chapter 1 Roy

I might get late . Ha ha ha ...

Faster faster ... ha ha .....

Good morning sir .

May I come in.

Hey see him he is always late.

Sorry sir. Sorry everyone.

It okay Roy. Go and sit (teacher)

After the class resume .

After the class. Break time

Hey Roy did you get late again due to late night sleeping.

What can I say friend . I tried but I can't wake up at time.

Enough with that what are gonna do after the high school. Even our finals are coming next months.

I gonna attend a famous college what about you.

I too.

I too.

What about you Roy.

Oh ! I will think about it.

At the school Roy has many friends being a chair full guy He has many friends.

Even though Roy is orphan he has more than enough money that he can run his entire life without worrying about food. But he still works at a hotel nearby.

After returning from college he goes directly to the hotel to get stating working.

At a time Roy is going to nearby Street to deliver food.

La .la.. today my work is finished after delivering the food.

Hay lady give me your purse. I will leave you alive.

Sir please no my daughter is very serious need of medicine and I need money to buy medicine.

The burly man doesn't show a ounce of kindness and throw the lady aside and pick the purse.

Ha today my alcohol and gambling money is up.

Roy seeing this directly calls the police.

Hello sir, its Roy speaking I have met a burlyman bullying and looting the week women. Would you come to assistance.

Ok Roy we are coming. Don't get in fight it may be dangerous.

Seeing the burlyman about to leave and old woman crying Roy couldn't control himself.

Hey old man give the old lady her bag and I will let you go.

Hey boy you have guts coming and confronting an adult. Did your mummy didn't teach you About to not talk to your elderly rudely.

Ha ha hahaha.....

After saying that the burlyman punch Roy with his left fist.

Roy douge the fist nimbly . Throwing the cycle to the side . He jump six foot in the air while spinning in the air he kicked the burlyman in his chest .

The burlyman fell on the street.

Hey boy you got power but don't understemat me . I am also a gang leader . I train in marshal art and gym regulary


by tearing open his t-shirt burlyman beat his cheat like gorilla and charges at Roy.

Roy dogges the attack of the burlyman left, right, jumping, like a flexible cat.

Occasionally Roy puch the man in his face, stomach, the fight going for ten minutes. Both side were havely tired . Both are haaphing.

Boy you got great strength and stamina.

You also Oldman. You aren't any less.

Ha haaaaaa..... the buly man laughed and asked. Boy do you like wolk for me.

Roy: Nah~ i don't like to work will ugly and criminals guy like you.

So be it. The bulyman said and take out his knife end Roy life in one go.

Roy seeing the situation get serious also focus his mind and consontrat.

All his attention on the men and his knife.

Which out waiting anymore the both charge. The man attack the directly at Roy heart aming to end his life.

Roy dogges narrowly jump and then bend. Kicked with his right leg.

Sound of something blocking was heard. Like two egg cracking. And bullyman fall on the floor. With his eyes rolled in .

He became unconscious.