Like a thunder a cry rang in sky.
At the same time lightning clouds surrounded the sky.
Seeing Roy vanished the black gangster became shocked. He try to find the boy, turning left and right. At the instant a pont came to his stomach and he fainted rolling his eye.
Seening this other gagster also became shocked and fearful of the boy.
But due to numbers advantage they still tried to comfort themselves.
Boys don't be afraid of this little kid , he is just a small kid and we are 100 people. We will capture him again like last time , said the vice boss.
At that instant a punch hit his skull. A Sunday of something breaking rang out and the vice boss also fainted.
After that cry of agony could be heard . Some people calling monster , some try to run ,some cried like baby begging for forgiveness.
But after some time the cry became silent .
Only the raging fire voice could be heard .
Cloud rumbled and rain started.
Next day hospital.
Hello ! the patient has open his eye.
After hearing that Roy open his eye .
Where am I ?
White room hospital bed. It seems hospital.
Why am I hear?.
After thinking for a while his head stating aching.
He fainted again.
After some time he heard the sound of someone calling .
Roy ... Roy....can you wake up.
Slowly i started opening my eyes.
I saw my uncle John standing infront of me. There was also a young nurse and a middle age doctor .
Roy are you alright. Mr John asked seriously.
Yes . I nodded.
Mr John check my body and keep a sigh.
It's OK if you alright.
Than, Roy what happen at your house.
Roy think deeply than he remembered.
Yes. At night some gangster suddenly enter my house unnotesly . He told Mr John the whole incident from beginning to the time when he fainted due to excessive exhaustion in the fight with the gangster.
After that you seems to forget about how you are still alive and what happens after that .
Did someone came and save you.
After processing throw your thoughts, you became composed.
You said all the thing that has happened to you to your uncle John.
After learning from you . He thought deeply. he said to you that he will go investigate the case. After saying to recover faster he Left ....
Time laps.
A week prior at the night of insidet .
Some people a house burning from far called fire fighters and police for rescue and run towards the house .
When he went near the house he saw a big mansion burning in the fire and outside the mansion nearly 500m far many men lying down unconscious.
He quickly got their and checked condition of few men and he don't understand anything .
After few minutes of time firefighters arrive they began to rescue people and called the ambulance and start putting off fire.
With the help of firefighters the fire put off soon . The police has already arrived the patient are being transferred to hospital.
After some investigation the man was released.
At the hospital a helicopter arrived. From the helicopter a slight man with 7 foot hight arrive .
He seems to in his thirty. He was Mr John.
After he arrived he asked about the report.
The policeman describe the whole incident.
At the time he arrived at doctor's room.
The doctors was seeing the report of many x-rays. He seems confused and having some understanding.
Hello doctors, what have you found.
Oh ! Mr John welcome welcome. I just finished seeing the x-rays it has shocked me.
What have you found doctor.
Hmm. ?.!
I have ground that many of the man has their bone cracked, thar is not the only thing.
Their bone has tuned powder.
It is serious doctor. Nearly 150 people and more than 50 percent has there bone almost turned poweder .
That is not all at all. The must confusing thing is that only bone has turned powder but their body doesn't have much damage .
It seem some force directly attacked their boon and turn them powder without damaging their muscles.
Hmm After thinking for a while John decided to directly from them when they wake up.
Doctor when will they able to gain consciousness.
After 2 or three days.
And doctor how is the boy.
The boy his condition was critical but after some blood supply he seems to get better.
When he was bought his condition was critical his bones were broken, his blood was almost fifty percent lost. But thanks to his timely arrival he is saved.
After hearing the doctors report Mr John seems to somewhat relaxed.
But the doctor continues ..
But there is one thing I don't understand. He don't have any serious external injuries then how did his blood was lost. The doctor seem confused.
After hearing the doctor though...
Mr John seems to have some suspicion about something. So , to confirm his suspicion he stat to wait for the gangster to wake up.
Two days later.
One of the member of gangster wake up.
Mr John came to introget him after just few minutes after.
After coming to the room.
He asked directly.
What did you see their .
Tell me honestly. Don't try to lie to me or you
will experience something worse than death.
After seeing the face of Mr John the gangster star to shiver. He has seen the face of this inspector in the most dangerous people you don't want to see if you are criminal. It was a internal database of criminal to identity officer.
Seening Mr John serious face he start telling everything that happen in the mansion .
He even said how Roy deleted everything on his own. How he knock down each person with one punch.
After listening his explanation and other gaster explanation. He cross check the information after that he was sure Roy awaken.
Now he has to think how he will handle it and sighed.