to a daughter and when is little older we will give her to
konoha so that she could be jinchuriki for the Nine tails like aunt Mito " she had worried face
And she continued " I don't want my daughter to be the jinchuriki of that village, I heard the villages treat jinchurikis worse than a prisoners so I won't give my child to them "
He sighed and looked like he was in some kind of trouble and laughed weirdly as if he was wronged.