Mathews' face remained serious as he left the balcony, following the voice that had called him. He stopped at the staircase railing between the two grand staircases leading downward and glanced up at the third floor. From there, he could see his mother speaking with his grandmother. Moments later, his mother was about to call him, but when she noticed Mathews, she simply gestured for him to follow the older woman instead.
Before heading upstairs, Mathews turned slightly, glancing back at Stella, who was still leaning against the balcony railing with her back to him. Even from a distance, he could see how her fitted white t-shirt accentuated her small waist. His gaze lingered on her for a moment before he finally made his way up the stairs.
As he ascended, his eyes passed over the portraits of the family's previous heads, ranging from navy officers and generals to businessmen. Their resemblance to him was undeniable. He knew that, someday, his own portrait would be displayed among them.
His footsteps slowed when he reached the portrait of his grandmother, the first woman to become the head of their family. Unlike the long line of men before her, she stood out with a composed smile.
Mathews was well aware of what she had endured to claim her position. The woman in the portrait was the eldest daughter of the former head, and she had surpassed her two younger brothers, proving herself more capable despite her father disregarding her simply for being a girl.
Upon stepping onto the third floor, Mathews immediately made his way to the room where his mother had entered his grandmother's office.
Without knocking, he pushed open the door. Inside, his grandmother sat in a grand office chair, while his mother and grandfather occupied the sofa.
The moment he entered, an unusual tension filled the air.
His grandmother looked at him before rising from her seat and approaching him.
"Mathews" his grandmother said warmly. "We have decided that it's time for you to start strengthening our company and securing your position"
Mathews glanced at his grandfather and mother, but neither of them met his gaze.
His grandmother stepped even closer.
"You know as well as I do that many are vying for positions in the company. Your uncles and cousins all want power and are doing whatever they can to secure their place"
She stood directly in front of him, placing her hands firmly on both his shoulders.
"A few months from now, you'll meet her. She's currently in Paris for her career, but soon, you'll get to know each other. Get along with her. She is the daughter of our most influential major shareholder"
Mathews' initial confusion shifted into quiet annoyance, though he made sure not to show it. His grandmother continued smiling as she held his shoulders, maintaining her firm grip.
He already knew what she meant. He stood silently, waiting for her to release him, knowing that this was more than just a conversation; it was a command. The weight of her hands on his shoulders was a silent warning.
Defiance was not an option.
"Oh my god! Congrats, girl! I knew you could do it! I never doubted you!"
Eya squealed over the phone to Stella, her best friend.
She had just received the email that morning. Though still half-asleep, Mathews had been on her mind for days since their interaction on the balcony, but the news snapped her wide awake.
She had been accepted into a well-known modeling agency. Finally, after months of sending her portfolio to different agencies, someone had finally given her a chance.
She had anxiously been waiting for months, checking her inbox every day. After receiving nothing but silence from the agencies she applied to, she had almost lost hope.
"Thanks, Eya! I was really shocked. I didn't expect Ellumiére Models to accept me" she said, rereading the email for the third time, making sure her name was actually there just in case they had sent it to the wrong person. She was nervous but also incredibly excited.
"Oh, come on! Why wouldn't they accept you? You're tall and slender, your body is naturally model-thin, and you've got a pretty face! It makes total sense!" Eya's words gave her confidence a boost.
"Aww, thanks, Eya! You're the best. See you later at school!"
After saying goodbye, she read the email again, smiling to herself.
Subject: Congratulations, Stella! Welcome to Ellumiére Models
Dear Stella Martinez,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join Ellumiére Models as a new face. After reviewing your portfolio, we believe you have great potential, and we are excited to welcome you to our team.
To prepare for your training and upcoming opportunities, we kindly ask you to visit our agency for an orientation session where we will provide all the details regarding your training schedule, expectations, and first steps in the industry.
Please confirm your attendance by replying to this email. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Ellumiére Models Talent Team
She quickly sent her reply confirming her attendance. A few minutes later, she received another email thanking her for the confirmation. The moment she read it, she let out a squeal of excitement before rushing to the bathroom to take a shower.
Stella descended to the first floor, her mood light as she greeted them. "Good morning, Dad, good morning, Auntie, and Grandma"
She smiled warmly at her stepmother, who returned the gesture, and at her grandmother, though the older woman only gave a small nod. As Stella took her seat, she instinctively glanced at the other chairs, expecting to see Mathews, but instead, his grandmother was sitting there.
"Isn't it time for you to start calling her 'Mom' instead of 'Aunt'?" the older woman suddenly asked.
Stella stiffened, caught off guard. She hadn't expected that, and for a moment, she didn't know what to say. Should she explain that she was still adjusting? That it wasn't easy for her?
"Mother, it's okay" her stepmother gently interjected, looking at Stella with a reassuring smile.
"I'm sure it's not that easy for her," she reached out slightly. "It's okay, dear. Don't worry"
Stella was relieved, thankful that her stepmother had always been kind.
"If you say so" the older woman murmured, her tone unreadable.
Even from their first meeting, Stella had felt it. The head of the Windsor family, Mathews' grandmother, had never truly accepted her. There was always a weight in the air whenever she was around.
But she refused to let it ruin her day. As she remembered the email she had received that morning, a small smile found its way to her lips while she continued eating.